Something is buggy with maxpoll...

Achim Gratz Stromeko at
Tue Apr 25 09:27:17 UTC 2017

Gary E. Miller writes:
>> The displayed poll value never changes.  But the actual poll interval
>> obviously gets much longer than what was set.
> How can you tell?  I watched with ntpmon and the actual poll matched the
> poll shown.

None of the peerstats update at the poll interval, so I conclude that
the poll doesn't happen.  If it does poll, then it doesn't seem to
recognise whether it gets an answer or not (since it also does not put a
zero in the reachability) or any of the other things that get updated
with the data from the poll.

> Do you think the issue is in ntpmon or in ntpd?

It must be in ntpd I think.

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