[Git][NTPsec/ntpsec][master] attic/timestamp-info: Add a bit more info.

Hal Murray (@hal.murray) gitlab at mg.gitlab.com
Sun Feb 9 07:08:46 UTC 2025

Hal Murray pushed to branch master at NTPsec / ntpsec

29d475a1 by Fred Wright at 2025-02-08T20:39:34-08:00
attic/timestamp-info: Add a bit more info.

This adds reporting of any extra payload that would be accessed by the
timestamp format confusion, and adds hex versions of the timestamp
data to make endian issues more obvious.

It also removes the leading zeroes from the decimal numbers to
avoid suggesting that they're octal, and adds some missing 'static'

Also fixes syntax in Makefile.mpls.

Produces expected output on all systems tested, including displaying
bugs as expected.

- - - - -

2 changed files:

- attic/Makefile.mpls
- attic/timestamp-info.c


@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
 # Simple (optional) Makefile for building with MacportsLegacySupport
 MPPREFIX  ?= /opt/local
-CFLAGS    += -I $(MPPREFIX)/include/LegacySupport -L $(MPPREFIX)/lib -lMacportsLegacySupport
+CFLAGS    += -I$(MPPREFIX)/include/LegacySupport -L$(MPPREFIX)/lib -lMacportsLegacySupport

@@ -67,33 +67,54 @@
 typedef struct timeval timeval_t;
 const timeval_t timeval_sample;
+#define SIZEOF_TIMEVAL (sizeof(timeval_sample.tv_sec) \
+                        + sizeof(timeval_sample.tv_usec))
 typedef struct timespec timespec_t;
 const timespec_t timespec_sample;
+#define SIZEOF_TIMESPEC (sizeof(timespec_sample.tv_sec) \
+                         + sizeof(timespec_sample.tv_nsec))
+const struct bintime bintime_sample;
+#define SIZEOF_BINTIME (sizeof(bintime_sample.sec) \
+                        + sizeof(bintime_sample.frac))
 #define TS_TYPES \
-  TS_ONE(none,) \
-  TS_ONE(tv,struct timeval) \
-  TS_ONE(ts,struct timespec) \
-  TS_ONE(bin,struct bintime) \
-  TS_ONE(u64,uint64_t) \
-  TS_ONE(u64mach,uint64_t (mach)) \
-#define TS_ONE(name,str) ts_##name,
+  TS_ONE(none,,0) \
+  TS_ONE(tv,struct timeval,SIZEOF_TIMEVAL) \
+  TS_ONE(ts,struct timespec,SIZEOF_TIMESPEC) \
+  TS_ONE(bin,struct bintime,SIZEOF_BINTIME) \
+  TS_ONE(u64,uint64_t,sizeof(uint64_t)) \
+  TS_ONE(u64mach,uint64_t (mach),sizeof(uint64_t)) \
+#define TS_ONE(name,str,size) ts_##name,
 typedef enum ts_type {
 } ts_type_t;
 #undef TS_ONE
-#define TS_ONE(name,str) #str,
-const char * const ts_type_names[] = {
+#define TS_ONE(name,str,size) #str,
+static const char * const ts_type_names[] = {
+#undef TS_ONE
+#define TS_ONE(name,str,size) size,
+static const int ts_sizes[] = {
 #undef TS_ONE
-const union {
+static const union {
 	uint8_t c[8];
 	uint64_t i;
 } endian_test = {{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}};
@@ -109,11 +130,11 @@ const union {
                  (sizeof(long) == 4) ? "32" : (sizeof(long) == 8) ? "64" \
                  : "unknown")
-const char sample[] = "The Quick Brown Fox";
+static const char sample[] = "The Quick Brown Fox";
-char osver[256];
-uint8_t dbuf[256];
-uint8_t cbuf[256];
+static char osver[256];
+static uint8_t dbuf[256];
+static uint8_t cbuf[256];
 static void
 report_sizes(const char *name, const char *xname,
@@ -191,10 +212,17 @@ test_packet(int sockopt, int sockopt2, int sockval2,
       .msg_iovlen = 1,
   static const int trueval = 1;
+  uint32_t *cbufp;
   hdr.msg_control = cbuf;
   hdr.msg_controllen = *cbuflen;
+  /* Make unpopulated buffer obvious */
+  cbufp = (uint32_t *) cbuf;
+  while (cbufp < (uint32_t *) (cbuf + sizeof(cbuf))) {
+    *cbufp++ = 0xDEADBEEFU;
+  }
   do {
     if ((sockin = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)) < 0) {
       err = "socket() in";
@@ -289,7 +317,7 @@ test_timestamp(const char *name, ts_type_t tstype,
   double time1d, time2d;
   socklen_t cbuflen, cmsglen;
   struct cmsghdr *cmsg;
-  int cmsglvl, cmsgtype, hdrlen, datalen;
+  int cmsglvl, cmsgtype, hdrlen, datalen, xdatalen;
   uint32_t *datap, *xdatap;
   printf("  Testing %s:\n", name);
@@ -335,14 +363,26 @@ test_timestamp(const char *name, ts_type_t tstype,
     xdatap = (uint32_t *) (cbuf + sizeof(*cmsg));
     printf("    header padding:\n");
     while (xdatap < datap) {
-      printf("     (%010u)\n", *xdatap++);
+      printf("     (%10u)\n", *xdatap++);
   printf("    %s%spayload longwords:\n", tsname, tsname[0] ? " " : "");
   while (datap < (uint32_t *) (cbuf + cmsglen)) {
-    printf("      %010u\n", *datap++);
+    printf("      %10u  (0x%08X)\n", *datap, *datap);
+    ++datap;
-  if (cbuflen > cmsglen) {
+  /* Check for extra data assumed by simple pointer cast */
+  xdatalen = ts_sizes[tstype] - datalen;
+  if (xdatalen > 0) {
+    datap = (uint32_t *) ((uint8_t *) CMSG_DATA(cmsg) + datalen);
+    xdatap = datap + xdatalen / sizeof(uint32_t);
+    printf("    erroneously assumed additional payload longwords:\n");
+    while (datap < xdatap) {
+      printf("     (%10u)  (0x%08X)\n", *datap, *datap);
+      ++datap;
+    }
+  } else xdatalen = 0;
+  if (cbuflen > cmsglen + xdatalen) {
     printf("    +%d bytes of additional cmsg data\n",
            (int) (cbuflen - cmsglen));

View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.com/NTPsec/ntpsec/-/commit/29d475a1eefaffce8306699412ef0cab561b0612

View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.com/NTPsec/ntpsec/-/commit/29d475a1eefaffce8306699412ef0cab561b0612
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