[Git][NTPsec/ntpsec][master] 2 commits: ntp.util: Shorten ntpq/ntpmon peers common output generation.

James Browning gitlab at mg.gitlab.com
Sat Feb 13 16:44:35 UTC 2021

James Browning pushed to branch master at NTPsec / ntpsec

8ad6038b by JamesB192 at 2021-02-13T16:33:21+00:00
ntp.util: Shorten ntpq/ntpmon peers common output generation.

- - - - -
fae7938a by JamesB192 at 2021-02-13T16:33:21+00:00
ntpq, ntpmon: Add dextral peers mode ...

Putting the peer and peer status word on the right.
- - - - -

5 changed files:

- docs/includes/ntpmon-body.adoc
- docs/includes/ntpq-body.adoc
- ntpclients/ntpmon.py
- ntpclients/ntpq.py
- pylib/util.py


@@ -69,6 +69,9 @@ p:: Change peer display to default mode, showing refid.
 q:: Cleanly terminate the program.
+r:: Change to dextral mode, identical to 'p' save that the refid, tally \
+and remote clock are on the right.
 s:: Toggle display of only reachable hosts (default is all hosts).
 u:: Toggle display of units for time values. (default is off)

@@ -389,6 +389,12 @@ where the output is just like the +peers+ command except that the
 +refid+ is displayed in hex format and the association number is also
+  Display a list of peers in the form
++st t when pool reach delay offset jitter refid tally remote+
 +pstats+ _assocID_::
   Show the statistics for the peer with the given _assocID_.

@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ Any keystroke causes a poll and update. Keystroke commands:
 'u': Toggle display of units.
 'w': Toggle wide mode.
 'x': Cleanly terminate the program.
-' ': Rotate through a/n/o/p display modes.
+' ': Rotate through a/n/o/p/r display modes.
 '+': Increase debugging level.  Output goes to ntpmon.log
 '-': Decrease debugging level.
 '?': Display helpscreen.
@@ -438,6 +438,8 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
                         peer_report.displaymode = 'opeers'
                     elif key == 'p':
                         peer_report.displaymode = 'peers'
+                    elif key == 'r':
+                        peer_report.displaymode = 'rpeers'
                     elif key == 's':
                         showall = not showall
                     elif key == 'u':
@@ -452,6 +454,8 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
                             peer_report.displaymode = 'apeers'
                         elif peer_report.displaymode == 'apeers':
                             peer_report.displaymode = 'opeers'
+                        elif peer_report.displaymode == 'opeers':
+                            peer_report.displaymode = 'rpeers'
                             peer_report.displaymode = 'peers'
                     elif key == 'j' or key == "KEY_DOWN":

@@ -1112,6 +1112,16 @@ usage: pstats assocID
 function: obtain and print a list of the server's peers [IP version]
 usage: peers
+    def do_rpeers(self, line):
+        "obtain and print a list of the server's peers (dextral)"
+        self.__dopeers(showall=True, mode="rpeers")
+    def help_rpeers(self):
+        self.say("""\
+function: obtain and print a list of the server's peers (dextral)
+usage: rpeers
     def do_apeers(self, line):

@@ -937,6 +937,9 @@ class PeerSummary:
             self.__header = self.__remote + \
                 "       local      ".ljust(self.refidwidth) + \
                 self.__common + "  disp"
+        elif self.displaymode == 'rpeers':
+            self.__header = ' st t when poll reach   delay   ' + \
+                            'offset   jitter refid           T remote'
             self.__header = self.__remote + \
                 "       refid      ".ljust(self.refidwidth) + \
@@ -1159,12 +1162,13 @@ class PeerSummary:
                 clock_name = srcadr
                 clock_name = ""
-        if self.wideremote and len(clock_name) > self.namewidth:
-            line += ("%c%s\n" % (c, clock_name))
-            line += (" " * (self.namewidth + 2))
-        else:
-            line += ("%c%-*.*s " % (c, self.namewidth, self.namewidth,
-                                    clock_name[:self.namewidth]))
+        if self.displaymode != "rpeers":
+            if self.wideremote and len(clock_name) > self.namewidth:
+                line += ("%c%s\n" % (c, clock_name))
+                line += (" " * (self.namewidth + 2))
+            else:
+                line += ("%c%-*.*s " % (c, self.namewidth, self.namewidth,
+                                        clock_name[:self.namewidth]))
         # Destination address, assoc ID or refid.
         assocwidth = 7 if self.displaymode == "apeers" else 0
         if "." not in dstadr_refid and ":" not in dstadr_refid:
@@ -1173,45 +1177,29 @@ class PeerSummary:
             visible = "..."
             visible = dstadr_refid
-        line += self.high_truncate(visible, self.refidwidth)
-        if self.displaymode == "apeers":
-            line += (" " * (self.refidwidth - len(visible) - assocwidth + 1))
-            line += ("%-6d" % (associd))
-        else:
-            line += (" " * (self.refidwidth - len(visible)))
+        if self.displaymode != "rpeers":
+            line += self.high_truncate(visible, self.refidwidth)
+            if self.displaymode == "apeers":
+                line += (" " * (self.refidwidth - len(visible) - assocwidth + 1))
+                line += ("%-6d" % (associd))
+            else:
+                line += (" " * (self.refidwidth - len(visible)))
         # The rest of the story
         if last_sync is None:
             last_sync = now
         jd = estjitter if have_jitter else estdisp
+        if self.showunits:
+            fini = lambda x : unitify(x, UNIT_MS)
+        elif saw6:
+            fini = lambda x : f8dot4(x)
+        else:
+            fini = lambda x : f8dot3(x)
         line += (
-            " %2ld %c %4.4s %4.4s  %3lo"
+            " %2ld %c %4.4s %4.4s  %3lo %s %s %s"
             % (stratum, ptype,
-               PeerSummary.prettyinterval(poll_sec), reach))
-        if saw6:
-            if self.showunits:
-                line += (
-                    " %s %s %s" %
-                    (unitify(estdelay, UNIT_MS),
-                     unitify(estoffset, UNIT_MS),
-                     unitify(jd, UNIT_MS)))
-            else:
-                line += (
-                    " %s %s %s" %
-                    (f8dot4(estdelay), f8dot4(estoffset), f8dot4(jd)))
-        else:
-            # old servers only have 3 digits of fraction
-            # don't print a fake 4th digit
-            if self.showunits:
-                line += (
-                    " %s %s %s" %
-                    (unitify(estdelay, UNIT_MS),
-                     unitify(estoffset, UNIT_MS),
-                     unitify(jd, UNIT_MS)))
-            else:
-                line += (
-                    " %s %s %s" %
-                    (f8dot3(estdelay), f8dot3(estoffset), f8dot3(jd)))
+               PeerSummary.prettyinterval(poll_sec), reach,
+               fini(estdelay), fini(estoffset), fini(jd)))
         line += "\n"
         # for debugging both case
         # if srcadr != None and srchost != None:

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