Docs we will need

Hal Murray hmurray at
Mon Feb 4 21:40:12 UTC 2019

Richard said:
> That said, on a Pi, if you write the time to a file on shutdown, then you
> will be accurate enough for certificate checks to pass on reboots and outages
> shorter than a couple months. 

Eric said:
> Thanks, it's important to know the order of magnitude of the slack there.

At shutdown probably isn't good enough.  You don't get clean shutdowns on a 
site wide power loss.  Maybe shutdown and a weekly/monthly cron job.

Are there other files we can use?  log files?  They are all based on normal 
activity using the system clock so if the clock is off, they all get polluted. 
 Maybe the ntpd drift file?

These are my opinions.  I hate spam.

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