[Git][NTPsec/ntpsec][master] tests/python3-tester.sh builds with Python3

Hal Murray gitlab at mg.gitlab.com
Thu Mar 22 05:08:51 UTC 2018

Hal Murray pushed to branch master at NTPsec / ntpsec

6e53c21c by Hal Murray at 2018-03-22T05:06:26Z
tests/python3-tester.sh builds with Python3
  and runs enough to printout version string.

- - - - -

1 changed file:

- + tests/python3-tester.sh


--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/python3-tester.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# sh on NetBSD and FreeBSD says:
+#   sh: ${PIPESTATUS[...}: Bad substitution
+# This is a clone of option-tester.sh
+# to build with python3 and do minimal (version) testing.
+if [ `uname -s` = "Linux" -a -f /usr/include/seccomp.h ]
+  # Not supported on CentOS 6
+  LINUX="--enable-seccomp"
+doit ()
+  DIR=test-$1
+  [ ! -d $DIR ] && mkdir $DIR
+  rm -rf $DIR/*
+  python3 ./waf configure --out=$DIR $2  |& tee    $DIR/test.log
+  WAF2=0
+  WAF3=0
+  if [ "$WAF1" = 0 ]
+  then
+  echo                                   |& tee -a $DIR/test.log
+  python3 ./waf build                    |& tee -a $DIR/test.log
+  if [ "$WAF2" = 0 ]
+  then
+  echo                                   |& tee -a $DIR/test.log
+  python3 ./waf check                    |& tee -a $DIR/test.log
+  fi
+  fi
+  if [ "$WAF1" != 0 -o "$WAF2" != 0 -o "$WAF3" != 0 ] 
+  then
+    echo                                 |& tee -a $DIR/test.log
+    echo "Trouble with $DIR"             |& tee -a $DIR/test.log
+  else
+    echo -n "VERSION: "                                  |& tee -a $DIR/test.log
+    ./$DIR/main/ntpd/ntpd --version                      |& tee -a $DIR/test.log
+    echo -n "VERSION: "                                  |& tee -a $DIR/test.log
+    python3 ./$DIR/main/ntpclients/ntpq --version        |& tee -a $DIR/test.log
+    echo -n "VERSION: "                                  |& tee -a $DIR/test.log
+    python3 ./$DIR/main/ntpclients/ntpdig --version      |& tee -a $DIR/test.log
+    if [ `uname -s` != "NetBSD" ]
+    then
+      # no Python/curses on NetBSD
+      echo -n "VERSION: "                                |& tee -a $DIR/test.log
+      python3 ./$DIR/main/ntpclients/ntpmon --version    |& tee -a $DIR/test.log
+    fi
+    # if [ "`which gpsmon 2>/dev/null`" != "" ]
+    # then
+    # needs GPSD library - don't know how to test for python3 version
+    # echo -n "VERSION: "                                |& tee -a $DIR/test.log
+    # python3 ./$DIR/main/ntpclients/ntploggps --version |& tee -a $DIR/test.log
+    # fi
+    echo -n "VERSION: "                                  |& tee -a $DIR/test.log
+    python3 ./$DIR/main/ntpclients/ntplogtemp --version  |& tee -a $DIR/test.log
+  fi
+  echo
+  echo
+# Build with only one set of options.  The options don't change
+# the Python side of things.
+doit python3 "--disable-droproot --disable-dns-lookup --disable-mdns-registration --disable-manpage"
+grep VERSION: test*/test.log
+grep warning:                    test*/test.log
+grep error:                      test*/test.log
+grep "The configuration failed"  test*/test.log
+grep ^Trouble                    test*/test.log

View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.com/NTPsec/ntpsec/commit/6e53c21cff16b1087341e44aa4d3e59bd07921ef

View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.com/NTPsec/ntpsec/commit/6e53c21cff16b1087341e44aa4d3e59bd07921ef
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