Comments about ntpviz

Gary E. Miller gem at
Wed Aug 31 15:55:48 UTC 2016

Yo Hal!

On Wed, 31 Aug 2016 00:38:58 -0700
Hal Murray <hmurray at> wrote:

> > I'm noty sure how this appies to ntpviz???  
> I was trying to describe what I'm doing currently and what I like and
> don't like about it.
> The current ntpviz makes a bunch of graphs as files and puts a web
> page wrapper around it.


> I'd like to avoid that and put the output of
> gnuplot directly on the screen.

So ignore the html and just look at the png output graphs with the
png viewer of your choice.  You could multipane, 3D wheel, carosel, etc.

Or a simple Python script with some GUI buttons.

> I'd also like a bunch of knobs so I can tweak the graph I'm looking
> at.  Most likely zoom in or out.

> I assume all that would be reasonably simple after I knew how to do
> it, but it hasn't gotten to the top of my list yet.

Pretty much any pnng viewer can do that.  Granted the png resolution may be
too low, but that is an easy fix.

> > Since the graphs are every 30 mins or hour, I'm not sure what you
> > are trying for?   
> I'm not interested in automatically making graphs for somebody else
> to look at.  I'm only interested in "now", when I want to look at
> things.
> A frequent thing that happens is that I see something interesting on
> a graph and then want to look more carefully at a graph I was looking
> at a few seconds ago.

ntpviz only takes 20 seconds to run on a Pi3 for me, ant then I have
all the graphs.  Or just ask ntpviz for the one graph you want, prolly
about a second,

Gary E. Miller Rellim 109 NW Wilmington Ave., Suite E, Bend, OR 97703
	gem at  Tel:+1 541 382 8588
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