proposal for sntp program: include 'delay' in json output

folkert folkert at
Tue Jan 3 11:12:59 UTC 2023

> > > > Lost me.  What about sntp do you want to put on gitlab?
> > > 
> > > Oh, reading these in reverse order.  I think you are offering to
> > > add this as a Merge Request on GitLab?  Yes, that would be good.
> > 
> > Can I please send the patch via e-mail? I've been struggeling with
> > gitlab for an hour and whatever I do it keeps complaining that I'm not
> > allowed to push to the project (my own clone, in a branch).
> You don't push to the "project" - you start by forking the project on GitLab
> and then cloning the fork.  It's useful to also add the main repo as an
> additional remote, frequently called "upstream", so you can update with new
> upstream changes as needed.

I did that.

> Once you have that setup, you push your local branch with the intended
> changes to your fork, and then create a merge request from there.  The setup
> part above is a one-time thing.

I also did that.
That's why I'm confused why I get this error.

thank you,


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