Re: ✘Python 2.7 broken

Richard Laager rlaager at
Sun Dec 13 06:41:50 UTC 2020

On 12/12/20 9:17 PM, Gary E. Miller via devel wrote:
> No, the tests are run before installing in DESTDIR.  So that you can stop
> and not install broken things.

> You want to be using the
> built files before installing in DESTDIR.

Agreed 100%.

The tests run before install and need to work in the _build_ directory, 
not the installed location (PREFIX, LIBDIR, PYTHONDIR, PYTHONARCHDIR) 
and not the temporary install location (DESTDIR/PREFIX, DESTDIR/LIBDIR, 

[Replying to Hal here too.]

On 12/12/20 11:33 PM, Hal Murray via devel wrote:
 > You want to test before install.  It would also be good to test post
 > install, but that gets complicated if you have installed into DESTDIR
 > rather than the normal working place.

As Fred said, things need not work in DESTDIR. DESTDIR is for building 
packages. It is reasonable to want "as installed" testing (which you and 
I have discussed before) at some point. What we have right now is 
post-build/pre-install testing. But either way, neither of those involve 


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