[Git][NTPsec/ntpsec][master] Feature: ntpdig option to bind to source IP

Gary E. Miller (@garyedmundsmiller) gitlab at mg.gitlab.com
Tue Apr 2 20:37:38 UTC 2024

Gary E. Miller pushed to branch master at NTPsec / ntpsec

a4361da5 by Chris Walker at 2024-04-02T20:34:31+00:00
Feature: ntpdig option to bind to source IP

IPv4 and IPv6 tested.

- - - - -

2 changed files:

- docs/includes/ntpdig-body.adoc
- ntpclients/ntpdig.py


@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
     [--help | -?] [-4 | -6] [-a keynum] [-p samples]
-    [-c] [-d] [-D debug-level] [-g delay] [-j] [-k keyfile]
-    [-l logfile] [-M steplimit] [-S] [-s]
+    [-c] [-d] [-D debug-level] [-g delay] [-I ipaddr] [-j]
+    [-k keyfile] [-l logfile] [-M steplimit] [-S] [-s]
     [--wait] [--no-wait] [--version] [address...]+
@@ -118,6 +118,12 @@ milliseconds. A larger _delay_ reduces the query load on the time
 sources, at the cost of increasing the time to receive a valid
 response if the first source attempted is slow or unreachable.
++-I+, +--bindaddr+=_IP_Addr_::
+  Bind to Specified IP for requests
+Bind to the specified IP address for requests before the request is
+made. This can be useful for systems with multiple interfaces.
   Output to stdout in JSON, suppressing syslog messages.

@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ def read_append(s, packets, packet, sockaddr):
     return packets
-def queryhost(server, concurrent, timeout=5, port=123):
+def queryhost(server, concurrent, timeout=5, port=123, bindaddr=None):
     "Query IP addresses associated with a specified host."
         iptuples = socket.getaddrinfo(server, port,
@@ -90,6 +90,13 @@ def queryhost(server, concurrent, timeout=5, port=123):
     except socket.gaierror as e:
         log("lookup of %s failed, errno %d = %s" % (server, e.args[0], e.args[1]))
         return []
+    if len(bindaddr) > 0:
+        try:
+            bindsock = socket.getaddrinfo(bindaddr,None,af,
+                                          socket.SOCK_DGRAM,socket.IPPROTO_UDP)
+        except socket.gaierror as e:
+            log("lookup of %s failed, errno %d = %s" % (server, e.args[0], e.args[1]))
+            raise SystemExit(1)
     sockets = []
     packets = []
     request = ntp.packet.SyncPacket()
@@ -113,6 +120,14 @@ def queryhost(server, concurrent, timeout=5, port=123):
                     " %d, type %d could not be formed." %
                     (sockaddr[0], family, socktype))
+        if len(bindaddr) > 0:
+            try:
+                if debug:
+                    log("Binding to Source IP %s," % bindaddr)
+                s.bind(bindsock[0][4])
+            except OSError as e:
+                log("binding to %s failed, errno %d = %s" % (bindaddr, e.args[0], e.args[1]))
+                raise SystemExit(1)
         if keyid and keytype and passwd:
             if debug:
                 log("authenticating with %s key %d" % (keytype, keyid))
@@ -256,6 +271,7 @@ USAGE:  ntpdig [-<flag> [<val>] | --<name>[{=| }<val>]]...
    -d no  debug           Increase debug verbosity
    -D yes set-debug-level Set debug verbosity
    -g yes gap             Set gap between requests in milliseconds
+   -I IP  bindaddr        Set the source address to send request on
    -j no  json            Use JSON output format
    -l Str logfile         Log to specified logfile
                                  - prohibits the option 'syslog'
@@ -279,8 +295,9 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
             (options, arguments) = getopt.getopt(
-                "46a:c:dD:g:hjk:l:M:o:p:r:Sst:wWV",
+                "46a:c:dD:g:hI:jk:l:M:o:p:r:Sst:wWV",
                 ["ipv4", "ipv6",
+                 "bindaddr=",
                  "gap=", "help", "json",
@@ -300,6 +317,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
         log = lambda m: logfp.write("ntpdig: %s\n" % m)
         af = socket.AF_UNSPEC
+        bindaddr = None
         authkey = None
         concurrent_hosts = []
         debug = 0
@@ -331,6 +349,8 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
                 elif switch in ("-g", "--gap"):
                     errmsg = "Error: -g parameter '%s' not a number\n"
                     gap = ntp.util.safeargcast(val, int, errmsg, usage)
+                elif switch in ("-I", "--bindaddr"):
+                    bindaddr = val
                 elif switch in ("-j", "--json"):
                     json = True
                 elif switch in ("-k", "--keyfile"):
@@ -417,7 +437,8 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
                         returned += queryhost(server=server,
-                                              timeout=timeout)
+                                              timeout=timeout,
+                                              bindaddr=bindaddr)
                     except ntp.packet.SyncException as e:
@@ -425,7 +446,8 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
                         returned += queryhost(server=server,
-                                              timeout=timeout)
+                                              timeout=timeout,
+                                              bindaddr=bindaddr)
                     except ntp.packet.SyncException as e:

View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.com/NTPsec/ntpsec/-/commit/a4361da5c84a89cacd12d430b452fc0eaa3e4eda

View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.com/NTPsec/ntpsec/-/commit/a4361da5c84a89cacd12d430b452fc0eaa3e4eda
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