Why is ntpclients/ntploggps.py in ntpsec rather than gpsd?

Hal Murray hmurray at megapathdsl.net
Wed Dec 12 22:25:17 UTC 2018

>> Is there reason not to move it to gpsd?  And most gpsd could care
>> less?  Its only use is with ntpd.

> Maybe because gpsd does not use it?

Maybe somebody would use it if they knew about it.  Is there any problem with 
putting it in gpsd?

How stable is the API between ntploggps and gpsd relative to the API (aka file 
format) between ntploggps and ntpviz?

>> This is another tangle similar to the NetBSD/curses mess with ntpmon.
> No, that is a whole 'nother level of mess. 

Please enlighten me.

ntpmon doesn't work if you don't have curses installed.
ntploggps doesn't work if you don't have gpsd installed.

What''s the difference?

>> If we want to keep it here, should we remove the
>> ntp (version string) dependency and move it to contrib?

> Nope, it is important for ntpviz users to have it.  It should be a full
> partner in NTPsec. 

Does/should ntpviz work without gpsd?

Is gpsd logging any more important to ntpviz than temperature logging?
There are several temp loggers in contrib.  Why shouldn't ntploggps fit in 
there with them?

These are my opinions.  I hate spam.

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