
NTPfiend ntpsec at goldhill.co.uk
Sat Mar 9 09:48:36 UTC 2019

Just under a week ago, I updated ntpsec to the latest (ntpsec-1.1.3+) 
from ISTR 1.1.1.   Since then, running a cronjob at 0000z with ntpviz, 
produces a nasty spike of local clock jitter, offset and clock wobble.   
The system rapidly recovers.


I now run the graph production nice'd to n -19 but there is no 
discernible difference.   No other cronjobs run at 0000z.

I would be inclined to think my Raspberry Pi:
    Hardware revision 0010, Model B+
    Uputronics GPS board
was inadequate but I don't recall such a performance hit with the 
earlier 1.1.1

I'm not sure what to try next; it seems inadequate to have to run ntpviz 
away from the ntpsec R Pi.   What have I missed ?

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