✘Python 2.7 broken

Gary E. Miller gem at rellim.com
Sun Dec 13 01:07:45 UTC 2020

Yo All!

NTPsec git head broke Python 2.7, badly.  Chrome, Mozilla and Kodi still
require Python 2.7.

Gentoo, RHEL, and other distros still support 2.7.  We even have users
on 2.6.

To support existing 2.7 users I run several hosts on 2.7.

Please fix ASAP.

Build log attached.

Gary E. Miller Rellim 109 NW Wilmington Ave., Suite E, Bend, OR 97703
	gem at rellim.com  Tel:+1 541 382 8588

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    "If you can't measure it, you can't improve it." - Lord Kelvin

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