Missing build bots for tags, websites down.

Matthew Selsky Matthew.Selsky at twosigma.com
Mon Dec 21 18:48:39 UTC 2020

Hi James,

>    We currently do not have builders for the tags freebsd-11, freebsd-12, and
>    ubuntu-1604-lts. It would appear that in the late unpleasantness that the
>    builders detached. This should be fixable by having the
>    builders admin(s) reattach them in the settings. It should be possible to
>    migrate the cross builder to Docker. I will work on that shortly.

The FreeBSD/cross-builder images are failing due to an unrelated snafu for our GCP VMs.  Moving the cross-builder to Docker would be excellent!

Can you also mark all 3 CI targets as allow-to-fail in order to allow everything else to proceed?  We can revert that once the GCP issues are worked through.

>    Also, [1]docs.ntpsec.org and [2]www.ntpsec.org still seem to be down. It
>    is claimed to fixable from respective settings menus, by making them
>    public.

www.ntpsec.org was moved back to GitLab pages and it should be working now.  docs.ntpsec.org is still pending some work by GitLab support.


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