[Git][NTPsec/ntpsec][21C08-stat-duality] WIP DRAFT ntpq: If sysstat duality fails do not drop to singleton ...

James Browning gitlab at mg.gitlab.com
Mon Mar 8 17:46:24 UTC 2021

James Browning pushed to branch 21C08-stat-duality at NTPsec / ntpsec

b215f493 by James Browning at 2021-03-08T09:44:15-08:00
WIP DRAFT ntpq: If sysstat duality fails do not drop to singleton ...

Instead print out annoying '???' and crawl forward on stumps.

- - - - -

1 changed file:

- ntpclients/ntpq.py


@@ -415,7 +415,7 @@ usage: timeout [ msec ]
                             items.append((name, (value, rawvalue)))
                     except ntp.packet.ControlException as e:
                         if ntp.control.CERR_UNKNOWNVAR == e.errorcode:
-                            items.append((var, "???"))
+                            items.append((var, ("???", None)))
                         raise e
                 queried = ntp.util.OrderedDict(items)
@@ -437,17 +437,22 @@ usage: timeout [ msec ]
                 value2 = queried[name + '_r'][0]
                 rawvalue2 = queried[name + '_r'][1]
                 if fmt in (NTP_UINT, NTP_INT, NTP_FLOAT):
-                    if self.showunits:
-                        displayvalue = ntp.util.unitifyvar(rawvalue, name)
-                        displayvalue2 = ntp.util.unitifyvar(rawvalue2, name)
+                    if self.showunits and isinstance(rawvalue, (int, float)):
+                        display = ntp.util.unitifyvar(rawvalue, name)
-                        displayvalue = value
-                        displayvalue2 = value2
-                    self.say("%13s \t%9d\t%9d\n" %
-                             (legend, displayvalue, displayvalue2))
+                        display = value
+                    if self.showunits and isinstance(rawvalue2, (int, float)):
+                        display2 = ntp.util.unitifyvar(rawvalue2, name)
+                    else:
+                        display2 = value2
+                    self.say("%13s \t%9s\t%9s\n" %
+                             (legend, display, display2))
                 elif fmt == NTP_UPTIME:
-                    self.say("%13s  %s\t%s\n" % (legend, ntp.util.prettyuptime(
-                        value), ntp.util.prettyuptime(value2)))
+                    self.say("%13s  %s\t%s\n" % (legend,
+                             value if not isinstance(value, int) else
+                                  ntp.util.prettyuptime(value),
+                             value2 if not isinstance(value2, int) else
+                                  ntp.util.prettyuptime(value2)))
                     self.warn("unexpected vc type %s for %s, value %s"
                               % (fmt, name, value, value2))
@@ -1543,10 +1548,7 @@ usage: kerninfo
             ("ss_processed", "processed for time:   ", NTP_INT),
         self.collect_display(associd=0, variables=sysstats, decodestatus=False)
-        try:
-            self.collect_display2(variables=sysstats2)
-        except:
-            self.collect_display(associd=0, variables=sysstats2, decodestatus=False)
+        self.collect_display2(variables=sysstats2)
     def help_sysstats(self):

View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.com/NTPsec/ntpsec/-/commit/b215f493f6d120ab1338a2edae8a3422b701e625

View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.com/NTPsec/ntpsec/-/commit/b215f493f6d120ab1338a2edae8a3422b701e625
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