1.1.6 build fails on FC30

Fred Wright fw at fwright.net
Sat Apr 18 00:33:28 UTC 2020

On Thu, 16 Apr 2020, Hal Murray via devel wrote:

>> Because RS232 signaling is negative logic.
> That's what I used to think, but somebody corrected me many years ago.
> The data is upside down but the control signals are not.
> From https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RS-232
> under Voltage levels
> For data transmission lines (TxD, RxD, and their secondary channel
> equivalents), logic one is represented as a negative voltage and the signal
> condition is called "mark". Logic zero is signaled with a positive voltage and
> the signal condition is termed "space". Control signals have the opposite
> polarity: the asserted or active state is positive voltage and the de-asserted
> or inactive state is negative voltage. Examples of control lines include
> request to send (RTS), clear to send (CTS), data terminal ready (DTR), and
> data set ready (DSR).

But the polarity difference between data and control lines is precisely 
the reason for the inversion.

TTL RxD/TxD signals are active-high, while RS-232 RxD/TxD signals are 
active-low.  The common level converters take this into account, and hence 
are inverting.  This means that active-high RS-232 control lines become 
active-low TTL control lines when the same level converters are used.

That being said, there's nothing in the RS-232 standard about repurposing 
a line meant for modem control for a PPS signal, so there's no "official 
standard" for the polarity, and it's up to the receiver to decide that. 
Unless it clearly states the polarity in the spec, you should check.

Fred Wright

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