[Git][NTPsec/ntpsec][master] 2 commits: compacted SVG and Unicode devel/nts.adoc diagrams

Eric S. Raymond gitlab at mg.gitlab.com
Sun Mar 3 16:09:27 UTC 2019

Eric S. Raymond pushed to branch master at NTPsec / ntpsec

56295450 by James Browning at 2019-03-03T16:04:18Z
compacted SVG and Unicode devel/nts.adoc diagrams

- - - - -
41427efe by James Browning at 2019-03-03T16:04:18Z
style: replace NTS draft url with macro

- - - - -

2 changed files:

- + devel/NTS-flow.svg
- devel/nts.adoc


@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="650" height="280" version="1.0" shape-rendering="geometricPrecision">
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+<g stroke-width="1" stroke-linecap="square" stroke-linejoin="round">
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+<path d="M370 105Q365 105 365 98L365 70Q365 63 370 63L520 63L520 63Q525 63 525 70L525 98L525 98Q525 105 520 105L370 105z"/>
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+<path d="M355 217L195 217"/>
+<path d="M105 189L105 119"/>
+<text x="80" y="208">Alpha</text>
+<text x="80" y="222">NTP client</text>
+<text x="380" y="208">Charlie</text>
+<text x="380" y="222">NTP server</text>
+<text x="528" y="152">Admin: Key</text>
+<text x="380" y="82">Delta</text>
+<text x="380" y="96">NTS-KE server</text>
+<text x="80" y="82">Bravo</text>
+<text x="80" y="96">NTS-KE client</text>
+<text x="109" y="54">Client</text>

@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+:draft-nts: https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-ntp-using-nts-for-ntp
 = NTS support specification
 == Cisco's Statement of Work requirements
@@ -9,8 +10,7 @@ The NTS implementation shall:
 * Address RFC5705 Keying Material Exporting and AES_SIV (RFC5297) code
   support which may not be natively supported in OpenSSL.
-* Comply with the standardized specification of
-  link:https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-ntp-using-nts-for-ntp[NTS]
+* Comply with the standardized specification of link:{draft-nts}[NTS]
 * Be interoperable with the other reference implementations in IETF hackathons.
@@ -50,24 +50,25 @@ will both be inside ntpd. In the simple case, Charlie and Delta can
 also be packaged together.  In complicated cases, Delta could serve multiple
 Charlies, e.g. in a data-center deployment or for load sharing.
-[ditaa, "NTS-flow", "svg"]
-  /-------------------\
-  |     Client        |
-  | /---------------\ |           /---------------\
-  | | Bravo         | |           | Delta         |
-  | | NTS KE client +------------>| NTS KE server |<-\
-  | \---------------/ |           \-----+---------/  |
-  |     ^             |                 |            |
-  |     |             |                 |       /----+------\
-  :     |             :                 |       | Admin Key |
-  |     |             |                 |       \----+------/
-  |     |             |                 v            |
-  | /---+--------\    |           /-------------\    |
-  | | Alpha      |    |           | Charlie     |<---/
-  | | NTP client +--------------->| NTP server  |
-  | \------------/    |           \-------------/
-  \-------------------/
+  ╔═══════════════════╗
+  ║     Client        ║
+  ║ ┌───────────────┐ ║           ┌───────────────┐
+  ║ │ Bravo         │ ║           │ Delta         │
+  ║ │ NTS-KE client ├─╫──────────►│ NTS-KE server │◄─┐
+  ║ └───────────────┘ ║           └─────┬─────────┘  │
+  ║     ▲             ║                 │            │
+  ║     │             ║                 │       ┌────┴───────┐
+  ║     │             ║                 │       │ Admin: Key │
+  ║     │             ║                 │       └────┬───────┘
+  ║     │             ║                 ▼            │
+  ║ ┌───┴────────┐    ║           ┌─────────────┐    │
+  ║ │ Alpha      │    ║           │ Charlie     │◄───┘
+  ║ │ NTP client ├────╫──────────►│ NTP server  │
+  ║ └────────────┘    ║           └─────────────┘
+  ╚═══════════════════╝
 In this diagram, an arrow means "initiates requests to".
@@ -93,22 +94,17 @@ not a network connection.
 ====  NTS-KE client sends:
 -    Hostname of NTS-KE server
 -    Optional preferred NTPD server hostname or IP Address
-     link:https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-ntp-using-nts-for-ntp#section-4.1.7[4.1.7]
--    A sorted list of AEAD algorithms
-     link:https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-ntp-using-nts-for-ntp#section-4.1.5[4.1.5]
+     link:{draft-nts}#section-4.1.7[4.1.7]
+-    A sorted list of AEAD algorithms link:{draft-nts}#section-4.1.5[4.1.5]
 ====  NTS-KE server and NTS-KE client compute from the TLS connection:
--    C2S and S2C encryption keys
-     link:https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-ntp-using-nts-for-ntp#section-4.2[4.2],
-     link:https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-ntp-using-nts-for-ntp#section-5.1[5.1]
+-    C2S and S2C encryption keys link:{draft-nts}#section-4.2[4.2],
+     link:{draft-nts}#section-5.1[5.1]
 ====  NTS-KE client gets back:
--    NTPD server hostname or IP Address
-     link:https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-ntp-using-nts-for-ntp#section-4.1.7[4.1.7]
--    1 to 8 cookies
-     link:https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-ntp-using-nts-for-ntp#section-4.1.6[4.1.6]
--    The selected AEAD algorithm
-     link:https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-ntp-using-nts-for-ntp#section-4.1.5[4.1.5]
+-    NTPD server hostname or IP Address link:{draft-nts}#section-4.1.7[4.1.7]
+-    1 to 8 cookies link:{draft-nts}#section-4.1.6[4.1.6]
+-    The selected AEAD algorithm link:{draft-nts}#section-4.1.5[4.1.5]
 For AEAD, we need libaes_siv.so, RFC 5297
 It's not in OpenSSL yet.
@@ -162,7 +158,7 @@ The NTS-KE client (Bravo) and NTS-KE server (Delta) independently
 derive the C2S and S2C keys.  For OpenSSL, this is implemented by
 making two calls to SSL_export_keying_material(), which implements
 RFC5705.  The label and context inputs are provided in
 This process is deterministic, so both ends generate the same C2S and S2C.
 The NTS-KE client passes C2S and S2C to the NTP client.  The NTS-KE
@@ -178,12 +174,9 @@ NTP client to NTP server (Alpha to Charlie)
 If all goes well (no lost packets) the client sends:
 -  The normal 48 byte NTP packet
--  A 32+ byte unique ID
--  A cookie
--  Authentication using C2S
+-  A 32+ byte unique ID link:{draft-nts}#section-5.3[5.3]
+-  A cookie link:{draft-nts}#section-5.4[5.4]
+-  Authentication using C2S link:{draft-nts}#section-5.6[5.6]
 It gets back the same, with the cookie replaced with a new cookie
 and S2C used for authentication and to encrypt the new cookie.
@@ -195,7 +188,7 @@ the magic length kludgery for the current shared key authentication.)
 If packets (and hence cookies) are lost, the client will include
 a cookie-placeholder for each extra cookie it wants.
 Those slots will be returned with new cookies.
 The AEAD algorithm used for authentication is set up to encrypt some
@@ -518,7 +511,7 @@ peer's valid time flag is unset (the server has never given valid time),
 discard that time or mark the peer as a falseticker.  These checks should
 never trigger on legitimate traffic, as that would mean the NTP server
 disagrees with its NTS-KE server's CA about time.
 It might be considered useful to always apply these
 `notBefore`/`notAfter` sanity checks, not just for "suspect"
@@ -534,7 +527,7 @@ happen after certificate validation.
 How many cookies should the NTP client try to hold?  8
 There is no hard reason, but it is what the NTS-KE server SHOULD return.
 It also matches the number of samples that ntpd remembers (the reach bit
 mask in ntpq/peers) and running out of responses is a good time to do
 special things like getting a new pool server or getting new cookies by running
@@ -607,11 +600,11 @@ the encode/decode overhead shouldn't be an issue.
 How to make NTS-KE work, securely, with pooled servers?
-link:https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-ntp-using-nts-for-ntp#section-4.1.3[4.1.3], link:https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-ntp-using-nts-for-ntp#section-4.1.4[4.1.4]
+link:{draft-nts}#section-4.1.3[4.1.3], link:{draft-nts}#section-4.1.4[4.1.4]
 Is the response in case of abuse 'continue the abuse, just wait a minute'?
 Does the unique identifier extension need to be omniversally unique?

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