Hal Murray hmurray at
Tue Dec 15 02:14:24 UTC 2020

Gary said:
> I'm not on Debian.  I'm on Gentoo.  Not the same. 

Are you using LD_LIBRARY_PATH.?

> We should only be programming to the POSIX man pages.  So we get some
> portability. 

We have to do something when POSIX doesn't cover a topic.

The man page for Gentoo look very similar to the one from Fedora or Debian.  FreeBSD and NetBSD are different.

> The next, and important, question, is whether runtime now works for you?

Yes, after I add /etc/ containing

I think we should install such a file containing LIBDIR
on systems where /etc/ is a directory.

I don't think it will break anything and it will fix the new Fedora case.

These are my opinions.  I hate spam.

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