More cookie keys
Fred Wright
fw at
Wed Dec 21 03:17:37 UTC 2022
On Mon, 19 Dec 2022, James Browning via devel wrote:
>> On 12/18/2022 6:02 PM PST Hal Murray via devel <devel at> wrote:
>>> The commit message for that is lacking the blank line after the summary
>>> line. This means that some git tools treat the entire commit message as the
>>> summary, creating obnoxiously long lines in their output. It's too late to
>>> fix the existing commit message without a forced update, but it would be
>>> good to avoid that in the future.
>> Thanks for the heads-up.
>> This seems like a bug in git. Is there a reason they haven't added a check
>> for this?
I suspect that this is because it was never considered a sufficiently
rigid requirement to warrant a built-in check.
Some third-party git tools consider the summary to be just the first line,
though the git suite itself uses the blank line as the delimiter.
Conceivably this was to allow for the possibility of multiline summaries,
though a summary that uses multiple lines while still being adequately
short for single-line formats seems unlikely. And in any case, separating
the summary from the rest of the message makes it more readable.
This issue has been showing up more and more in the Linux kernel sources
of late. Perhaps many developers are using third-party git tools that
cover up the issue.
Aside from the appearance in certain one-line formats, the presence or
absence of the blank line affects the split between the %s (summary) and
%b (body) interpolations in format strings:
MacPro:ntpsec fw$ git show -s --format=%s 87358bc90
Update NTS cookie code to save 10 days of cookie keys. This will let NTS
clients that only probe once a day work without needing to hammer on the
NTS-KE server. Previous code only saved 1 old key so clients probing once
a day would have to get new keys every other day.
MacPro:ntpsec fw$ git show -s --format=%b 87358bc90
MacPro:ntpsec fw$
> I think it should go in a hook that gets called before the
> commit happens.
Yes, there's such a thing as a pre-commit hook, though I don't know the
details well enough for a specific recommendation.
>> What is a forced update?
The general idea of git is that all commits are immutable, and *past*
histories should be as close to immutable as possible. A commit ID is a
hash of everything in the commit, including its parentage, its file state,
its message, its date, etc., and as such cannot be preserved while
changing *anything* about the commit. This is good from a reproducibility
perspective, since it means that a single commit ID is a handle on an
immutable state of the current files, the associated metadata, and the
complete history thereof.
There are tools which give the appearance of modifying one or more
commits, but what they actually do is create new commits with some or most
of the properties of the old ones, and then (typically) update the branch
head to point to the latest replacement commit. So from the perspective
of that branch, it looks like some recent commits have been "modified", as
long as you ignore the fact that they all now have new IDs. But
references from other branches and/or tags still point to the old ones
unless they're explicitly updated.
The simplest example would be commit --amend, which "amends" the head
commit on the current branch by replacing it with a new version and
updating the branch head accordingly. Although it appears superficially
that the head commit on the branch has been modified, in reality it's as
if the old head commit were deleted and then its updated version appended.
Since this is not a strictly append-only operation (sometimes referred to
as "fast-forward"), it's "rewriting history", which is highly discouraged
in *published* branches. It's perfectly OK to do this all you want in
your local repo, but once you've pushed a branch to a public repo, then
pushing that sort of change to it is disallowed by default. The push
command itself can override this with the -f option, but if the remote
repo has the branch protected against forced updates then even that won't
It's also possible to "modify" commits other than the head commit, but for
that you use interactive rebase, which allows a wide variety of changes to
be applied to any of the commits mrer recent than a specified starting
point. Again this is perfectly OK locally, but you should be done with it
before "publishing" the results.
The reason forced updates are disallowed by default is that rewriting
history causes problems for anything already referring to the previous
commit IDs. This is even a potential problem within a local repo, but at
least there you can deal with any such issues yourself. When branches in
*shared* repos get forced updates, that potentially causes issues for
anyone who'd already obtained the earlier version, and hence "git fetch"
similarly refuses to perform non-fast-forward updates to local branches by
default. Also, "git rebase" may have to work harder amd have more
potential conflicts when the point of divergence between the branches has
been moved back by a forced update. So even after you've managed to get
your forced update "published", others may have to contend with its
Eric *once* did a forced update of the GPSD master, to get rid of some
"bubbles" in the history (probably caused by someone's misuse of "git
pull"; personally I never use "git pull"), but he announced this on the
dev list in advance so that devs could be prepared for the possible
consequences. It actually turned out that "git rebase" handled this
surprisingly well in this case, though that could have been different.
>> Is there any way to delete commits from gitlab? If it were local, I could
>> just nuke the top two and resubmit.
No need to "nuke" anything. *Locally* in this particular case, you'd
$ git rebase -i HEAD~2
Then you'd change "pick" to "reword" in the first commit in the sequence
editor, write and exit, then edit the commit message in the next editor
Or, even better, you'd instead change "pick" to "squash" for the second
commit, and then fix up the combined commit message in the message editor.
That merges the two commits into one and avoids the intermediate broken
state in the history. But it's still too late to do this after pushing
the previous state to the public repo.
> Well, no, but actually, yes. It involves locking,
> unprotecting, and forced pushing, followed by re-protecting
> and unlocking the 'master' branch of the remote repository.
That's only explaining mechanism, not policy. :-) The *reason* for the
"protection" mechanism is that forced updates are highly undesirable.
> Quite possibly with a side of garbage collecting
> housekeeping/maintenance commands. IIRC.
Most likely not. A manual GC just to clean up two orphaned commits isn't
really justifiable.
Fred Wright
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