[Git][NTPsec/ntpsec][master] 2 commits: Adds test program to list Pythons and some of their parameters.
Gary E. Miller
gitlab at mg.gitlab.com
Wed Sep 27 01:08:30 UTC 2017
Gary E. Miller pushed to branch master at NTPsec / ntpsec
59fca61e by Fred Wright at 2017-09-26T16:07:26-07:00
Adds test program to list Pythons and some of their parameters.
Did a quick run with this copied version.
- - - - -
97cfaa6a by Gary E. Miller at 2017-09-26T18:02:49-07:00
Manually merge MR 558.
Merge branch 'fhgwright/ntpsec-python-fixes'
Adds devel/python_paths.py
It did not find all my Gentoo system pythons.
- - - - -
1 changed file:
- + devel/python_paths.py
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/python_paths.py
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+"""Find all Pythons in the command path, and corresponding exe/lib locations.
+An optional argument specifies an SSH host (or user at host) to use for the run.
+Note that the ssh-based version will use the system-defult PATH rather than
+the PATH set up by any login scripts, so it may not find all Pythons that the
+user would see.
+It is known to work with all versions of Python >=2.4.
+import glob
+import operator
+import os
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import traceback
+ reduce
+except NameError: # For Python 3
+ from functools import reduce # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
+PYTHON_PATTERNS = ['python', 'python[1-9]', 'python[1-9].[0-9]']
+ ['', 'import sys'],
+ ['', 'from distutils import sysconfig'],
+ ['exec', 'print(sys.executable)'],
+ ['lib-noarch', 'print(sysconfig.get_python_lib(plat_specific=0))'],
+ ['lib-arch', 'print(sysconfig.get_python_lib(plat_specific=1))'],
+ ['sys-prefix', 'print(sys.prefix)'],
+ ['std-prefix', 'print(sysconfig.PREFIX)'],
+ ['exec-prefix', 'print(sysconfig.EXEC_PREFIX)'],
+ ]
+PYTHON_VALUE_NAMES = [xx[0] for xx in PYTHON_COMMAND_MAP if xx[0]]
+PYTHON_PREFIX_NAMES = 'sys-prefix std-prefix exec-prefix'.split()
+class BadReturn(Exception):
+ """Bad return from subprocess."""
+ pass
+def _print(arg):
+ """Python3-compatible print, without depending on future import."""
+ print(arg) # pylint: disable=superfluous-parens
+def GetPaths():
+ """Get list of directories in PATH."""
+ return os.environ['PATH'].split(':')
+def MakePatterns(paths, patterns):
+ """Construct Cartesian product of paths and file patterns."""
+ return [os.path.join(path, pat) for path in paths for pat in patterns]
+def FileList(patterns):
+ """Get list of files from list of glob patterns."""
+ return reduce(operator.add, map(glob.glob, patterns), [])
+def ExeFilter(files):
+ """Filter list of files based on executability."""
+ return [f for f in files if os.access(f, os.X_OK)]
+def PythonCommands(python, commands):
+ """Run a multiline Python command string in a specified Python."""
+ proc = subprocess.Popen(python,
+ stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+ universal_newlines=True) # Force text mode in Python3
+ try:
+ result, _ = proc.communicate(commands)
+ except TypeError: # For Python 3.1 only
+ result, _ = proc.communicate(bytes(commands, encoding='latin-1'))
+ if proc.returncode:
+ raise BadReturn(proc.returncode)
+ return result.splitlines()
+def PrintExe(prefix, exe, real):
+ """Print executable path with optional symlink reporting."""
+ if real == exe:
+ _print('%s: %s' % (prefix, exe))
+ else:
+ _print('%s: %s -> %s' % (prefix, exe, real))
+def main(argv=None): # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
+ """Top-level main function."""
+ if argv and len(argv) >= 2: # If arg is given, run entire script remotely
+ sys.stderr.write('NOTE: Remote PATH may be incomplete.\n')
+ this_file = open(__file__)
+ this_script = this_file.read()
+ this_file.close()
+ result = PythonCommands(['ssh', '-T', argv[1], 'python'], this_script)
+ if result and result[-1]:
+ result += [''] # Add trailing EOL if needed
+ sys.stdout.write('\n'.join(result))
+ return 0
+ python_list = ExeFilter(FileList(MakePatterns(GetPaths(), PYTHON_PATTERNS)))
+ done = set()
+ unique = total = 0
+ for python in python_list:
+ try:
+ values = PythonCommands([python], '\n'.join(PYTHON_COMMANDS))
+ except (OSError, BadReturn): # Avoid 'as' for <2.6 compatibility
+ exmsg = traceback.format_exception_only(*sys.exc_info()[:2])[-1].strip()
+ _print('Skipping %s due to %s' % (python, exmsg))
+ continue
+ if len(values) != len(PYTHON_VALUE_NAMES):
+ _print('Skipping %s due to number of results (%d) != %d'
+ % (python, len(values), len(PYTHON_VALUE_NAMES)))
+ continue
+ valdict = dict(zip(PYTHON_VALUE_NAMES, values))
+ total += 1
+ exe = valdict['exec']
+ real = os.path.realpath(exe)
+ if real in done:
+ PrintExe('Redundant', python, os.path.realpath(python))
+ PrintExe(' (Executable)', exe, real)
+ continue
+ done |= set([real])
+ unique += 1
+ PrintExe('Command', python, os.path.realpath(python))
+ PrintExe(' Executable', exe, real)
+ if valdict['lib-noarch'] == valdict['lib-arch']:
+ _print(' Libs(all): %s' % valdict['lib-noarch'])
+ else:
+ _print(' Libs(arch=any): %s' % valdict['lib-noarch'])
+ _print(' Libs(arch=specific): %s' % valdict['lib-arch'])
+ if len(set([valdict[x] for x in PYTHON_PREFIX_NAMES])) == 1:
+ _print(' Prefix(all): %s' % valdict['sys-prefix'])
+ else:
+ _print(' Prefix(sys): %s' % valdict['sys-prefix'])
+ _print(' Prefix(std): %s' % valdict['std-prefix'])
+ _print(' Prefix(exec): %s' % valdict['exec-prefix'])
+ plural = unique != 1 and 's' or '' # pylint: disable=consider-using-ternary
+ print('Found %d unique Python installation%s out of %d total'
+ % (unique, plural, total))
+ return 0
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ sys.exit(main(sys.argv)) # pragma: no cover
View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.com/NTPsec/ntpsec/compare/8871e54c98d1cb0f8912359024abb49d61af67a4...97cfaa6a4a8eb7654485492b05397b70577030c7
View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.com/NTPsec/ntpsec/compare/8871e54c98d1cb0f8912359024abb49d61af67a4...97cfaa6a4a8eb7654485492b05397b70577030c7
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