[Git][NTPsec/ntpsec][21C05-GCP-Dock] CI: r7 wield piddly mortal machinations to form tar ball
James Browning (@jamesb_fe80)
gitlab at mg.gitlab.com
Sat May 15 18:21:27 UTC 2021
James Browning pushed to branch 21C05-GCP-Dock at NTPsec / ntpsec
a5e57f18 by James Browning at 2021-05-15T11:21:03-07:00
CI: r7 wield piddly mortal machinations to form tar ball
- - - - -
1 changed file:
- .gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -1,510 +1,12 @@
- stage: build
- image: $CI_REGISTRY/ntpsec/ntpsec/alpine-pages
- rules:
- - if: '$CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "schedule"'
+ variables:
+ GIT_CHECKOUT: "none"
- - python3 ./waf configure --prefix=/tmp/docbot-local --htmldir=`pwd`/public/latest/ --enable-doc --disable-manpage build install
- - cp www/favicon.ico public
- - cp docs/top.html.in public/index.html
- - cp docs/top-asciidoc.css public/asciidoc.css
- - mv public/latest/404.html public/404.html
- - sed -i -E -e 's!\./(asciidoc\.(js|css))!\./latest/\1!g' public/404.html
- - find public -type f -iregex '.*\.\(htm\|html\|txt\|text\|js\|css\)$' -execdir gzip -f --keep {} \;
- allow_failure: true
+ - tar -zcpf blob.tar.gz --exclude=blob.tar.gz --exclude=/home /*
+ tags:
+ - ubuntu-1604-lts
- - public
- tags:
- - gitlab-org
- - template: Code-Quality.gitlab-ci.yml
- - template: SAST.gitlab-ci.yml
- - template: License-Scanning.gitlab-ci.yml
- - local: '.gitlab-opttest-ci.yml'
- - local: '.gitlab-ci-docker-images.yml'
-.job_template: &job_definition
+ - blob.tar.gz
stage: build
- rules:
- - if: '$CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE != "schedule"'
- tags:
- - gitlab-org
-.job_template_allow_failure: &job_definition_allow_failure
- <<: *job_definition
- allow_failure: true
- <<: *job_definition
- image: $CI_REGISTRY/ntpsec/ntpsec/alpine
- script:
- - python3 ./waf configure --disable-doc --disable-manpage build --pyshebang "/usr/bin/env python3"
- - python3 ./waf install
- - python3 ./waf uninstall
- <<: *job_definition
- image: $CI_REGISTRY/ntpsec/ntpsec/alpine
- script:
- - python3 ./waf configure --disable-doc --disable-manpage --refclock=all build
- <<: *job_definition_allow_failure
- image: $CI_REGISTRY/ntpsec/ntpsec/alpine-edge
- script:
- - python3 ./waf configure --disable-doc --disable-manpage build --pyshebang "/usr/bin/env python3"
- - python3 ./waf install
- - python3 ./waf uninstall
- <<: *job_definition_allow_failure
- image: $CI_REGISTRY/ntpsec/ntpsec/alpine-edge
- script:
- - python3 ./waf configure --disable-doc --disable-manpage --refclock=all build
- <<: *job_definition_allow_failure
- image:
- name: fedora
- entrypoint: [ '/bin/bash', '-c' ]
- script:
- - yum -y install bison gcc openssl-devel libcap-devel pps-tools-devel python3-devel wget unzip libxslt docbook-style-xsl
- - wget https://asciidoc3.org/asciidoc3-3.2.0.zip
- - unzip asciidoc3-3.2.0.zip -d asciidoc3
- - ln -sv a2x3.py asciidoc3/a2x3
- - ln -sv asciidoc3.py asciidoc3/asciidoc3
- - asciidoc3/asciidoc3 --version || echo -n
- - PATH="$PWD/asciidoc3:$PATH" python3 ./waf configure --enable-doc --enable-manpage build
- <<: *job_definition
- image: $CI_REGISTRY/ntpsec/ntpsec/alpine
- script:
- - apk update && apk add python3-dev asciidoc
- - python3 ./waf configure --enable-doc --enable-manpage build
- <<: *job_definition
- image: alpine
- script:
- - apk update && apk add gcc bison musl-dev openssl-dev libcap-dev python2-dev
- - python ./waf configure --disable-doc --disable-manpage build
- <<: *job_definition
- image: $CI_REGISTRY/ntpsec/ntpsec/debian-oldstable
- script:
- - apt-get update
- - DEBIAN_FRONTEND="noninteractive" apt-get install -y python3-dev asciidoc-base
- - python3 ./waf configure --enable-doc --enable-manpage build --disable-nts
- <<: *job_definition
- image: $CI_REGISTRY/ntpsec/ntpsec/debian-oldstable
- script:
- - apt-get update
- - DEBIAN_FRONTEND="noninteractive" apt-get install -y python2.7-dev asciidoc-base
- - python2 ./waf configure --enable-doc --enable-manpage build --disable-nts
- <<: *job_definition
- image: $CI_REGISTRY/ntpsec/ntpsec/debian-oldstable
- script:
- - python3 ./waf configure --disable-doc --disable-manpage --disable-nts build --pyshebang "/usr/bin/env python3"
- - python3 ./waf install
- - python3 ./waf uninstall
- <<: *job_definition
- image: $CI_REGISTRY/ntpsec/ntpsec/debian-oldstable
- script:
- - python3 ./waf configure --disable-doc --disable-manpage --disable-nts --refclock=all build
- <<: *job_definition
- image: $CI_REGISTRY/ntpsec/ntpsec/debian-stable
- script:
- - python3 ./waf configure --disable-doc --disable-manpage build --pyshebang "/usr/bin/env python3"
- - python3 ./waf install
- - python3 ./waf uninstall
- <<: *job_definition
- image: $CI_REGISTRY/ntpsec/ntpsec/debian-stable
- script:
- - python3 ./waf configure --disable-doc --disable-manpage --refclock=all build
- <<: *job_definition
- image: $CI_REGISTRY/ntpsec/ntpsec/debian-testing
- script:
- - python3 ./waf configure --disable-doc --disable-manpage build --pyshebang "/usr/bin/env python3"
- - python3 ./waf install
- - python3 ./waf uninstall
- <<: *job_definition
- image: $CI_REGISTRY/ntpsec/ntpsec/debian-testing
- script:
- - python3 ./waf configure --disable-doc --disable-manpage --refclock=all build
- <<: *job_definition_allow_failure
- image: $CI_REGISTRY/ntpsec/ntpsec/debian-unstable
- script:
- - python3 ./waf configure --disable-doc --disable-manpage build --pyshebang "/usr/bin/env python3"
- - python3 ./waf install
- - python3 ./waf uninstall
- <<: *job_definition_allow_failure
- image: $CI_REGISTRY/ntpsec/ntpsec/debian-unstable
- script:
- - python3 ./waf configure --disable-doc --disable-manpage --refclock=all build
- <<: *job_definition
- image: $CI_REGISTRY/ntpsec/ntpsec/ubuntu-latest
- script:
- - python3 ./waf configure --disable-doc --disable-manpage build --pyshebang "/usr/bin/env python3"
- - python3 ./waf install
- - python3 ./waf uninstall
- <<: *job_definition
- image: $CI_REGISTRY/ntpsec/ntpsec/ubuntu-latest
- script:
- - python3 ./waf configure --disable-doc --disable-manpage --refclock=all build
- <<: *job_definition_allow_failure
- image:
- name: $CI_REGISTRY/ntpsec/ntpsec/ubuntu-devel
- entrypoint: [ '/bin/bash', '-c', 'ln -snf /bin/bash /bin/sh && /bin/bash -c $0' ]
- script:
- - python3 ./waf configure --disable-doc --disable-manpage build --pyshebang "/usr/bin/env python3"
- - python3 ./waf install
- - python3 ./waf uninstall
- <<: *job_definition_allow_failure
- image:
- name: $CI_REGISTRY/ntpsec/ntpsec/ubuntu-devel
- entrypoint: [ '/bin/bash', '-c', 'ln -snf /bin/bash /bin/sh && /bin/bash -c $0' ]
- script:
- - python3 ./waf configure --disable-doc --disable-manpage --refclock=all build
- <<: *job_definition
- image: $CI_REGISTRY/ntpsec/ntpsec/ubuntu-rolling
- script:
- - python3 ./waf configure --disable-doc --disable-manpage build --pyshebang "/usr/bin/env python3"
- - python3 ./waf install
- - python3 ./waf uninstall
- <<: *job_definition
- image: $CI_REGISTRY/ntpsec/ntpsec/ubuntu-rolling
- script:
- - python3 ./waf configure --disable-doc --disable-manpage --refclock=all build
- <<: *job_definition
- script:
- - python ./waf configure --disable-doc --disable-manpage --disable-nts build
- - DESTDIR=build/prison python ./waf install
- - DESTDIR=./prison python ./waf install
- - DESTDIR=../prison python ./waf install
- - rm -rvf build/prison ./prison ../prison
- tags:
- - freebsd-11
- rules:
- - if: '$CI_COMMIT_BRANCH && $CI_PROJECT_PATH == "NTPsec/ntpsec"'
- <<: *job_definition
- script:
- - python ./waf configure --disable-doc --disable-manpage --disable-nts --refclock=all build
- tags:
- - freebsd-11
- rules:
- - if: '$CI_COMMIT_BRANCH && $CI_PROJECT_PATH == "NTPsec/ntpsec"'
- <<: *job_definition
- script:
- - python ./waf configure --disable-doc --disable-manpage build
- - DESTDIR=build/prison python ./waf install
- - DESTDIR=./prison python ./waf install
- - DESTDIR=../prison python ./waf install
- - rm -rvf build/prison ./prison ../prison
- tags:
- - freebsd-12
- rules:
- - if: '$CI_COMMIT_BRANCH && $CI_PROJECT_PATH == "NTPsec/ntpsec"'
- <<: *job_definition
- script:
- - python ./waf configure --disable-doc --disable-manpage --refclock=all build
- tags:
- - freebsd-12
- rules:
- - if: '$CI_COMMIT_BRANCH && $CI_PROJECT_PATH == "NTPsec/ntpsec"'
- <<: *job_definition
- image: $CI_REGISTRY/ntpsec/ntpsec/centos-latest
- script:
- - python3 ./waf configure --disable-doc --disable-manpage build --pyshebang "/usr/bin/env python3"
- - python3 ./waf install
- - python3 ./waf uninstall
- <<: *job_definition
- image: $CI_REGISTRY/ntpsec/ntpsec/centos-latest
- script:
- - python3 ./waf configure --disable-doc --disable-manpage --refclock=all build
- <<: *job_definition
- image:
- name: $CI_REGISTRY/ntpsec/ntpsec/fedora-latest
- entrypoint: [ '/bin/bash', '-c' ]
- script:
- - python3 ./waf configure --disable-doc --disable-manpage build --pyshebang "/usr/bin/env python3"
- - python3 ./waf install
- - python3 ./waf uninstall
- <<: *job_definition
- image:
- name: $CI_REGISTRY/ntpsec/ntpsec/fedora-latest
- entrypoint: [ '/bin/bash', '-c' ]
- script:
- - python3 ./waf configure --disable-doc --disable-manpage --refclock=all build
- <<: *job_definition_allow_failure
- image: $CI_REGISTRY/ntpsec/ntpsec/python3-rc
- script:
- - python ./waf configure --disable-doc --disable-manpage --refclock=all build
- <<: *job_definition
- script:
- - apt-get update -qq && apt-get install -y -qq netbase bison python-dev python-coverage
- - python ./waf configure --disable-doc --disable-manpage build
- - for i in build/main/tests/pylib/test_*; do python-coverage run -a --source build/main/pylib "$i"; done
- - python-coverage report
- <<: *job_definition
- image: $CI_REGISTRY/ntpsec/ntpsec/clang
- script:
- - python3 ./waf configure --disable-doc --disable-manpage --check-c-compiler=clang build --pyshebang "/usr/bin/env python3"
- - python3 ./waf install
- - python3 ./waf uninstall
- <<: *job_definition
- image: $CI_REGISTRY/ntpsec/ntpsec/clang
- script:
- - python3 ./waf configure --disable-doc --disable-manpage --check-c-compiler=clang --refclock=all build
- <<: *job_definition
- image: $CI_REGISTRY/ntpsec/ntpsec/opensuse-leap
- script:
- - python3 ./waf configure --disable-doc --disable-manpage --disable-nts build --pyshebang "/usr/bin/env python3"
- - python3 ./waf install
- - python3 ./waf uninstall
- <<: *job_definition
- image: $CI_REGISTRY/ntpsec/ntpsec/opensuse-leap
- script:
- - python3 ./waf configure --disable-doc --disable-manpage --disable-nts --refclock=all build
- <<: *job_definition_allow_failure
- image:
- name: $CI_REGISTRY/ntpsec/ntpsec/opensuse-tumbleweed
- entrypoint: [ '/bin/bash', '-c' ]
- script:
- - python3 ./waf configure --disable-doc --disable-manpage build --pyshebang "/usr/bin/env python3"
- - python3 ./waf install
- - python3 ./waf uninstall
- <<: *job_definition_allow_failure
- image:
- name: $CI_REGISTRY/ntpsec/ntpsec/opensuse-tumbleweed
- entrypoint: [ '/bin/bash', '-c' ]
- script:
- - python3 ./waf configure --disable-doc --disable-manpage --refclock=all build
- <<: *job_definition
- image: $CI_REGISTRY/ntpsec/ntpsec/debian-stable-i386
- script:
- - python ./waf configure --disable-doc --disable-manpage build
- <<: *job_definition
- image: $CI_REGISTRY/ntpsec/ntpsec/debian-stable-i386
- script:
- - python ./waf configure --disable-doc --disable-manpage --refclock=all build
- <<: *job_definition
- image: $CI_REGISTRY/ntpsec/ntpsec/debian-stable-mdns
- script:
- - python ./waf configure --disable-doc --disable-manpage build
- <<: *job_definition
- image: $CI_REGISTRY/ntpsec/ntpsec/debian-stable-mdns
- script:
- - python ./waf configure --disable-doc --disable-manpage --refclock=all build
- <<: *job_definition_allow_failure
- script:
- - PYTHON_VERSION=2.7 PYTAG=cpython27 pyext_PATTERN="%s.so" PYTHON_LDFLAGS='-lpthread -ldl' ./waf configure --disable-doc --disable-manpage --disable-nts --cross-compiler=arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc-5 --cross-cflags '-I/srv/arm-local/include -I/srv/arm-local/include/python2.7' --cross-ldflags '-L/srv/arm-local/lib' --pythondir=/srv/arm-local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages --pythonarchdir=/srv/arm-local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages build
- tags:
- - ubuntu-1604-lts
- rules:
- - if: '$CI_COMMIT_BRANCH && $CI_PROJECT_PATH == "NTPsec/ntpsec"'
- <<: *job_definition
- image: $CI_REGISTRY/ntpsec/ntpsec/gentoo
- script:
- - python ./waf configure --disable-doc --disable-manpage build
- - DESTDIR=build/prison python ./waf install
- - DESTDIR=./prison python ./waf install
- - DESTDIR=../prison python ./waf install
- - python ./waf install
- - python ./waf uninstall
- - rm -rvf build/prison ./prison ../prison
- <<: *job_definition
- image: $CI_REGISTRY/ntpsec/ntpsec/gentoo
- script:
- - python ./waf configure --disable-doc --disable-manpage --refclock=all build
- <<: *job_definition
- image: $CI_REGISTRY/ntpsec/ntpsec/gentoo-hardened
- script:
- - python ./waf configure --disable-doc --disable-manpage build
- - DESTDIR=build/prison python ./waf install
- - DESTDIR=./prison python ./waf install
- - DESTDIR=../prison python ./waf install
- - python ./waf install
- - python ./waf uninstall
- - rm -rvf build/prison ./prison ../prison
- <<: *job_definition
- image: $CI_REGISTRY/ntpsec/ntpsec/gentoo-hardened
- script:
- - python ./waf configure --disable-doc --disable-manpage --refclock=all build
- image: $CI_REGISTRY/ntpsec/ntpsec/coverity
- script:
- - curl -o /tmp/cov-analysis-linux64.tgz --form project=ntpsec --form token="${COVERITY_TOKEN}" https://scan.coverity.com/download/linux64
- - tar zxf /tmp/cov-analysis-linux64.tgz
- - python3 ./waf configure --disable-doc --disable-manpage --refclock=all
- - cov-analysis-linux64-*/bin/cov-build --dir cov-int python3 ./waf build
- - tar czf ntpsec_coverity.tgz cov-int
- - curl --form token="${COVERITY_TOKEN}" --form email=security at ntpsec.org --form file=@ntpsec_coverity.tgz --form version="$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)" --form description="Automatic submission by gitlab-ci" https://scan.coverity.com/builds?project=ntpsec
- tags:
- - gitlab-org
- rules:
- - if: '$CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "schedule" && $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH && $CI_PROJECT_PATH == "NTPsec/ntpsec"'
- <<: *job_definition
- image: macos-11-xcode-12
- script:
- - PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/opt/openssl/lib/pkgconfig python ./waf configure --disable-doc --disable-manpage build --pyshebang "/usr/bin/env python3"
- - DESTDIR=build/prison python ./waf install
- - DESTDIR=./prison python ./waf install
- - DESTDIR=../prison python ./waf install
- - python ./waf install
- - python ./waf uninstall
- - rm -rvf build/prison ./prison ../prison
- tags:
- - shared-macos-amd64
- rules:
- - if: '$CI_COMMIT_BRANCH && $CI_PROJECT_PATH == "NTPsec/ntpsec"'
- <<: *job_definition
- image: macos-11-xcode-12
- script:
- - PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/opt/openssl/lib/pkgconfig python ./waf configure --disable-doc --disable-manpage --refclock=all build
- tags:
- - shared-macos-amd64
- rules:
- - if: '$CI_COMMIT_BRANCH && $CI_PROJECT_PATH == "NTPsec/ntpsec"'
- <<: *job_definition
- image: $CI_REGISTRY/ntpsec/ntpsec/alpine
- script:
- - python3 ./waf configure --disable-doc --disable-manpage --refclock=all --enable-classic-mode build
- <<: *job_definition
- image: $CI_REGISTRY/ntpsec/ntpsec/alpine-seccomp
- script:
- - python3 ./waf configure --disable-doc --disable-manpage --refclock=all --enable-seccomp build
- <<: *job_definition
- image: $CI_REGISTRY/ntpsec/ntpsec/alpine
- script:
- - python3 ./waf configure --disable-doc --disable-manpage --refclock=all --enable-debug build
- <<: *job_definition
- image: $CI_REGISTRY/ntpsec/ntpsec/alpine
- script:
- - python3 ./waf configure --disable-doc --disable-manpage --refclock=all --enable-debug-gdb build
- <<: *job_definition
- image: $CI_REGISTRY/ntpsec/ntpsec/alpine
- script:
- - python3 ./waf configure --disable-doc --disable-manpage --refclock=all --enable-debug-timing build
- <<: *job_definition
- image: $CI_REGISTRY/ntpsec/ntpsec/alpine
- script:
- - python3 ./waf configure --disable-doc --disable-manpage --refclock=all --disable-droproot build
- <<: *job_definition
- image: $CI_REGISTRY/ntpsec/ntpsec/alpine
- script:
- - python3 ./waf configure --disable-doc --disable-manpage --refclock=all --enable-early-droproot build
- <<: *job_definition
- image: $CI_REGISTRY/ntpsec/ntpsec/alpine
- script:
- - python3 ./waf configure --disable-doc --disable-manpage --refclock=all --enable-leap-smear build
- <<: *job_definition
- image: $CI_REGISTRY/ntpsec/ntpsec/alpine
- script:
- - python3 ./waf configure --disable-doc --disable-manpage --refclock=all --enable-mssntp build
View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.com/NTPsec/ntpsec/-/commit/a5e57f188d02fb447702ffac10b16c9e9565baf9
View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.com/NTPsec/ntpsec/-/commit/a5e57f188d02fb447702ffac10b16c9e9565baf9
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