TrimbleMime-Version: 1.0

Hal Murray halmurray at
Tue Feb 8 10:55:10 UTC 2022

Have you got it working yet?

Gary said:
> Yesterday I fire up my Trimble RES360.  And it is 2019 all over again. I
> peeked at the TSIP binary, and it is sending a negative GPS Time OF Week
> (TOW), and an extended GPS week of 2048.  For reference this week is GPS week
> 2195.  Transmitted as week 147 (2195 modulo 1024). 

Is this a production model or did they slip you an engineering version so you 
would find things like this for them?

Is the negative week -147?  In which case, you can just add an abs() and go 
back to work.

Did they forget a byte swap?

These are my opinions.  I hate spam.

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