What is the expected lifetime of code we ship?

Hal Murray hmurray at megapathdsl.net
Fri Sep 15 19:16:02 UTC 2017

>> Suppose we release some code.  Assume it is bug free so users are happy.
> You can drop that assumption without any change to the outcome.

I was thinking of roughly the following:

Suppose the code is good for 20 years after the build date.  That covers GPS 

If we have a security fix that requires rebuilding the code every 5 years, 
the code will keep working over GPS rollovers without any explicit action on 
our part.


My straw man is that we will support our current code in all versions of 
major OSes that are supported by the vendor.  But I haven't figured out what 
"support" means.  Does it include old versions?  How old?

What happens to conservative organizations that are still (happily?) running 
an OS version that is no longer supported because it works and they don't 
want to rock the boat?  (or don't have the skills to upgrade)

These are my opinions.  I hate spam.

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