Policy question - drop low-precision clocks?

Hal Murray hmurray at megapathdsl.net
Mon Jan 30 08:31:32 UTC 2017

esr at thyrsus.com said:
> In the wake of the dumbclock removal, I'm now wondering if it makes any
> sense at all to retain refclocks that report only in-band time to a
> precision of a second.  That is, without 1PPS. 

I think you are on a wild goose chase.

You can get very accurate timing from a serial port without PPS when the text 
doesn't have fractions of a second.  All the hardware has to do is send the 
packet at a fixed time relative to the second tick.

GPS is the obvious example.  Well, mostly of how to do it wrong.  But you can 
get good timing from a few of them.

These are my opinions.  I hate spam.

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