I can haz Navisys GPS USB pucks, gr601w and gr701w

Mark Atwood fallenpegasus at gmail.com
Sat May 14 20:30:20 UTC 2016

Thanks for the info. Use your good judgement.  i would like them in the
pool for load testing and as something cool to show to the lf/cii.

On Sat, May 14, 2016, 1:08 PM Gary E. Miller <gem at rellim.com> wrote:

> Yo Mark!
> On Sat, 14 May 2016 19:09:55 +0000
> Mark Atwood <fallenpegasus at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Do please try to set them up with gpsd+ntpsec, and if you can, add
> > them to the pool.
> Sorta conflicting goals.  For proper testing gpsd+ntpsec I'll need to
> follow git head, but the pool should only use stable chimers...
> This list is prolly not the best place to discuss the pool(s), but my
> experience is the pools need a lot of cleaning.
> Gentoo has a tool called 'mirrorselect' that allows you to manually,
> interactively, or automatically select your rsync servers.
> The pool needs a tool like that.  Otherwise people end up using bad
> chimers from halfway around the world, and wondering why ntpd works so
> badly.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Gary E. Miller Rellim 109 NW Wilmington Ave., Suite E, Bend, OR 97703
>         gem at rellim.com  Tel:+1 541 382 8588
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