[Git][NTPsec/ntpsec][master] keygone is intended to be a flexible replacement for ntpkeygen ...
James Browning
gitlab at mg.gitlab.com
Wed Sep 23 12:22:39 UTC 2020
James Browning pushed to branch master at NTPsec / ntpsec
526ac37c by James Browning at 2020-09-23T12:22:29+00:00
keygone is intended to be a flexible replacement for ntpkeygen ...
- - - - -
4 changed files:
- + contrib/keygone-body.adoc
- + contrib/keygone-man.adoc
- + contrib/keygone.adoc
- contrib/keygone.py
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+// This is the body of the manual page for keygone.
+// It's included in two places: once for the docs/ HTML
+// tree, and once to make an individual man page.
+== Synopsis
++keygone+ [+-hlctvx+] [+-ad+ 'ALGO' ...] [+-f+ 'FILE'] [+-s+ 'LINK'] \
+ [+-n+ 'NUMBER'] [+-i+ 'INITIAL'] [+-g+ 'GAP']
+== Description
+This program generates keys that can be used in NTP's symmetric
+key cryptography.
+The program produces a file containing groups of pseudo-random
+printable ASCII strings suitable for NTPsec symmetric authentication.
+The groups are 'NUMBER' entries long, their numbers seperated by
+'GAP' starting at 'INITIAL'. The keys may either be in hexadecimal
+(lowercase base 16) or printable ASCII (base 95ish).
+The keys file must be distributed and stored using secure means
+beyond the scope of NTP itself. The keys can also be used as
+passwords for the link:ntpq.html[+ntpq+] utility program.
+== Command Line Options
++-h+, +--help+::
+ show this help message and exit
++-L+, +--list+::
+ List known algorithms
++-d+ DELETE [DELETE ...], +--delete+ DELETE [DELETE ...]::
+ delete algorithm (repeatable) or "everything"
++-a+ ADD [ADD ...], +--add+ ADD [ADD ...]::
+ delete algorithm (repeatable) or "everything"
++-f+ FILE, +--file+ FILE::
+ Output to a file
++-s+ LINK, +--link+ LINK::
+ create a symlink (requires file)
++-c+, +--console+::
+ also print keys to the console
++-n+ NUMBER, +--number+ NUMBER::
+ number of keys per group (default 10)
++-i+ INITIAL, +--initial+ INITIAL::
+ number of initial key (default 1)
++-g+ GAP, +--gap+ GAP::
+ gap between subsequent groups (default 0)
++-t+, +--text+::
+ generate text keys (base-95 default)
++-x+, +--hex+::
+ generate hexadecimal keys (lowercase base-16)
++-V+, +--version+::
+ Print the version string and exit. (unimplemented)
+== Running the program
+The simplest way to run the +keygone+ program is logged in directly as
+root. The recommended procedure is to change to the keys directory,
+usually +/var/lib/ntp/+, then run the program. Then chown the output
+file to ntp:ntp. (typically 123:123) It should be mode 400.
+== Key file access and location
+File names are suggested to begin with the prefix _ntpkey_ and end
+with the postfix _hostname.filestamp_, where _hostname_ is the owner
+name, usually the string returned by the Unix gethostname() routine,
+and _filestamp_ is the NTP seconds when the file was generated, in
+decimal digits.
++keygone+ can also makes a soft link from +ntp.keys+ to the generated
+file. +ntp.keys+ is the normal file used in +{ntpconf}+.
+== Random Seed File
+All key generation schemes must have means to randomize the
+entropy seed used to initialize the internal pseudo-random
+number generator used by the library routines.
+It is important to understand that entropy must be evolved for each
+generation, for otherwise the random number sequence would be
+predictable. Various means dependent on external events, such as
+keystroke intervals can be used to do this and some systems have
+built-in entropy sources.
+This implementation uses Python's secrets module..
+== Cryptographic Data Files
+Unlike NTP Classic, this implementation can generate many key types.
+Since the file contains private shared keys, it should be visible
+only to root or ntp.
+In order to use a shared key, the line to be used must also be setup
+on the target server.
+This file is also used to authenticate remote configuration
+commands used by the {ntpqman} utility.
+Comments may appear in the file and are preceded with the +#+
+Following any headers the keys are entered one per line in the
+|Field | Meaning
+|keyno | Positive integer in the range 1-65,535
+|type | Type of key (md5, sha224, aes-128 etc).
+|key | the actual key, printable ASCII or hex
+// end
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+= keygone(8)
+:man version: @NTPSEC_VERSION@
+keygone - create and manage NTP host keys
+One of the following exit values will be returned:
+ Successful program execution.
+ The operation failed or the command syntax was not valid.
+// end
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+= keygone - generate public and private keys
+{millshome}pictures.html[from 'Alice's Adventures in Wonderland', Lewis Carroll]
+Alice holds the key.
+== Manual Pages
+== Table of Contents
+* link:#_synopsis[Synopsis]
+* link:#_description[Description]
+* link:#cmd[Command Line Options]
+* link:#run[Running the program]
+* link:#access[Key file access and location]
+* link:#random[Random Seed File]
+* link:#crypto[Cryptographic Data Files]
+// The end of "Cryptographic Data Files" runs into this following text.
+Figure 1. Typical Symmetric Key File
+Figure 1 shows a typical symmetric keys file used by the reference
+implementation. Each line of the file contains three fields, first
+keyno an integer between 1 and 65535, inclusive, representing the
+key identifier used in the `server` configuration commands. Next
+is the key type for the message digest algorithm, which can be any
+message digest algorithm supported by the OpenSSL library.
+For details, see {ntpkeysman}.
++keygone+ just makes a sample file with good random keys. You can
+edit it by hand to change the keyno or keytype and/or copy lines to
+other key files.
@@ -11,53 +11,204 @@ key_number starts as the first key number and is incremented.
max_bytes is the implementation-specific maximum number of entropy bytes
allowed per key.
-types_lengths_list is a list of lists. the inner lists store the output
+the variables list_* are lists of lists. the inner lists store the output
length of the algorithm (block size?) and the standard form of the
-algorithms name (in lowercase). Commented out algorithms are believed
-broken, non-commented ones are not. This list believed accurate as of
-the 6th of May 2020.
+algorithms name (in lowercase). *_bad list algorithms are believed
+broken, *_good ones are not. This list believed accurate as of the
+6th of May 2020.
+import argparse
+import os
import secrets
+import stat
+import sys
-group_iterator = range(10)
-key_number = 100
-max_bytes = 32
-types_lengths_list = [
- # [16, 'md5'],
- [16, 'aes-128'],
- [16, 'aria-128'],
- [16, 'camellia-128'],
- [16, 'sm4'],
- # [20, 'sha1'],
- # [20, 'rmd160'],
- [24, 'aes-192'],
- [24, 'aria-192'],
- [24, 'camellia-192'],
- [28, 'sha224'],
- [28, 'sha3-224'],
- [32, 'blake2s256'],
- [32, 'sha256'],
- [32, 'sha3-256'],
- [32, 'aes-256'],
- [32, 'aria-256'],
- [32, 'camellia-256'],
- [48, 'sha384'],
- [48, 'sha3-384'],
- [64, 'blake2b512'],
- [64, 'sha512'],
- [64, 'sha3-512']]
-for type_length_tuple in types_lengths_list:
- length = min(type_length_tuple[0], max_bytes)
- for _ in group_iterator:
- print("%3d %12s\t%s" %
- (key_number, type_length_tuple[1],
- secrets.token_hex(length)))
- key_number += 1
+list_md_bad = [
+ [16, 'md5'],
+ [20, 'sha1'],
+ [20, 'rmd160']
+list_md_good = [
+ [16, 'sm4'],
+ [28, 'sha224'],
+ [28, 'sha3-224'],
+ [32, 'blake2s256'],
+ [32, 'sha256'],
+ [32, 'sha3-256'],
+ [48, 'sha384'],
+ [48, 'sha3-384'],
+ [64, 'blake2b512'],
+ [64, 'sha512'],
+ [64, 'sha3-512']
+list_cmac_bad = [
+list_cmac_good = [
+ [16, 'aes-128'],
+ [16, 'aria-128'],
+ [16, 'camellia-128'],
+ [24, 'aes-192'],
+ [24, 'aria-192'],
+ [24, 'camellia-192'],
+ [32, 'aes-256'],
+ [32, 'aria-256'],
+ [32, 'camellia-256'],
+class KeyGone():
+ 'Set up, generate and output keys for NTPsec.'
+ def __init__(self, start: int, gap: int):
+ 'Set up key generation for NTPsec.'
+ self.gap = min(0, gap)
+ self.index = start
+ self.backing = {}
+ def __str__(self):
+ 'Return a string containing the generated keys.'
+ _ = ''
+ for row in self.backing:
+ _ += '%d\t%s\t%s\n' % (row, *self.backing[row])
+ return _
+ def to_file(self, oname: str):
+ 'Write the current keys to a file.'
+ with open(oname, 'w') as of:
+ of.write(str(self))
+ def do_link(self, oname: str, link: str):
+ 'Write the current keys to a file and link to it elsewhere.'
+ orig_umask = os.umask(stat.S_IWGRP | stat.S_IRWXO)
+ os.umask(orig_umask)
+ self.to_file(oname)
+ if os.path.exists(link):
+ os.remove(link) # The symlink() line below matters
+ os.symlink(oname, link)
+ def add(self, algor: str, keys: int, length: int, hexed: bool = False):
+ 'Generate a slew of new keys according to specs.'
+ for _ in range(keys):
+ self.backing[self.index] = [algor, self.gen_key(length, hexed)]
+ self.index += 1
+ self.index += self.gap
+ def gen_key(self, length: int, hexed: bool) -> str:
+ 'Generate a single key.'
+ if hexed:
+ return secrets.token_hex(length)
+ result = ''
+ for _ in range(length):
+ result += chr(0x21 + secrets.randbelow(0x5d))
+ return result
+def list_algos():
+ 'List the available algorithms by buckets.'
+ chunks = []
+ iterable = (('bad CMAC algos:', list_cmac_bad),
+ ('good CMAC algos:', list_cmac_good),
+ ('bad digest algos:', list_md_bad),
+ ('good digest algos:', list_md_good)
+ )
+ for label, things in iterable:
+ _ = label + '\n'
+ for thing in things:
+ _ += '%3dbit\t%s\n' % (thing[0] * 8, thing[1])
+ chunks.append(_)
+ sys.stderr.write('\n'.join(chunks))
+ sys.exit(0)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='NTPsec key generator.')
+ parser.add_argument('-L', '--list', action='store_true',
+ default=False, help='List known algorithms')
+ parser.add_argument('-d', '--delete', nargs='+',
+ help='delete algorithm (repeatable) or "everything"')
+ parser.add_argument('-a', '--add', nargs='+',
+ help='delete algorithm (repeatable) or "everything"')
+ parser.add_argument('-f', '--file', help='Output to a file')
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '-s', '--link', help='create a symlink (requires file)')
+ parser.add_argument('-c', '--console', action='store_true',
+ default=False, help='output to console')
+ parser.add_argument('-n', '--number', type=int,
+ default=10, help='number of keys per group')
+ parser.add_argument('-i', '--initial', type=int,
+ default=1, help='number of initial key')
+ parser.add_argument('-g', '--gap', type=int, default=0,
+ help='gap between subsequent groups')
+ parser.add_argument('-t', '--text', dest='fmt', action='store_false',
+ default=False, help='generate text keys (default)')
+ parser.add_argument('-x', '--hex', dest='fmt',
+ action='store_true', help='generate hexadecimal keys')
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ if args.list:
+ list_algos()
+ kg = KeyGone(args.initial, args.gap)
+ set_cur = set(map(lambda x: x[1], list_cmac_good + list_md_good))
+ set_all = set(map(lambda x: x[1], list_cmac_bad + list_md_bad))
+ set_all.update(set_cur)
+ if isinstance(args.delete, str):
+ args.delete = [args.delete]
+ elif args.delete is None:
+ args.delete = []
+ for iteM in list(args.delete):
+ item = iteM.lower()
+ if item in set_cur:
+ set_cur.remove(item)
+ elif item == 'everything':
+ set_cur = set()
+ else:
+ sys.stderr.write('"%s" not in algos' % item)
+ if isinstance(args.add, str):
+ args.add = [args.add]
+ elif args.add is None:
+ args.add = []
+ for iteM in list(args.add):
+ item = iteM.lower()
+ if item in set_cur:
+ sys.stderr.write('"%s" already in algos' % item)
+ if item in set_all:
+ set_cur.add(item)
+ elif item == 'everything':
+ set_cur = set_all.copy()
+ else:
+ sys.stderr.write('"%s" not in available algos' % item)
+ algos = list_cmac_good + list_md_good + list_cmac_bad + list_md_bad
+ fail = False
+ if args.initial < 1:
+ fail = True
+ sys.stderr.write('"initial" key number must be a positive integer')
+ if args.number < 1:
+ fail = True
+ sys.stderr.write('"number" of keys per group must be a positive integer')
+ if args.gap < 0:
+ fail = True
+ sys.stderr.write('the "gap" between groups must be non-negative integer')
+ if len(algos) < 1:
+ fail = True
+ sys.stderr.write('At least one algorithm must be specified')
+ if args.initial + (args.gap + args.number) * len(algos) - args.gap > 65535:
+ fail = True
+ sys.stderr.write('End number must be less than 65,536')
+ if fail:
+ sys.exit(1)
+ for algo in algos:
+ if algo[1] in set_cur:
+ kg.add(algo[1], args.number, algo[0], args.fmt)
+ if args.file is not None:
+ if args.link is not None:
+ kg.do_link(args.file, args.link)
+ else:
+ kg.to_file(args.file)
+ if args.console:
+ print(str(kg))
View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.com/NTPsec/ntpsec/-/commit/526ac37cc297d1ab7e3952fffb5874cc0befea9b
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