Policy question - drop low-precision clocks?

Eric S. Raymond esr at thyrsus.com
Mon Jan 30 07:18:06 UTC 2017

Heads up, Mark!  Policy question.

I'd also like to hear Hal's opinion.

In the wake of the dumbclock removal, I'm now wondering if
it makes any sense at all to retain refclocks that report
only in-band time to a precision of a second.  That is,
without 1PPS.

The truetime driver is that bad. You get <1s accuracy out of it only
with a custom add-on involving a PCL720 counter chip and some klugery.

Checking the others now...looks like truetime is it.  Everything else
either receives 1PPS from sats and issues precise time in-band, or
reads from the host kernel's PPS API, or is one of the special
cases: acts, gpsd, shm.
		<a href="http://www.catb.org/~esr/">Eric S. Raymond</a>

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