[Git][NTPsec/ntpsec][20L-Dec24-unholy] 5 commits: ntpq: Do not crash on sysinfo. Use bitvector as it should be.
James Browning
gitlab at mg.gitlab.com
Mon Dec 28 00:55:16 UTC 2020
James Browning pushed to branch 20L-Dec24-unholy at NTPsec / ntpsec
ad512883 by James Browning at 2020-12-27T16:54:36-08:00
ntpq: Do not crash on sysinfo. Use bitvector as it should be.
- - - - -
3cf7d69e by James Browning at 2020-12-27T16:54:49-08:00
wscript, options: Add build decription text option.
- - - - -
b36b30b0 by James Browning at 2020-12-27T16:54:49-08:00
build, libtnp: Hardcode 2020 Jan 01 as build epoch ...
This should be changed after 2029 Jan 23 to that date.
If I calculate right that should be the start of GPS week 2560.
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001c026d by James Browning at 2020-12-27T16:54:49-08:00
test: pass output through polystr when writing build/main/test.log
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ef839cfe by James Browning at 2020-12-27T16:54:49-08:00
ntpviz: Do not explode but behave badly on --local-offset-multiplot
- - - - -
7 changed files:
- libntp/ntp_calendar.c
- ntpclients/ntpq.py
- ntpclients/ntpviz.py
- pylib/util.py
- wafhelpers/options.py
- wafhelpers/test.py
- wscript
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ ntpcal_get_build_date(
struct calendar * jd
- time_t epoch = (time_t)BUILD_EPOCH;
+ time_t epoch = (time_t)1577836800; // 2020 Jan 01 -> 1863820800 - 2029 Jan 23
struct tm epoch_tm;
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ class Ntpq(cmd.Cmd):
# so I am leaving them, and possibly duplicating them.
self.rawmode = False # Flag which indicates raw mode output.
self.directmode = False # Flag for direct MRU output.
- self.showhostnames = 1 # If & 1 false, display numeric IPs
+ self.showhostnames = 1 # If & 1, display names
self.showunits = False # If False, show old style float
self.auth_delay = 20 # delay time (default 20msec)
self.wideremote = False # show wide remote names?
@@ -441,7 +441,7 @@ usage: timeout [ msec ]
value = queried[name][0]
rawvalue = queried[name][1]
if fmt in (NTP_ADD, NTP_ADP):
- if self.showhostnames[0]:
+ if self.showhostnames & 1: # if & 1, display names
if self.debug:
self.say("DNS lookup begins...")
value = ntp.util.canonicalize_dns(
@@ -1295,7 +1295,7 @@ def local_offset_multiplot(statlist):
plot = NTPViz.Common + '''\
set terminal %(terminal)s size %(size)s
set title "Multiplot Local Clock Offsets"
-set ytics format "%1.2f μs" nomirror textcolor rgb "#0060ad"
+set ytics format "%%1.2f μs" nomirror textcolor rgb "#0060ad"
set key bottom right box
plot \\
''' % out
@@ -1311,7 +1311,7 @@ plot \\
for stats in statlist:
# speed up by only sending gnuplot the data it will actually use
# fields: time, offset
- pt = NTPViz.plot_slice(stats.loopstats, 2)
+ pt = stats.plot_slice(stats.loopstats, 2)
plot_data += pt[0]
ret = {'html': '', 'stats': []}
@@ -1233,7 +1233,7 @@ class MRUSummary:
self.debug = debug
self.logfp = logfp
self.now = None
- self.showhostnames = showhostnames # If not [0], display numeric IPs
+ self.showhostnames = showhostnames # if & 1, display names
self.wideremote = wideremote
header = " lstint avgint rstr r m v count score drop rport remote address"
@@ -1269,7 +1269,7 @@ class MRUSummary:
rscode = '.'
(ip, port) = portsplit(entry.addr)
- if not self.showhostnames & 1:
+ if not self.showhostnames & 1: # if not & 1 display numeric IPs
dns = ip
dns = canonicalize_dns(ip)
@@ -67,8 +67,8 @@ ext, ffi, or none. defaults to ffi.""", nargs=1)
grp.add_option('--cflags', type='string', action="callback",
help="Users should use CFLAGS in their environment.")
- grp.add_option('--build-epoch', type='int', default=None,
- help="Force epoch, or use SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH in environment")
+ grp.add_option('--build-desc', type='string', default="",
+ help="Arbitrary text string to append to extended version.")
grp.add_option('--ldflags', type='string', action="callback",
help="Users should use LDFLAGS in their environment.")
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
from __future__ import print_function
from waflib.Logs import pprint
+from pylib.poly import polystr
def test_write_log(ctx):
@@ -16,9 +17,9 @@ def test_write_log(ctx):
fp.write("BINARY : %s\n" % binary)
fp.write("RETURN VALUE: %s\n" % retval)
fp.write("\n*** stdout ***\n")
- fp.write(str(lines))
+ fp.write(polystr(lines))
fp.write("\n*** stderr ***\n")
- fp.write(str(error))
+ fp.write(polystr(error))
pprint("BLUE", "Wrote test log to: ", file_out)
@@ -173,40 +173,23 @@ def configure(ctx):
if os.path.exists(".git"):
ctx.find_program("git", var="BIN_GIT", mandatory=False)
- source_date_epoch = os.getenv('SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH', None)
- if ctx.options.build_epoch is not None:
- build_epoch = ctx.options.build_epoch
- ctx.define("BUILD_EPOCH", build_epoch, comment="Using --build-epoch")
- elif source_date_epoch:
- if not source_date_epoch.isdigit():
- ctx.fatal("ERROR: malformed SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH")
- build_epoch = int(source_date_epoch)
- ctx.define("BUILD_EPOCH", build_epoch,
- comment="Using SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH")
- elif ctx.env.BIN_GIT:
- cmd = ctx.env.BIN_GIT + shlex.split("log -1 --pretty=%ct")
- build_epoch = int(ctx.cmd_and_log(cmd).strip())
- ctx.define("BUILD_EPOCH", build_epoch, comment="last git commit")
- else:
- build_epoch = int(time.time())
- ctx.define("BUILD_EPOCH", build_epoch, comment="Using default")
- build_epoch_formatted = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(build_epoch).strftime(
- "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
+ build_desc = ctx.options.build_desc.strip()
+ if build_desc:
+ build_desc = ' ' + build_desc
if ctx.env.BIN_GIT:
cmd = ctx.env.BIN_GIT + shlex.split("describe --dirty")
git_short_hash = ctx.cmd_and_log(cmd).strip()
git_short_hash = '-'.join(git_short_hash.split('-')[1:])
ctx.env.NTPSEC_VERSION = "%s+" % ntpsec_release
- ctx.env.NTPSEC_VERSION_EXTENDED = ("%s+%s %s" %
+ ctx.env.NTPSEC_VERSION_EXTENDED = ("%s+%s%s" %
- build_epoch_formatted))
+ build_desc))
ctx.env.NTPSEC_VERSION = "%s" % ntpsec_release
- ctx.env.NTPSEC_VERSION_EXTENDED = ("%s %s" % (ntpsec_release,
- build_epoch_formatted))
+ ctx.env.NTPSEC_VERSION_EXTENDED = ("%s%s" % (ntpsec_release,
+ build_desc))
ctx.define("NTPSEC_VERSION", ctx.env.NTPSEC_VERSION)
View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.com/NTPsec/ntpsec/-/compare/f27feaf281a67137837e716b4e096f22e9c37e22...ef839cfe07214c2bf1cf137fb3348c147869a7df
View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.com/NTPsec/ntpsec/-/compare/f27feaf281a67137837e716b4e096f22e9c37e22...ef839cfe07214c2bf1cf137fb3348c147869a7df
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