Port assignment

Hal Murray hmurray at megapathdsl.net
Sun Mar 24 03:00:10 UTC 2019

>>> The port assignment thing is much more important.
>> Yes, but not going to happen this weekend.

> Is that anything someone else could add?

It turned out to be simple.  I was thinking I was going to need to modify many 
layers of code to pass the port number around, but it was already there inside 

I just pushed a fix, but the test case seems to have vanished so I can't 
verify it.  zoo.weinigel.se responds to non NTS packets on port 123 so I'm 
guessing they moved it.

Are you in touch with anybody behind nts-test.strangled.net or 
zoo.weinigel.se?  We get through the NTS-KE part but NTP+NTS isn't working.

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