
Daniel Poirot dtpoirot at gmail.com
Tue Dec 1 00:15:22 UTC 2015

...well, if you want to go and take all the FUN out of it...

I did a simple 'pkg_add git bison', 'git clone' and 'waf configure'. 

I wasn't out to debug but rather see that the issue repeated on 32 and 64
bit!  ;-)

I AM going to be first in line to thrash the unit test cases on as many OS's
as I can...

'terminal-ide' and it's component 'terminal-gcc' from the Android Play Store
should be sufficient to build, but I haven't got very far.

- dan

-----Original Message-----
From: Hal Murray [mailto:hmurray at megapathdsl.net] 
Sent: Monday, November 30, 2015 6:04 PM
To: Daniel Poirot
Cc: 'Hal Murray'; devel at ntpsec.org
Subject: Re: Testing..

> What are these "directions" of which you speak?  ;-)

INSTALL  (in the top level after git clone)

> 'waf configure' on OpenBSD poops out with libevent2

If you want to try harder, ...

in pylib/configure.py, search for event2, and comment out that block of  4

if ./wscript, comment out this line:

That may not be enough, but I think it's a good start.

> I may have to switch to 'real' hardware instead. GCC on my phone, who 
> would have ever thought...

ntpsec builds on a Raspberry Pi.  There is probably room on your phone if
you get rid of all the code for the fancy graphics.

These are my opinions.  I hate spam.

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