[Git][NTPsec/ntpsec][ntp.util-codacy] Codacy Python codestyle: solve some issues with the worst 4-6

James Browning gitlab at mg.gitlab.com
Wed Oct 14 14:34:48 UTC 2020

James Browning pushed to branch ntp.util-codacy at NTPsec / ntpsec

d3639ebb by James Browning at 2020-10-14T07:30:48-07:00
Codacy Python codestyle: solve some issues with the worst 4-6

- - - - -

3 changed files:

- ntpclients/ntpdig.py
- ntpclients/ntpmon.py
- ntpclients/ntpsnmpd.py


@@ -55,8 +55,9 @@ except ImportError as e:
 # The one new option in this version is -p, borrowed from ntpdate.
 def read_append(s, packets, packet, sockaddr):
-    d, a = s.recvfrom(1024)
+    d, _ = s.recvfrom(1024)
     if debug >= 2:
     if credentials:
@@ -70,10 +71,10 @@ def read_append(s, packets, packet, sockaddr):
         elif debug:
             log("MAC verification on reply from %s succeeded"
                 % sockaddr[0])
-    pkt = ntp.packet.SyncPacket(d)
-    pkt.hostname = server
-    pkt.resolved = sockaddr[0]
-    packets.append(pkt)
+    pkt2 = ntp.packet.SyncPacket(d)
+    pkt2.hostname = server
+    pkt2.resolved = sockaddr[0]
+    packets.append(pkt2)
     return packets
@@ -92,13 +93,13 @@ def queryhost(server, concurrent, timeout=5, port=123):
     request.transmit_timestamp = ntp.packet.SyncPacket.posix_to_ntp(
     packet = request.flatten()
-    needgap = (len(iptuples) > 1) and (gap > 0)
-    firstloop = True
-    for (family, socktype, proto, canonname, sockaddr) in iptuples:
-        if needgap and not firstloop:
+    needgap_i = (len(iptuples) > 1) and (gap > 0)
+    firstloop_i = True
+    for (family, socktype, _, canonname, sockaddr) in iptuples:
+        if needgap_i and not firstloop_i:
-        if firstloop:
-            firstloop = False
+        if firstloop_i:
+            firstloop_i = False
         if debug:
             log("querying %s (%s)" % (sockaddr[0], server))
         s = socket.socket(family, socktype)
@@ -110,8 +111,7 @@ def queryhost(server, concurrent, timeout=5, port=123):
             if mac is None:
                 log("MAC generation failed while querying %s" % server)
                 raise SystemExit(1)
-            else:
-                packet += mac
+            packet += mac
             s.sendto(packet, sockaddr)
         except socket.error as e:
@@ -151,33 +151,34 @@ def clock_select(packets):
     filtered = []
     for response in packets:
-        def drop(msg):
-            log("%s: Response dropped: %s" % (response.hostname, msg))
+        _ = response.hostname
+        def drop(host, msg):
+            log("%s: Response dropped: %s" % (host, msg))
         if response.stratum > NTP_INFIN:
-            drop("stratum too high")
+            drop(_, "stratum too high")
         if response.version() < ntp.magic.NTP_OLDVERSION:
-            drop("response version %d is too old" % response.version())
+            drop(_, "response version %d is too old" % response.version())
         if response.mode() != ntp.magic.MODE_SERVER:
-            drop("unexpected response mode %d" % response.mode())
+            drop(_, "unexpected response mode %d" % response.mode())
         if response.version() > ntp.magic.NTP_VERSION:
-            drop("response version %d is too new" % response.version())
+            drop(_, "response version %d is too new" % response.version())
         if response.stratum == 0:
             # FIXME: Do some kind of semi-useful diagnostic dump here
-            drop("stratum 0, probable KOD packet")
+            drop(_, "stratum 0, probable '%s' KOD packet" % response.refid)
         if response.leap() == "unsync":
-            drop("leap not in sync")
+            drop(_, "leap not in sync")
         if not response.trusted:
-            drop("request was authenticated but server is untrusted")
+            drop(_, "request was authenticated but server is untrusted")
         # Bypass this test if we ever support broadcast-client mode again
         if response.origin_timestamp == 0:
-            drop("unexpected response timestamp")
+            drop(_, "unexpected response timestamp")
@@ -399,22 +400,22 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
             returned = []
             needgap = (samples > 1) and (gap > 0)
             firstloop = True
-            for s in range(samples):
+            for _ in range(samples):
                 if needgap and not firstloop:
                 if firstloop:
                     firstloop = False
-                for server in concurrent_hosts:
+                for oserver in concurrent_hosts:
-                        returned += queryhost(server=server,
+                        returned += queryhost(server=oserver,
                     except ntp.packet.SyncException as e:
-                for server in arguments:
+                for oserver in arguments:
-                        returned += queryhost(server=server,
+                        returned += queryhost(server=oserver,
                     except ntp.packet.SyncException as e:
@@ -451,10 +452,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
                 rc = ntp.ntpc.step_systime(offset)
             elif slew:
                 rc = ntp.ntpc.adj_systime(offset)
-            if rc:
-                raise SystemExit(0)
-            else:
-                raise SystemExit(1)
+            raise SystemExit(0 if rc else 1)
             log("no eligible servers")
             raise SystemExit(1)

@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ def iso8601(t):
     return time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", time.localtime(t))
-def statline(_peerlist, _mrulist, nyquist):
+def statline(_peerlist, _mrulist, nyquist2):
     """Generate a status line."""
     # We don't use stdversion here because the presence of a date is confusing
     leader = sysvars['version'][0]
@@ -82,24 +82,24 @@ def statline(_peerlist, _mrulist, nyquist):
     if span.entries:
         trailer = "Updated: %s (%s)" \
                   % (iso8601(int(ntp.ntpc.lfptofloat(span.entries[0].last))),
-                     ntp.util.PeerSummary.prettyinterval(nyquist))
+                     ntp.util.PeerSummary.prettyinterval(nyquist2))
         trailer = ""
     spacer = ((peer_report.termwidth - 1) - len(leader) - len(trailer)) * " "
     return leader + spacer + trailer
-def peer_detail(variables, showunits=False):
+def peer_detail(variables2, showunits=False):
     """Show the things a peer summary doesn't, cooked slightly differently."""
     # All of an rv display except refid, reach, delay, offset, jitter.
     # One of the goals here is to emit field values at fixed positions
     # on the 2D display, so that changes in the details are easier to spot.
     vcopy = {}
     vcopyraw = {}
-    vcopy.update(variables)
+    vcopy.update(variables2)
     width = ntp.util.termsize().width - 2
     # Need to separate the casted from the raw
-    for key in vcopy.keys():
+    for key in vcopy:
         vcopyraw[key] = vcopy[key][1]
         vcopy[key] = vcopy[key][0]
     vcopy["leap"] = ("no-leap", "add-leap", "del-leap",
@@ -154,8 +154,8 @@ filtdelay  = %(filtdelay)s
 filtoffset = %(filtoffset)s
 filtdisp   = %(filtdisp)s
-    str = peerfmt % vcopy
-    return str.expandtabs()
+    out = peerfmt % vcopy
+    return out.expandtabs()
 class Fatal(Exception):
@@ -409,9 +409,9 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
                     helpmode = False
                     key = stdscr.getkey()
-                    if key == 'q' or key == 'x':
+                    if key in ('q', 'x'):
                         raise SystemExit(0)
-                    elif key == 'a':
+                    if key == 'a':
                         peer_report.displaymode = 'apeers'
                     elif key == 'd':
                         if not selectmode:
@@ -453,11 +453,12 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
                             peer_report.displaymode = 'opeers'
                             peer_report.displaymode = 'peers'
-                    elif key == 'j' or key == "KEY_DOWN":
+                    elif key in ('j', "KEY_DOWN"):
                         if showpeers:
                             selected += 1
                             selected %= len(peers)
-                    elif key == 'k' or key == "KEY_UP":
+                    elif key in ('k', "KEY_UP"):
                         if showpeers:
                             selected += len(peers) - 1
                             selected %= len(peers)

@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ DEFLOG = "ntpsnmpd.log"
 class DataSource(ntp.agentx.MIBControl):
-    def __init__(self, hostname=DEFHOST, settingsFile=None, notifySpin=0.1):
+    def __init__(self, ihostname=DEFHOST, settingsFile=None, notifySpin=0.1):
         # This is defined as a dict tree because it is simpler, and avoids
         # certain edge cases
         # OIDs are relative from ntp root
@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ class DataSource(ntp.agentx.MIBControl):
         # print(repr(self.oidTree))
         # print(self.oidTree[1]["subids"][1][1][0])
         self.session = ntp.packet.ControlSession()
-        self.hostname = hostname if hostname else DEFHOST
+        self.hostname = ihostname if ihostname else DEFHOST
         self.settingsFilename = settingsFile
         # Cache so we don't hammer ntpd, default 1 second timeout
@@ -356,8 +356,8 @@ class DataSource(ntp.agentx.MIBControl):
         if data is None:
             return None
         protoerr = 0
-        for key in data.keys():
-            protoerr += data[key]
+        for ikey in data.keys():
+            protoerr += data[ikey]
         return ax.Varbind(ax.VALUE_COUNTER32, oid, protoerr)
     def cbr_statusNotifications(self, oid):
@@ -537,7 +537,7 @@ class DataSource(ntp.agentx.MIBControl):
                 sockinfo = socket.getaddrinfo(srcadr, None)[0][-1]
                 addr = sockinfo[0]
-                ipv6 = True if len(sockinfo) == 4 else False
+                ipv6 = bool(len(sockinfo) == 4)
             except socket.gaierror:
                 addr = None  # how to handle?
                 ipv6 = None
@@ -615,8 +615,8 @@ class DataSource(ntp.agentx.MIBControl):
             if pvars is None:
                 return None
             protoerr = 0
-            for key in pvars.keys():
-                protoerr += pvars[key]
+            for ikey in pvars.keys():
+                protoerr += pvars[ikey]
             return ax.Varbind(ax.VALUE_COUNTER32, oid, protoerr)
         return self.dynamicCallbackSkeleton(handler)

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