thinking of tagging 1.2.0 for when NTS is officially official.

Mark Atwood mark.atwood at
Sat Jun 6 19:32:23 UTC 2020

> You are missing a key word in there.  Listen "in addition" or "instead"?
> When I first read your message, I assumed you meant in addition since instead 
> doesn't really make sense to me.  But maybe I'm missing something and 
> "instead" is what you have in mind.
> I really don't want to support listening on 2 ports as more than a temporary 
> hack.
> How about we go through steps 1, 2, and 3 with me just sending email when I 
> push the changes?  If the RFC comes out first, we just skip to the end.

That makes more sense, do that instead.  Thank you.


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