proposal for sntp program: include 'delay' in json output

Fred Wright fw at
Tue Jan 3 10:02:06 UTC 2023

On Tue, 3 Jan 2023, folkert via devel wrote:

>>> Lost me.  What about sntp do you want to put on gitlab?
>> Oh, reading these in reverse order.  I think you are offering to
>> add this as a Merge Request on GitLab?  Yes, that would be good.
> Can I please send the patch via e-mail? I've been struggeling with
> gitlab for an hour and whatever I do it keeps complaining that I'm not
> allowed to push to the project (my own clone, in a branch).

You don't push to the "project" - you start by forking the project on 
GitLab and then cloning the fork.  It's useful to also add the main repo 
as an additional remote, frequently called "upstream", so you can update 
with new upstream changes as needed.

Once you have that setup, you push your local branch with the intended 
changes to your fork, and then create a merge request from there.  The 
setup part above is a one-time thing.

Fred Wright

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