[Git][NTPsec/ntpsec][master] 2 commits: branch change

Ian Bruene gitlab at mg.gitlab.com
Tue Sep 12 18:49:44 UTC 2017

Ian Bruene pushed to branch master at NTPsec / ntpsec

56150a2a by Ian Bruene at 2017-09-12T17:12:52+00:00
branch change

- - - - -
ef6baaf9 by Ian Bruene at 2017-09-12T18:48:32+00:00
Finished tests for statfiles.py

- - - - -

3 changed files:

- pylib/statfiles.py
- tests/pylib/jigs.py
- tests/pylib/test_statfiles.py


--- a/pylib/statfiles.py
+++ b/pylib/statfiles.py
@@ -59,6 +59,53 @@ class NTPStats:
         "get Unix time from converted line."
         return float(line.split()[0])
+    @staticmethod
+    def percentiles(percents, values):
+        "Return given percentiles of a given row in a given set of entries."
+        "assuming values are already split and sorted"
+        ret = {}
+        length = len(values)
+        if 1 >= length:
+            # uh, oh...
+            if 1 == length:
+                # just one data value, set all to that one value
+                v = values[0]
+            else:
+                # no data, set all to zero
+                v = 0
+            for perc in percents:
+                ret["p" + str(perc)] = v
+        else:
+            for perc in percents:
+                if perc == 100:
+                    ret["p100"] = values[length - 1]
+                else:
+                    ret["p" + str(perc)] = values[int(length * (perc/100))]
+        return ret
+    @staticmethod
+    def ip_label(key):
+        "Produce appropriate label for an IP address."
+        # If it's a new-style NTPsep clock label, pass it through,
+        # Otherwise we expect it to be an IP address and the next guard fires
+        if key[0].isdigit():
+            # TO BE REMOVED SOMEDAY
+            # Clock address - only possible if we're looking at a logfile made
+            # by NTP Classic or an NTPsec version configured with
+            # --enable-classic-mode.  Nasty that we have to emit a numeric
+            # driver type here.
+            if key.startswith("127.127."):
+                (_, _, t, u) = key.split(".")
+                return "REFCLOCK(type=%s,unit=%s)" % (t, u)
+            # Ordinary IP address - replace with primary hostname.
+            # Punt if the lookup fails.
+            try:
+                (hostname, _, _) = socket.gethostbyaddr(key)
+                return hostname
+            except socket.herror:
+                pass
+        return key      # Someday, be smarter than this.
     def __init__(self, statsdir, sitename=None,
                  period=None, starttime=None, endtime=None):
         "Grab content of logfiles, sorted by timestamp."
@@ -104,6 +151,7 @@ class NTPStats:
                         lines += open(logpart, 'r').readlines()
             except IOError:
                 sys.stderr.write("ntpviz: WARNING: could not read %s\n"
                                  % logpart)
@@ -138,29 +186,6 @@ class NTPStats:
             setattr(self, stem, lines1)
-    def percentiles(self, percents, values):
-        "Return given percentiles of a given row in a given set of entries."
-        "assuming values are already split and sorted"
-        ret = {}
-        length = len(values)
-        if 1 >= length:
-            # uh, oh...
-            if 1 == length:
-                # just one data value, set all to that one value
-                v = values[0]
-            else:
-                # no data, set all to zero
-                v = 0
-            for perc in percents:
-                ret["p" + str(perc)] = v
-        else:
-            for perc in percents:
-                if perc == 100:
-                    ret["p100"] = values[length - 1]
-                else:
-                    ret["p" + str(perc)] = values[int(length * (perc/100))]
-        return ret
     def peersplit(self):
         "Return a dictionary mapping peerstats IPs to entry subsets."
         "This is very expensive, so cache the result"
@@ -206,28 +231,6 @@ class NTPStats:
         return tempsmap
-    def ip_label(self, key):
-        "Produce appropriate label for an IP address."
-        # If it's a new-style NTPsep clock label, pass it through,
-        # Otherwise we expect it to be an IP address and the next guard fires
-        if key[0].isdigit():
-            # TO BE REMOVED SOMEDAY
-            # Clock address - only possible if we're looking at a logfile made
-            # by NTP Classic or an NTPsec version configured with
-            # --enable-classic-mode.  Nasty that we have to emit a numeric
-            # driver type here.
-            if key.startswith("127.127."):
-                (_, _, t, u) = key.split(".")
-                return "REFCLOCK(type=%s,unit=%s)" % (t, u)
-            # Ordinary IP address - replace with primary hostname.
-            # Punt if the lookup fails.
-            try:
-                (hostname, _, _) = socket.gethostbyaddr(key)
-                return hostname
-            except socket.herror:
-                pass
-        return key      # Someday, be smarter than this.
 def iso_to_posix(s):
     "Accept timestamps in ISO 8661 format or numeric POSIX time. UTC only."

--- a/tests/pylib/jigs.py
+++ b/tests/pylib/jigs.py
@@ -96,6 +96,7 @@ class HasherJig:
 class SocketModuleJig:
     error = socket.error
     gaierror = socket._socket.gaierror
+    herror = socket.herror
     AF_UNSPEC = socket.AF_UNSPEC
@@ -119,6 +120,8 @@ class SocketModuleJig:
         self.inet_ntop_calls = []
         self.getfqdn_calls = []
         self.getfqdn_returns = []
+        self.ghba_calls = []
+        self.ghba_returns = []
     def getaddrinfo(self, host, port, family=None, socktype=None,
                     proto=None, flags=None):
@@ -160,6 +163,13 @@ class SocketModuleJig:
         return self.getfqdn_returns.pop(0)
+    def gethostbyaddr(self, addr):
+        self.ghba_calls.append(addr)
+        ret = self.ghba_returns.pop(0)
+        if ret is None:
+            raise self.herror
+        return ret
 class GetpassModuleJig:
     def __init__(self):

--- a/tests/pylib/test_statfiles.py
+++ b/tests/pylib/test_statfiles.py
@@ -33,6 +33,17 @@ class TestPylibStatfiles(unittest.TestCase):
 class TestNTPStats(unittest.TestCase):
     target = ntp.statfiles.NTPStats
+    open_calls = []
+    open_returns = []
+    def open_jig(self, filename, filemode):
+        self.open_calls.append((filename, filemode))
+        ret = self.open_returns.pop(0)
+        if ret is None:
+            raise IOError
+        else:
+            return ret
     def test_unixize(self):
         f = self.target.unixize
@@ -58,18 +69,45 @@ class TestNTPStats(unittest.TestCase):
         # Test
         self.assertEqual(f("12345.6789 blah blah"), 12345.6789)
-    def test___init__(self):
-        open_calls = []
-        open_returns = []
+    def test_percentiles(self):
+        f = self.target.percentiles
+        # Test empty
+        self.assertEqual(f([], []), {})
+        # Test 1 item, empty percentile
+        self.assertEqual(f([], [42]), {})
+        # Test 1 item, non-empty percentile
+        self.assertEqual(f([10, 90], [42]), {"p10": 42, "p90": 42})
+        # Test several items, empty percentile
+        self.assertEqual(f([], [1, 23, 42, 99]), {})
+        # Test several items, non-empty percentile
+        self.assertEqual(f([10, 25, 50, 90, 100], [1, 23, 42, 99]),
+                         {"p10": 1, "p25": 23, "p90": 99,
+                          "p50": 42, "p100": 99})
+    def test_ip_label(self):
+        f = self.target.ip_label
-        def open_jig(filename, filemode):
-            open_calls.append((filename, filemode))
-            ret = open_returns.pop(0)
-            if ret is None:
-                raise IOError
-            else:
-                return ret
+        fakesockmod = jigs.SocketModuleJig()
+        try:
+            socktemp = ntp.statfiles.socket
+            ntp.statfiles.socket = fakesockmod
+            # Test no label
+            self.assertEqual(f("blah"), "blah")
+            # Test hostname, success
+            fakesockmod.ghba_returns = [("result.com", None, None)]
+            self.assertEqual(f(""), "result.com")
+            # Test hostname, failure
+            fakesockmod.ghba_returns = [None]
+            self.assertEqual(f(""), "")
+            # Test old style NTP
+            fakesockmod.ghba_returns = [("foo.org", None, None)]
+            self.assertEqual(f(""), "REFCLOCK(type=42,unit=23)")
+        finally:
+            ntp.statfiles.socket = socktemp
+    def test___init__(self):
+        # Create jigs
         fakegzipmod = jigs.GzipModuleJig()
         fakesockmod = jigs.SocketModuleJig()
         logjig = jigs.FileJig()
@@ -91,7 +129,7 @@ class TestNTPStats(unittest.TestCase):
             globtemp = ntp.statfiles.glob
             ntp.statfiles.glob = fakeglobmod
             opentemp = open
-            ntp.statfiles.open = open_jig
+            ntp.statfiles.open = self.open_jig
             # Test simplest
             TDP = self.target.DefaultPeriod
             faketimemod.time_returns = [TDP * 2]
@@ -99,21 +137,25 @@ class TestNTPStats(unittest.TestCase):
             fakeosmod.path.getmtime_returns = [TDP+1, TDP+2, TDP+3, TDP+4,
                                                TDP+5, TDP+6, TDP+7, TDP+8,
                                                TDP+9, TDP+10, TDP+11, TDP-1]
-            open_returns = [jigs.FileJig(["40594 10\n", "40594 11"]),
-                            jigs.FileJig(["40594 30\n", "40594 31"]),
-                            jigs.FileJig(["40594 40\n", "40594 41"]),
-                            jigs.FileJig(["40594 50\n", "40594 51"]),
-                            jigs.FileJig(["40594 60\n", "40594 61"]),
-                            jigs.FileJig(["40594 70\n", "40594 71"]),
-                            jigs.FileJig(["40594 80\n", "40594 81"]),
-                            jigs.FileJig(["604801.25 40594 90\n", "#blah",
-                                          "604802.25 40594 91"]),
-                            jigs.FileJig(["604803.25 40594 100\n", "#blah",
-                                          "604804.25 40594 101"]),
-                            jigs.FileJig(["604805.25 40594 110\n", "#blah",
-                                          "604806.25 40594 111"]),
-                            jigs.FileJig(["604807.25 40594 120\n", "#blah",
-                                          "604808.25 40594 121"])]
+            self.open_returns = [jigs.FileJig(["40594 10\n", "40594 11"]),
+                                 jigs.FileJig(["40594 30\n", "40594 31"]),
+                                 jigs.FileJig(["40594 40\n", "40594 41"]),
+                                 jigs.FileJig(["40594 50\n", "40594 51"]),
+                                 jigs.FileJig(["40594 60\n", "40594 61"]),
+                                 jigs.FileJig(["40594 70\n", "40594 71"]),
+                                 jigs.FileJig(["40594 80\n", "40594 81"]),
+                                 jigs.FileJig(["604801.25 40594 90\n",
+                                               "#blah",
+                                               "604802.25 40594 91"]),
+                                 jigs.FileJig(["604803.25 40594 100\n",
+                                               "#blah",
+                                               "604804.25 40594 101"]),
+                                 jigs.FileJig(["604805.25 40594 110\n",
+                                               "#blah",
+                                               "604806.25 40594 111"]),
+                                 jigs.FileJig(["604807.25 40594 120\n",
+                                               "#blah",
+                                               "604808.25 40594 121"])]
             fakegzipmod.files_returned = [jigs.FileJig(["40594 20\n",
                                                         "40594 21"])]
             fakeglobmod.glob_returns = [("/foo/bar/clockstats.0",
@@ -166,7 +208,7 @@ class TestNTPStats(unittest.TestCase):
             faketimemod.time_returns = [TDP * 2]
             fakesockmod.fqdn_returns = ["jabber"]
             fakeosmod.path.isdir_returns = [True]
-            open_returns = [None]
+            self.open_returns = [None]
             fakeglobmod.glob_returns = [(["/foo/bar/clockstats.0"]),
                                         ([]), ([]), ([]), ([]), ([])]
             fakeosmod.path.getmtime_returns = [101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106]
@@ -213,6 +255,265 @@ class TestNTPStats(unittest.TestCase):
             ntp.statfiles.open = opentemp
             sys.stderr = errtemp
+    def test_peersplit(self):
+        # Yes, this copies much of test___init__. I already know it works
+        #  and __init__ is very complicated
+        # Create jigs
+        fakegzipmod = jigs.GzipModuleJig()
+        fakesockmod = jigs.SocketModuleJig()
+        logjig = jigs.FileJig()
+        faketimemod = jigs.TimeModuleJig()
+        fakeosmod = jigs.OSModuleJig()
+        fakeglobmod = jigs.GlobModuleJig()
+        try:
+            # Splice in jigs
+            gziptemp = ntp.statfiles.gzip
+            ntp.statfiles.gzip = fakegzipmod
+            socktemp = ntp.statfiles.socket
+            ntp.statfiles.socket = fakesockmod
+            errtemp = sys.stderr
+            sys.stderr = logjig
+            timetemp = ntp.statfiles.time
+            ntp.statfiles.time = faketimemod
+            ostemp = ntp.statfiles.os
+            ntp.statfiles.os = fakeosmod
+            globtemp = ntp.statfiles.glob
+            ntp.statfiles.glob = fakeglobmod
+            opentemp = open
+            ntp.statfiles.open = self.open_jig
+            # Test simplest
+            TDP = self.target.DefaultPeriod
+            faketimemod.time_returns = [TDP * 2]
+            fakeosmod.path.isdir_returns = [True]
+            fakeosmod.path.getmtime_returns = [TDP+1, TDP+2, TDP+3, TDP+4,
+                                               TDP+5, TDP+6, TDP+7, TDP+8,
+                                               TDP+9, TDP+10, TDP+11, TDP-1]
+            self.open_returns = [jigs.FileJig(["40594 10\n", "40594 11"]),
+                                 jigs.FileJig(["40594 30\n",
+                                               "50594 -12\n",
+                                               "40594 31\n",
+                                               "40594 31.5\n"]),
+                                 jigs.FileJig(["40594 40\n", "40594 41"]),
+                                 jigs.FileJig(["40594 50\n", "40594 51"]),
+                                 jigs.FileJig(["40594 60\n", "40594 61"]),
+                                 jigs.FileJig(["40594 70\n", "40594 71"]),
+                                 jigs.FileJig(["40594 80\n", "40594 81"]),
+                                 jigs.FileJig(["604801.25 40594 90\n",
+                                               "#blah",
+                                               "604802.25 40594 91"]),
+                                 jigs.FileJig(["604803.25 40594 100\n",
+                                               "#blah",
+                                               "604804.25 40594 101"]),
+                                 jigs.FileJig(["604805.25 40594 110\n",
+                                               "#blah",
+                                               "604806.25 40594 111"]),
+                                 jigs.FileJig(["604807.25 40594 120\n",
+                                               "#blah",
+                                               "604808.25 40594 121"])]
+            fakegzipmod.files_returned = [jigs.FileJig(["40594 20\n",
+                                                        "40594 21"])]
+            fakeglobmod.glob_returns = [("/foo/bar/clockstats.0",
+                                         "/foo/bar/clockstats.1gz"),
+                                        ("/foo/bar/peerstats.0",
+                                         "/foo/bar/peerstats.1"),
+                                        ("/foo/bar/loopstats.0",
+                                         "/foo/bar/loopstats.1"),
+                                        ("/foo/bar/rawstats.0",
+                                         "/foo/bar/rawstats.1"),
+                                        ("/foo/bar/temps0",
+                                         "/foo/bar/temps1"),
+                                        ("/foo/bar/gpsd0",
+                                         "/foo/bar/gpsd1")]  # time kicked
+            cls = self.target("/foo/bar")
+            # Test
+            self.assertEqual(cls.peersplit(),
+                             {"": [[604830000, '604830.0', ""],
+                                          [604831000, '604831.0', ""]],
+                              "": [[604831500, '604831.5', ""]]})
+            self.target.peermap[""][0][0] = 42
+            # Test that it uses cache
+            self.assertEqual(cls.peersplit(),
+                             {"": [[42, '604830.0', ""],
+                                          [604831000, '604831.0', ""]],
+                              "": [[604831500, '604831.5', ""]]})
+        finally:
+            ntp.statfiles.gzip = gziptemp
+            ntp.statfiles.socket = socktemp
+            ntp.statfiles.os = ostemp
+            ntp.statfiles.time = timetemp
+            ntp.statfiles.glob = fakeglobmod
+            ntp.statfiles.open = opentemp
+            sys.stderr = errtemp
+    def test_gpssplit(self):
+        # Yes, this copies much of test___init__. I already know it works
+        #  and __init__ is very complicated
+        # Create jigs
+        fakegzipmod = jigs.GzipModuleJig()
+        fakesockmod = jigs.SocketModuleJig()
+        logjig = jigs.FileJig()
+        faketimemod = jigs.TimeModuleJig()
+        fakeosmod = jigs.OSModuleJig()
+        fakeglobmod = jigs.GlobModuleJig()
+        try:
+            # Splice in jigs
+            gziptemp = ntp.statfiles.gzip
+            ntp.statfiles.gzip = fakegzipmod
+            socktemp = ntp.statfiles.socket
+            ntp.statfiles.socket = fakesockmod
+            errtemp = sys.stderr
+            sys.stderr = logjig
+            timetemp = ntp.statfiles.time
+            ntp.statfiles.time = faketimemod
+            ostemp = ntp.statfiles.os
+            ntp.statfiles.os = fakeosmod
+            globtemp = ntp.statfiles.glob
+            ntp.statfiles.glob = fakeglobmod
+            opentemp = open
+            ntp.statfiles.open = self.open_jig
+            # Test simplest
+            TDP = self.target.DefaultPeriod
+            faketimemod.time_returns = [TDP * 2]
+            fakeosmod.path.isdir_returns = [True]
+            fakeosmod.path.getmtime_returns = [TDP+1, TDP+2, TDP+3, TDP+4,
+                                               TDP+5, TDP+6, TDP+7, TDP+8,
+                                               TDP+9, TDP+10, TDP+11, TDP-1]
+            self.open_returns = [jigs.FileJig(["40594 10\n", "40594 11"]),
+                                 jigs.FileJig(["40594 30\n", "40594 31"]),
+                                 jigs.FileJig(["40594 40\n", "40594 41"]),
+                                 jigs.FileJig(["40594 50\n", "40594 51"]),
+                                 jigs.FileJig(["40594 60\n", "40594 61"]),
+                                 jigs.FileJig(["40594 70\n", "40594 71"]),
+                                 jigs.FileJig(["40594 80\n", "40594 81"]),
+                                 jigs.FileJig(["604801.25 40594 90\n",
+                                               "#blah",
+                                               "604802.25 40594 91"]),
+                                 jigs.FileJig(["604803.25 40594 100\n",
+                                               "#blah",
+                                               "604804.25 40594 101"]),
+                                 jigs.FileJig(["604805.25 40594 110\n",
+                                               "#blah",
+                                               "604806.25 40594 111"]),
+                                 jigs.FileJig(["604807.25 40594 120\n",
+                                               "#blah",
+                                               "604808.25 40594 121"])]
+            fakegzipmod.files_returned = [jigs.FileJig(["40594 20\n",
+                                                        "40594 21"])]
+            fakeglobmod.glob_returns = [("/foo/bar/clockstats.0",
+                                         "/foo/bar/clockstats.1gz"),
+                                        ("/foo/bar/peerstats.0",
+                                         "/foo/bar/peerstats.1"),
+                                        ("/foo/bar/loopstats.0",
+                                         "/foo/bar/loopstats.1"),
+                                        ("/foo/bar/rawstats.0",
+                                         "/foo/bar/rawstats.1"),
+                                        ("/foo/bar/temps0",
+                                         "/foo/bar/temps1"),
+                                        ("/foo/bar/gpsd0",
+                                         "/foo/bar/gpsd1")]  # time kicked
+            cls = self.target("/foo/bar")
+            self.assertEqual(cls.gpssplit(),
+                             {"40594": [[604805250, '604805.25', '40594',
+                                         '110'],
+                                        [604806250, '604806.25', '40594',
+                                         '111']]})
+        finally:
+            ntp.statfiles.gzip = gziptemp
+            ntp.statfiles.socket = socktemp
+            ntp.statfiles.os = ostemp
+            ntp.statfiles.time = timetemp
+            ntp.statfiles.glob = fakeglobmod
+            ntp.statfiles.open = opentemp
+            sys.stderr = errtemp
+    def test_tempssplit(self):
+        # Yes, this copies much of test___init__. I already know it works
+        #  and __init__ is very complicated
+        # Create jigs
+        fakegzipmod = jigs.GzipModuleJig()
+        fakesockmod = jigs.SocketModuleJig()
+        logjig = jigs.FileJig()
+        faketimemod = jigs.TimeModuleJig()
+        fakeosmod = jigs.OSModuleJig()
+        fakeglobmod = jigs.GlobModuleJig()
+        try:
+            # Splice in jigs
+            gziptemp = ntp.statfiles.gzip
+            ntp.statfiles.gzip = fakegzipmod
+            socktemp = ntp.statfiles.socket
+            ntp.statfiles.socket = fakesockmod
+            errtemp = sys.stderr
+            sys.stderr = logjig
+            timetemp = ntp.statfiles.time
+            ntp.statfiles.time = faketimemod
+            ostemp = ntp.statfiles.os
+            ntp.statfiles.os = fakeosmod
+            globtemp = ntp.statfiles.glob
+            ntp.statfiles.glob = fakeglobmod
+            opentemp = open
+            ntp.statfiles.open = self.open_jig
+            # Test simplest
+            TDP = self.target.DefaultPeriod
+            faketimemod.time_returns = [TDP * 2]
+            fakeosmod.path.isdir_returns = [True]
+            fakeosmod.path.getmtime_returns = [TDP+1, TDP+2, TDP+3, TDP+4,
+                                               TDP+5, TDP+6, TDP+7, TDP+8,
+                                               TDP+9, TDP+10, TDP+11, TDP-1]
+            self.open_returns = [jigs.FileJig(["40594 10\n", "40594 11"]),
+                                 jigs.FileJig(["40594 30\n", "40594 31"]),
+                                 jigs.FileJig(["40594 40\n", "40594 41"]),
+                                 jigs.FileJig(["40594 50\n", "40594 51"]),
+                                 jigs.FileJig(["40594 60\n", "40594 61"]),
+                                 jigs.FileJig(["40594 70\n", "40594 71"]),
+                                 jigs.FileJig(["40594 80\n", "40594 81"]),
+                                 jigs.FileJig(["604801.25 40594 90\n",
+                                               "#blah",
+                                               "604802.25 40594 91"]),
+                                 jigs.FileJig(["604803.25 40594 100\n",
+                                               "#blah",
+                                               "604804.25 40594 101",
+                                               "604804.25 40595 101"]),
+                                 jigs.FileJig(["604805.25 40594 110\n",
+                                               "#blah",
+                                               "604806.25 40594 111"]),
+                                 jigs.FileJig(["604807.25 40594 120\n",
+                                               "#blah",
+                                               "604808.25 40594 121"])]
+            fakegzipmod.files_returned = [jigs.FileJig(["40594 20\n",
+                                                        "40594 21"])]
+            fakeglobmod.glob_returns = [("/foo/bar/clockstats.0",
+                                         "/foo/bar/clockstats.1gz"),
+                                        ("/foo/bar/peerstats.0",
+                                         "/foo/bar/peerstats.1"),
+                                        ("/foo/bar/loopstats.0",
+                                         "/foo/bar/loopstats.1"),
+                                        ("/foo/bar/rawstats.0",
+                                         "/foo/bar/rawstats.1"),
+                                        ("/foo/bar/temps0",
+                                         "/foo/bar/temps1"),
+                                        ("/foo/bar/gpsd0",
+                                         "/foo/bar/gpsd1")]  # time kicked
+            cls = self.target("/foo/bar")
+            self.assertEqual(cls.tempssplit(),
+                             {"40594": [[604801250, '604801.25',
+                                         '40594', '90'],
+                                        [604802250, '604802.25',
+                                         '40594', '91'],
+                                        [604803250, '604803.25',
+                                         '40594', '100'],
+                                        [604804250, '604804.25',
+                                         '40594', '101']],
+                              "40595": [[604804250, '604804.25',
+                                         '40595', '101']]})
+        finally:
+            ntp.statfiles.gzip = gziptemp
+            ntp.statfiles.socket = socktemp
+            ntp.statfiles.os = ostemp
+            ntp.statfiles.time = timetemp
+            ntp.statfiles.glob = fakeglobmod
+            ntp.statfiles.open = opentemp
+            sys.stderr = errtemp
 if __name__ == '__main__':

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