[Git][NTPsec/ntpsec][2022B07-release] Add autorelease, a prep tool for releases.

James Browning (@jamesb_fe80) gitlab at mg.gitlab.com
Mon Feb 28 16:27:04 UTC 2022

James Browning pushed to branch 2022B07-release at NTPsec / ntpsec

30f87415 by James Browning at 2022-02-28T08:14:35-08:00
Add autorelease, a prep tool for releases.

- - - - -

1 changed file:

- devel/autorelease


@@ -1,38 +1,150 @@
 #! /usr/bin/env sh
-### Given the following
+FLAG_CONFIG="--refclock=all --enable-doc -p --alltests --check"
+#DEST="ubuntu at www.jamesb.com:/var/www/html/ftp/"
-DST=jamesb at www.jamesb192.com:/var/www/scrap/html/releases/
-UV=$(echo $V|sed 's|[-\-]|_|g')
+# No User Serviceable Parts Inside
+TAG="$(echo $V|sed 's|[\.-\+]|_|g')"
+set -e -x
+[ -z "${STEP}" ] && STEP=1
-sed "0,/^== .*/{s/^== .*/== `date -u \+%Y-%m-%d`: ${V} ==/}" -i NEWS.adoc
+if [ "${STEP}" -eq "1" ]; then
+        apt-get update;
+        apt-get install -y asciidoctor bison build-essential git \
+            libavahi-compat-libdnssd-dev libcap-dev libseccomp-dev \
+            libssl-dev pps-tools python-dev-is-python3 python-is-python3;
+        STEP=2;
-(cd devel&&./make-tarball)
+if [ "${STEP}" -eq "2" ]; then
+        git clone https://gitlab.com/NTPsec/ntpsec;
+        STEP=3;
+(cd ntpsec;
-keychain --agents pgp,ssh id_gitlab id_service ${KEY}
-### BEGIN -- stuff swiped from ~/devel/release
-git commit -S${KEY} -a -s -m 'version ${V}'
-git tag -u ${KEY} -m 'version ${V}' NTPsec_${UV}
-sed '0,/^== .*/s/^== .*/== Repository Head ==\n\n&/' -i NEWS.adoc
-git add NEWS.adoc
-git commit -S${KEY} -a -s -m 'start new NEWS.adoc section'
-git push
-git push --tags
+if [ "${STEP}" -eq "3" ]; then
+        sed -r "1s|[0123456789]+$|$(date '+%s')|" -i PIVOT.h;
+        echo "${V}" > VERSION;
+        sed "0,/^== .*/s/^== .*/== $(date -u \+%Y-%m-%d): ${V}  ==/" \
+            -i NEWS.adoc;
+        git add NEWS.adoc PIVOT.h VERSION;
+        STEP=4;
-gpg -u ${KEY} -a --output ${TAR}.asc --detach-sign ${TAR}
-shasum -a 256 ${TAR} >${TAR}.sum
-gpg -u ${KEY} -a --output ${TAR}.sum.asc --clearsign ${TAR}.sum
-scp ntpsec-${V}.tar* ${DST}
-### END -- stuff swiped from ~/devel/release
+if [ "${STEP}" -eq "4" ]; then
+        ./waf configure $FLAG_CONFIG;
+        ./waf build $FLAG_BUILD;
+        STEP=5;
-keychain -k mine
-curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: ${cookie}" --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --request PUT --data '{"released_at":"${gitlogtime}"}' "https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/${PROJ}/releases/${tag}"
-git clean -dxf
-git reset --hard
+if [ "${STEP}" -eq "5" ]; then
+#sh make-tarball
+        (find build -type f |sed -n "/\.[0-9]$/p;/\.html$/p";
+            git ls-files |sed "/^\./d") |sort > "devel/MANIFEST";
+        tar --transform="s:^:ntpsec-${V}/:Sr" -T "devel/MANIFEST" \
+            -czf "${TAR}.tar";
+        bzip2 -c "${TAR}.tar" > "${TAR}.tar.bz2";
+        rm devel/MANIFEST;
+        STEP=6;
+if [ "${STEP}" -eq "6" ]; then
+        tar -xpvf "${TAR}.tar";
+        (cd "${TAR}";
+            ./waf configure $FLAG_CONFIG;
+            ./waf build $FLAG_BUILD);
+        rm -rf "${TAR}".tar "$TAR";
+        STEP=7;
+if [ "${STEP}" -eq "7" ]; then
+        BLURB=$(sed -n "0,/^==/d;0,/^==/{/^==/d;p}" < NEWS.adoc);
+        #echo ${BLURB};
+        cat - >"${BLOGDIR}/$(date -u '+%Y-%m-%d')-${TAR}.adoc" <<EEND;
+layout: post
+title:  "Version ${V}"
+date:   $(date -uIsec)
+== version ${V}
+The NTPsec Project is pleased to announce the tagging of version ${V}
+For other changes since the previous release, please consult
+the project NEWS.adoc file at 
+== Getting this release
+You can clone the git repo from 
+and you can download the release tarballs with sums and signatures from 
+This release is signed with the GPG key id
+        STEP=8;
+if [ "${STEP}" -eq "8" ]; then
+        keychain ${GPGKEY};
+        git commit -S${GPGKEY} -a -s -m "version ${V}"
+        git tag -u ${GPGKEY} -m "version ${V}" "${TAG}";
+        sed "0,/^== .*/s/^== .*/== Repository Head ==\n\n&/" -i NEWS.adoc;
+        git add NEWS.adoc;
+        git commit -S${GPGKEY} -a -s -m "start new NEWS.adoc section";
+        BLOB="${TAR}.tar.bz2";
+        gpg -u ${GPGKEY} -a --output ${BLOB}.asc \
+            --detach-sign ${BLOB};
+        shasum -a 256 ${BLOB} >${BLOB}.sum;
+        gpg -u ${GPGKEY} -a --output ${BLOB}.sum.asc \
+            --detach-sign ${BLOB}.sum;
+        keychain -k mine
+        STEP=9;
+if [ "${STEP}" -eq "10" ]; then
+        keychain "${DESTKEY}" "${GITLABKEY}";
+        scp devel/${TAR}.tar* "${DEST}";
+        git push origin master --tags;
+        curl \
+            --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: ${GITLAB_TOKEN}"\
+            --header "Content-Type: application/json"\
+            --data "{
+                \"released_at\":\"$(git log -2 --pretty=%cI|tail -n 1)\",
+                \"name\":\"${V}\",
+                \"tag_name\":\"${UV}\",
+                \"description\":\"${BLURB}\"
+            }" --request POST \
+            "https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/${GITLAB_PROJECT}/releases"
+        keychain -k mine
+        STEP=11;
+if [ "${STEP}" -eq "11" ]; then
+        git clean -dxf;
+        git reset --hard;
+        git checkout -B master;

View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.com/NTPsec/ntpsec/-/commit/30f8741565c000730c706569da305b73543bd860

View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.com/NTPsec/ntpsec/-/commit/30f8741565c000730c706569da305b73543bd860
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