Future of 32 bit time_t?

Hal Murray hmurray at megapathdsl.net
Tue Mar 14 00:55:59 UTC 2017

fallenpegasus at gmail.com said:
> Are there any worrisome performance or conformance issues with time64_t on
> any of our 32bit targets?

I can't think of any performance issues.

I'm assuming we will avoid any conformance issues.

I think the main issue is code simplification and clarity.

Plan A: get rid of time64_t
Plan B: convert all internal use of time_t to time64_t

If the world is going to shift to a 64 bit time_t soon enough, then Plan A 
make sense.  We get clean code and it will just keep working when 2038 

We will have to figure out how to handle %ld vs %d in printf format strings.

Plan B would require conversions between time_t and time64_t at all 
system/library calls.  That's probably just a simple wrapper for the calls 
used often enough and a dummy variable and few lines of code for the others.

These are my opinions.  I hate spam.

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