Re: ✘Python 2.7 broken

Fred Wright fw at
Sun Dec 13 03:19:07 UTC 2020

On Sat, 12 Dec 2020, James Browning via devel wrote:

> On Sat, Dec 12, 2020, at 6:41 PM Gary E. Miller via devel <devel at>
> wrote:
>> Yo James!
>> On Sat, 12 Dec 2020 18:35:13 -0800
>> James Browning via devel <devel at> wrote:
>>> The following patch clears it up on the machine I bisected on.
>> No, that uses the installed ntp module, not the one being tested.
>>>          pypath = destdir + ctx.env.PYTHONARCHDIR  # + os.sep + 'ntp'
>>> -        env = {'PYTHONPATH': pypath} if destdir != '/' else {}
>>> +        env = {'PYTHONPATH': pypath}
>> You do NOT want to use the module in destdir.
> I thought I wanted to use the module in DESTDIR. To find install issues
> before the ground drops out under me. Given that you know better, I will
> not interfere with your rewrite.

While having some form of post-install testing would definitely be useful, 
the normal testing is intended to be used *before* installing.  In 
addition, the purpose of DESTDIR is to allow "installing" the code to a 
temporary area for packaging purposes, and code in general isn't required 
to function correctly in the DESTDIR location at all.

Fred Wright

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