NTPsec leap second experience

Hal Murray hmurray at megapathdsl.net
Sun Jan 8 09:36:22 UTC 2017

ghane0 at gmail.com said:
> The P part is you saying: slight turn, not sharp turn

If you think of a thermometer with a knob rather than on-off, the P adjusts 
the knob to get the right temperature.  But it doesn't quite get it right.  
There has to be a difference between the actual temperature and the target 
temperature.  That difference is what makes the heat.

> The I part is: you started the turn late, you will need to spin the steering hard now 

The I part is roughly, "Wait a minute.  We've been close for a long time but 
we aren't getting there."  If you integrate the error term you can get rid of 
it.  Not in a math sense, it has an exponential tail, but eventually you get 
close enough for engineering.

These are my opinions.  I hate spam.

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