[Git][NTPsec/ntpsec][master] 2 commits: Added functions to between octet bitstreams and lists of bools

Ian Bruene gitlab at mg.gitlab.com
Sun Nov 12 21:24:58 UTC 2017

Ian Bruene pushed to branch master at NTPsec / ntpsec

631046e6 by Ian Bruene at 2017-11-12T15:24:18-06:00
Added functions to between octet bitstreams and lists of bools

- - - - -
06b1eaed by Ian Bruene at 2017-11-12T15:24:18-06:00
Added basic support for the SNMP set command

NTPv4-MIB::ntpEntNotifBits can now be set

Validation checks are still very crude, only one variable can be changed,
and new variables cannot be created.

- - - - -

3 changed files:

- ntpclients/ntpsnmpd
- pylib/agentx.py
- tests/pylib/test_agentx.py


--- a/ntpclients/ntpsnmpd
+++ b/ntpclients/ntpsnmpd
@@ -71,68 +71,68 @@ class DataSource:  # This may be broken up in future to be less NTP-specific
                   node(None, None, True,
                        # ntpNetSoftwareName utf8str
                        {1: node((lambda oid:
-                                 self.cb_systemInfo(oid, None, "name")),
+                                 self.cbr_systemInfo(oid, None, "name")),
                                 None, True, None),
                         # ntpEntSoftwareVersion utf8str
                         2: node((lambda oid:
-                                 self.cb_systemInfo(oid, None, "version")),
+                                 self.cbr_systemInfo(oid, None, "version")),
                                 None, True, None),
                         # ntpEntSoftwareVendor utf8str
                         3: node((lambda oid:
-                                 self.cb_systemInfo(oid, None, "vendor")),
+                                 self.cbr_systemInfo(oid, None, "vendor")),
                                 None, True, None),
                         # ntpEntSystemType utf8str
                         4: node((lambda oid:
-                                 self.cb_systemInfo(oid, None, "system")),
+                                 self.cbr_systemInfo(oid, None, "system")),
                                 None, True, None),
                         # ntpEntTimeResolution uint32
-                        5: node(self.cb_timeResolution, None, True, None),
+                        5: node(self.cbr_timeResolution, None, True, None),
                         # ntpEntTimePrecision int32
-                        6: node(self.cb_timePrecision, None, True, None),
+                        6: node(self.cbr_timePrecision, None, True, None),
                         # ntpEntTimeDistance DisplayString
-                        7: node(self.cb_timeDistance, None, True, None)}),
+                        7: node(self.cbr_timeDistance, None, True, None)}),
                   # ntpEntStatus
                   node(None, None, True,
                        # ntpEntStatusCurrentMode INTEGER {...}
-                       {1: node(self.cb_statusCurrentMode, None, True, None),
+                       {1: node(self.cbr_statusCurrentMode, None, True, None),
                         # ntpEntStatusStratum NtpStratum
-                        2: node(self.cb_statusStratum, None, True, None),
+                        2: node(self.cbr_statusStratum, None, True, None),
                         # ntpEntStatusActiveRefSourceId
                         #  uint32 (0..99999)
-                        3: node(self.cb_statusActiveRefSourceID,
+                        3: node(self.cbr_statusActiveRefSourceID,
                                 None, True, None),
                         # ntpEntStatusActiveRefSourceName utf8str
-                        4: node(self.cb_statusActiveRefSourceName,
+                        4: node(self.cbr_statusActiveRefSourceName,
                                 None, True, None),
                         # ntpEntStatusActiveOffset DisplayString
-                        5: node(self.cb_statusActiveOffset, None, True, None),
+                        5: node(self.cbr_statusActiveOffset, None, True, None),
                         # ntpEntStatusNumberOfRefSources
                         #  unit32 (0..99)
-                        6: node(self.cb_statusNumRefSources, None, True, None),
+                        6: node(self.cbr_statusNumRefSources, None, True, None),
                         # ntpEntStatusDispersion DisplayString
-                        7: node(self.cb_statusDispersion, None, True, None),
+                        7: node(self.cbr_statusDispersion, None, True, None),
                         # ntpEntStatusEntityUptime TimeTicks
-                        8: node(self.cb_statusEntityUptime, None, True, None),
+                        8: node(self.cbr_statusEntityUptime, None, True, None),
                         # ntpEntStatusDateTime NtpDateTime
-                        9: node(self.cb_statusDateTime, None, True, None),
+                        9: node(self.cbr_statusDateTime, None, True, None),
                         # ntpEntStatusLeapSecond NtpDateTime
-                        10: node(self.cb_statusLeapSecond, None, True, None),
+                        10: node(self.cbr_statusLeapSecond, None, True, None),
                         # ntpEntStatusLeapSecondDirection
                         #  int32 (-1..1)
-                        11: node(self.cb_statusLeapSecDirection,
+                        11: node(self.cbr_statusLeapSecDirection,
                                  None, True, None),
                         # ntpEntStatusInPkts Counter32
-                        12: node(self.cb_statusInPkts, None, True, None),
+                        12: node(self.cbr_statusInPkts, None, True, None),
                         # ntpEntStatusOutPkts Counter32
-                        13: node(self.cb_statusOutPkts, None, True, None),
+                        13: node(self.cbr_statusOutPkts, None, True, None),
                         # ntpEntStatusBadVersion Counter32
-                        14: node(self.cb_statusBadVersion, None, True, None),
+                        14: node(self.cbr_statusBadVersion, None, True, None),
                         # ntpEntStatusProtocolError Counter32
-                        15: node(self.cb_statusProtocolError,
+                        15: node(self.cbr_statusProtocolError,
                                  None, True, None),
                         # ntpEntStatusNotifications Counter32
-                        16: node(self.cb_statusNotifications,
+                        16: node(self.cbr_statusNotifications,
                                  None, True, None),
                         # ntpEntStatPktModeTable
                         #  SEQUENCE of NtpEntStatPktModeEntry
@@ -158,38 +158,38 @@ class DataSource:  # This may be broken up in future to be less NTP-specific
                               node(None, None, True,
                                    # ntpAssocId uint32 (1..99999)
-                                   {1: node(self.cb_assocID, None, True, None),
+                                   {1: node(self.cbr_assocID, None, True, None),
                                     # ntpAssocName utf8str
-                                    2: node(self.cb_assocName,
+                                    2: node(self.cbr_assocName,
                                             None, True, None),
                                     # ntpAssocRefId DisplayString
-                                    3: node(self.cb_assocRefID,
+                                    3: node(self.cbr_assocRefID,
                                             None, True, None),
                                     # ntpAssocAddressType
                                     #  InetAddressType
-                                    4: node(self.cb_assocAddrType,
+                                    4: node(self.cbr_assocAddrType,
                                             None, True, None),
                                     # ntpAssocAddress
                                     #  InetAddress SIZE (4|8|16|20)
-                                    5: node(self.cb_assocAddr,
+                                    5: node(self.cbr_assocAddr,
                                             None, True, None),
                                     # ntpAssocOffset DisplayString
-                                    6: node(self.cb_assocOffset,
+                                    6: node(self.cbr_assocOffset,
                                             None, True, None),
                                     # ntpAssocStratum NtpStratum
-                                    7: node(self.cb_assocStratum,
+                                    7: node(self.cbr_assocStratum,
                                             None, True, None),
                                     # ntpAssocStatusJitter
                                     #  DisplayString
-                                    8: node(self.cb_assocStatusJitter,
+                                    8: node(self.cbr_assocStatusJitter,
                                             None, True, None),
                                     # ntpAssocStatusDelay
                                     #  DisplayString
-                                    9: node(self.cb_assocStatusDelay,
+                                    9: node(self.cbr_assocStatusDelay,
                                             None, True, None),
                                     # ntpAssocStatusDispersion
                                     #  DisplayString
-                                    10: node(self.cb_assocStatusDisp,
+                                    10: node(self.cbr_assocStatusDisp,
                                              None, True, None)})}),
                         # ntpAssociationStatisticsTable
                         #  SEQUENCE of ntpAssociationStatisticsEntry
@@ -200,28 +200,29 @@ class DataSource:  # This may be broken up in future to be less NTP-specific
                               node(None, None, True,
                                    # ntpAssocStatInPkts Counter32
-                                   {1: node(self.cb_assocStatInPkts,
+                                   {1: node(self.cbr_assocStatInPkts,
                                             None, True, None),
                                     # ntpAssocStatOutPkts Counter32
-                                    2: node(self.cb_assocStatOutPkts,
+                                    2: node(self.cbr_assocStatOutPkts,
                                             None, True, None),
                                     # ntpAssocStatProtocolError
                                     #  Counter32
-                                    3: node(self.cb_assocStatProtoErr,
+                                    3: node(self.cbr_assocStatProtoErr,
                                             None, True, None)})})}),
                   # ntpEntControl
                   node(None, None, True,
                        # ntpEntHeartbeatInterval unit32
-                       {1: node(self.cb_entHeartbeatInterval,
+                       {1: node(self.cbr_entHeartbeatInterval,
                                 None, True, None),
                         # ntpEntNotifBits BITS {...}
-                        2: node(self.cb_entNotifBits, None, True, None)}),
+                        2: node(self.cbr_entNotifBits, self.cbw_entNotifBits,
+                                True, None)}),
                   # ntpEntNotifObjects
                   node(None, None, True,
                        # ntpEntNotifMessage utf8str
-                       {1: node(self.cb_entNotifMessage, None, True, None)})}),
+                       {1: node(self.cbr_entNotifMessage, None, True, None)})}),
             # ntpEntConformance
             node(None, None, True,
@@ -243,6 +244,22 @@ class DataSource:  # This may be broken up in future to be less NTP-specific
                        3: node(None, None, True, None)})})}
         self.session = ntp.packet.ControlSession()
         self.session.openhost(DEFHOST)  # only local for now
+        # I am currently assuming that the undo system is only for the last
+        #  set operation.
+        self.inSetP = False  # Are we currently in the set procedure?
+        self.setVarbinds = []  # Varbind of the current set operation
+        self.setHandlers = []  # Handlers for commit/undo/cleanup of set
+        self.setUndoData = []  # Previous values for undoing
+        # Notify bits, these should be saved to disk
+        # Also they currently have no effect
+        self.notifyModeChange = False  # 1
+        self.notifyStratumChange = False  # 2
+        self.notifySyspeerChange = False  # 3
+        self.notifyAddAssociation = False  # 4
+        self.notifyRMAssociation = False  # 5
+        self.notifyConfigChange = False  # 6
+        self.notifyLeapSecondAnnounced = False  # 7
+        self.notifyHeartbeat = False  # 8
     def getOID_core(self, nextP, searchoid, returnGenerator=False):
         gen = ax.walkMIBTree(self.oidTree, ntpRootOID)
@@ -255,14 +272,14 @@ class DataSource:  # This may be broken up in future to be less NTP-specific
                     oidhit = (oid.subids == searchoid.subids)
                 if oidhit and (reader is not None):
                     if returnGenerator is True:
-                        return oid, reader, gen
+                        return oid, reader, writer, gen
-                        return oid, reader
+                        return oid, reader, writer
             except StopIteration:
                 if returnGenerator is True:
-                    return None, None, None
+                    return None, None, None, None
-                    return None, None
+                    return None, None, None
     # These exist instead of just getOID_core for clearer semantics
     def getOID(self, searchoid, returnGenerator=False):
@@ -286,13 +303,13 @@ class DataSource:  # This may be broken up in future to be less NTP-specific
                 elif oid.subids == oidrange.start.subids:
                     # ok, found the start, do we need to skip it?
                     if oidrange.start.include is True:
-                        oids.append((oid, reader))
+                        oids.append((oid, reader, writer))
                 elif oid > oidrange.start:
                     # If we are here it means we hit the start but skipped
-                    oids.append((oid, reader))
+                    oids.append((oid, reader, writer))
             except StopIteration:
                 # Couldn't find *anything*
@@ -308,20 +325,19 @@ class DataSource:  # This may be broken up in future to be less NTP-specific
                 elif (oidrange.end is not None) and (oid >= oidrange.end):
                     break  # past the end of a bounded range
-                    oids.append((oid, reader))
+                    oids.append((oid, reader, writer))
             except StopIteration:
                 break  # We have run off the end of the MIB
         return oids
     # =============================================================
-    # Data retrevial callbacks start here
+    # Data read callbacks start here
     # comment divider lines represent not yet implemented callbacks
-    # If writing will return True on success
     # =============================================================
-    def cb_systemInfo(self, oid, write=None, category=None):
+    def cbr_systemInfo(self, oid, write=None, category=None):
         if write is None:
             if category == "name":  # The product name of the running NTP
                 data = "NTPsec"
@@ -336,46 +352,46 @@ class DataSource:  # This may be broken up in future to be less NTP-specific
             vb = ax.Varbind(ax.VALUE_OCTET_STR, oid, data)
             return vb
-    def cb_timeResolution(self, oid, write=None):  # DUMMY
+    def cbr_timeResolution(self, oid, write=None):  # DUMMY
         # Uinteger32
         if write is None:
             return ax.Varbind(ax.VALUE_GAUGE32, oid, 42)
-    def cb_timePrecision(self, oid, write=None):
+    def cbr_timePrecision(self, oid, write=None):
         if write is None:
             data = self.session.readvar(0, ["precision"])
             return ax.Varbind(ax.VALUE_INTEGER, oid, data["precision"])
-    def cb_timeDistance(self, oid, write=None):  # DUMMY
+    def cbr_timeDistance(self, oid, write=None):  # DUMMY
         # Displaystring
         if write is None:
             return ax.Varbind(ax.VALUE_OCTET_STR, oid, "foo")
-    def cb_statusCurrentMode(self, oid, write=None):  # DUMMY
+    def cbr_statusCurrentMode(self, oid, write=None):  # DUMMY
         # Range of integers
         if write is None:
             return ax.Varbind(ax.VALUE_INTEGER, oid, 15)
-    def cb_statusStratum(self, oid, write=None):
+    def cbr_statusStratum(self, oid, write=None):
         # NTPstratum
         if write is None:
             data = self.session.readvar(0, ["stratum"])
             return ax.Varbind(ax.VALUE_GAUGE32, oid, data["stratum"])
-    def cb_statusActiveRefSourceID(self, oid, write=None):  # DUMMY
+    def cbr_statusActiveRefSourceID(self, oid, write=None):  # DUMMY
         # range of uint32
         if write is None:
             return ax.Varbind(ax.VALUE_GAUGE32, oid, 1024)
-    def cb_statusActiveRefSourceName(self, oid, write=None):
+    def cbr_statusActiveRefSourceName(self, oid, write=None):
         # utf8
         if write is None:  # TODO: pretty sure this is right, just need DNS
             data = self.session.readvar(0, ["peeradr"])
             return ax.Varbind(ax.VALUE_OCTET_STR, oid, data["peeradr"])
-    def cb_statusActiveOffset(self, oid, write=None):
+    def cbr_statusActiveOffset(self, oid, write=None):
         # DisplayString
         if write is None:
             data = self.session.readvar(0, ["koffset"], raw=True)
@@ -384,24 +400,24 @@ class DataSource:  # This may be broken up in future to be less NTP-specific
             print("\n\n\nactive offset:", repr(data))
             return ax.Varbind(ax.VALUE_OCTET_STR, oid, data)
-    def cb_statusNumRefSources(self, oid, write=None):
+    def cbr_statusNumRefSources(self, oid, write=None):
         # range of uint32
         if write is None:
             data = self.session.readstat()
             return ax.Varbind(ax.VALUE_GAUGE32, oid, len(data))
-    def cb_statusDispersion(self, oid, write=None):
+    def cbr_statusDispersion(self, oid, write=None):
         # DisplayString
         if write is None:
             data = self.session.readvar(0, ["rootdisp"], raw=True)
             return ax.Varbind(ax.VALUE_OCTET_STR, oid, data["rootdisp"][1])
-    def cb_statusEntityUptime(self, oid, write=None):  # DUMMY
+    def cbr_statusEntityUptime(self, oid, write=None):  # DUMMY
         # TimeTicks
         if write is None:
             return ax.Varbind(ax.VALUE_TIME_TICKS, oid, 8)
-    def cb_statusDateTime(self, oid, write=None):
+    def cbr_statusDateTime(self, oid, write=None):
         # NtpDateTime
         if write is None:
             data = self.session.readvar(0, ["reftime"])
@@ -410,122 +426,164 @@ class DataSource:  # This may be broken up in future to be less NTP-specific
             txt = "".join(txt.split("."))  # Strip '.'
             return ax.Varbind(ax.VALUE_OCTET_STR, oid, txt)
-    def cb_statusLeapSecond(self, oid, write=None):  # DUMMY
+    def cbr_statusLeapSecond(self, oid, write=None):  # DUMMY
         # NtpDateTime
         if write is None:
             return ax.Varbind(ax.VALUE_OCTET_STR, oid, "blah")
-    def cb_statusLeapSecDirection(self, oid, write=None):  # DUMMY
+    def cbr_statusLeapSecDirection(self, oid, write=None):  # DUMMY
         # range of int32
         if write is None:
             return ax.Varbind(ax.VALUE_INTEGER, oid, -1)
-    def cb_statusInPkts(self, oid, write=None):
+    def cbr_statusInPkts(self, oid, write=None):
         if write is None:
             data = self.session.readvar(0, ["io_received"])
             return ax.Varbind(ax.VALUE_COUNTER32, oid, data["io_received"])
-    def cb_statusOutPkts(self, oid, write=None):
+    def cbr_statusOutPkts(self, oid, write=None):
         if write is None:
             data = self.session.readvar(0, ["io_sent"])
             return ax.Varbind(ax.VALUE_COUNTER32, oid, data["io_sent"])
-    def cb_statusBadVersion(self, oid, write=None):
+    def cbr_statusBadVersion(self, oid, write=None):
         if write is None:
             data = self.session.readvar(0, ["ss_oldver"])
             return ax.Varbind(ax.VALUE_COUNTER32, oid, data["ss_oldver"])
-    def cb_statusProtocolError(self, oid, write=None):  # DUMMY
+    def cbr_statusProtocolError(self, oid, write=None):  # DUMMY
         if write is None:
             return ax.Varbind(ax.VALUE_COUNTER32, oid, 400)
-    def cb_statusNotifications(self, oid, write=None):  # DUMMY
+    def cbr_statusNotifications(self, oid, write=None):  # DUMMY
         if write is None:
             return ax.Varbind(ax.VALUE_COUNTER32, oid, 500)
-    def cb_assocID(self, oid, write=None):  # DUMMY
+    def cbr_assocID(self, oid, write=None):  # DUMMY
         if write is None:
             return ax.Varbind(ax.VALUE_GAUGE32, oid, 1)
-    def cb_assocName(self, oid, write=None):  # DUMMY
+    def cbr_assocName(self, oid, write=None):  # DUMMY
         if write is None:
             return ax.Varbind(ax.VALUE_OCTET_STR, oid, "It")
-    def cb_assocRefID(self, oid, write=None):  # DUMMY
+    def cbr_assocRefID(self, oid, write=None):  # DUMMY
         # DisplayString
         if write is None:
             return ax.Varbind(ax.VALUE_OCTET_STR, oid, "says;")
-    def cb_assocAddrType(self, oid, write=None):  # DUMMY
+    def cbr_assocAddrType(self, oid, write=None):  # DUMMY
         # InetAddressType (range of ints)
         if write is None:
             return ax.Varbind(ax.VALUE_INTEGER, oid, 3)
-    def cb_assocAddr(self, oid, write=None):  # DUMMY
+    def cbr_assocAddr(self, oid, write=None):  # DUMMY
         # InetAddress
         if write is None:
             return ax.Varbind(ax.VALUE_OCTET_STR, oid, "\x01\x02\x03\x04")
-    def cb_assocOffset(self, oid, write=None):  # DUMMY
+    def cbr_assocOffset(self, oid, write=None):  # DUMMY
         # DisplayString
         if write is None:
             return ax.Varbind(ax.VALUE_OCTET_STR, oid, "Would")
-    def cb_assocStratum(self, oid, write=None):  # DUMMY
+    def cbr_assocStratum(self, oid, write=None):  # DUMMY
         # NTPStratum
         if write is None:
             return ax.Varbind(ax.VALUE_GAUGE32, oid, 12)
-    def cb_assocStatusJitter(self, oid, write=None):  # DUMMY
+    def cbr_assocStatusJitter(self, oid, write=None):  # DUMMY
         # DisplayString
         if write is None:
             return ax.Varbind(ax.VALUE_OCTET_STR, oid, "You")
-    def cb_assocStatusDelay(self, oid, write=None):  # DUMMY
+    def cbr_assocStatusDelay(self, oid, write=None):  # DUMMY
         # DisplayString
         if write is None:
             return ax.Varbind(ax.VALUE_OCTET_STR, oid, "Kindly?")
-    def cb_assocStatusDisp(self, oid, write=None):  # DUMMY
+    def cbr_assocStatusDisp(self, oid, write=None):  # DUMMY
         # DisplayString
         if write is None:
             return ax.Varbind(ax.VALUE_OCTET_STR, oid, "*thunk*")
-    def cb_assocStatInPkts(self, oid, write=None):  # DUMMY
+    def cbr_assocStatInPkts(self, oid, write=None):  # DUMMY
         if write is None:
             return ax.Varbind(ax.VALUE_COUNTER32, oid, 2)
-    def cb_assocStatOutPkts(self, oid, write=None):  # DUMMY
+    def cbr_assocStatOutPkts(self, oid, write=None):  # DUMMY
         if write is None:
             return ax.Varbind(ax.VALUE_COUNTER32, oid, 4)
-    def cb_assocStatProtoErr(self, oid, write=None):  # DUMMY
+    def cbr_assocStatProtoErr(self, oid, write=None):  # DUMMY
         if write is None:
             return ax.Varbind(ax.VALUE_COUNTER32, oid, 8)
-    def cb_entHeartbeatInterval(self, oid, write=None):  # DUMMY
+    def cbr_entHeartbeatInterval(self, oid, write=None):  # DUMMY
         # uint32
         if write is None:
             return ax.Varbind(ax.VALUE_GAUGE32, oid, 16)
-    def cb_entNotifBits(self, oid, write=None):  # DUMMY
+    def cbr_entNotifBits(self, oid, write=None):  # DUMMY
         # BITS
         if write is None:
-            return ax.Varbind(ax.VALUE_OCTET_STR, oid, "\x10\x20")
+            data = ax.bools2Bits((self.notifyModeChange,
+                                 self.notifyStratumChange,
+                                 self.notifySyspeerChange,
+                                 self.notifyAddAssociation,
+                                 self.notifyRMAssociation,
+                                 self.notifyConfigChange,
+                                 self.notifyLeapSecondAnnounced,
+                                 self.notifyHeartbeat))
+            return ax.Varbind(ax.VALUE_OCTET_STR, oid, data)
-    def cb_entNotifMessage(self, oid, write=None):  # DUMMY
+    def cbr_entNotifMessage(self, oid, write=None):  # DUMMY
         # utf8str
         if write is None:
             return ax.Varbind(ax.VALUE_OCTET_STR, oid, "jabber")
+    # =====================================
+    # Data write callbacks
+    # Returns an error value (or noError)
+    # Must check that the value is correct for the bind, this does not mean
+    #  the type: the master agent handles that
+    # Actions: test, undo, commit, cleanup
+    # =====================================
+    def cbw_entNotifBits(self, action, varbind, oldData=None):  # DUMMY
+        if action == "test":
+            return ax.ERR_NOERROR
+        elif action == "commit":
+            (self.notifyModeChange,
+             self.notifyStratumChange,
+             self.notifySyspeerChange,
+             self.notifyAddAssociation,
+             self.notifyRMAssociation,
+             self.notifyConfigChange,
+             self.notifyLeapSecondAnnounced,
+             self.notifyHeartbeat) = ax.bits2Bools(varbind.payload, 8)
+            return ax.ERR_NOERROR
+        elif action == "undo":
+            (self.notifyModeChange,
+             self.notifyStratumChange,
+             self.notifySyspeerChange,
+             self.notifyAddAssociation,
+             self.notifyRMAssociation,
+             self.notifyConfigChange,
+             self.notifyLeapSecondAnnounced,
+             self.notifyHeartbeat) = ax.bits2Bools(oldData, 8)
+            return ax.ERR_NOERROR
+        elif action == "cleanup":
+            pass
 def dolog(text, level):
     if debug >= level:
@@ -560,7 +618,11 @@ class PacketControl:
         # indexed on pdu code
         self.pduHandlers = {ax.PDU_GET: self.handle_GetPDU,
                             ax.PDU_GET_NEXT: self.handle_GetNextPDU,
-                            ax.PDU_GET_BULK: self.handle_GetBulkPDU}
+                            ax.PDU_GET_BULK: self.handle_GetBulkPDU,
+                            ax.PDU_TEST_SET: self.handle_TestSetPDU,
+                            ax.PDU_COMMIT_SET: self.handle_CommitSetPDU,
+                            ax.PDU_UNDO_SET: self.handle_UndoSetPDU,
+                            ax.PDU_CLEANUP_SET: self.handle_CleanupSetPDU}
     def mainloop(self, runforever):
         if runforever:
@@ -693,11 +755,11 @@ class PacketControl:
         binds = []
         for oidr in packet.oidranges:
             target = oidr.start
-            oid, callback = self.database.getOID(target)
-            if (oid != target) or (callback is None):
+            oid, reader, _ = self.database.getOID(target)
+            if (oid != target) or (reader is None):
                 binds.append(ax.Varbind(ax.VALUE_NO_SUCH_OBJECT, target))
-                binds.append(callback(oid))
+                binds.append(reader(oid))
             # There should also be a situation that leads to noSuchInstance
             #  but I do not understand the requirements for that
         # Need to implement genError
@@ -709,15 +771,11 @@ class PacketControl:
         binds = []
         for oidr in packet.oidranges:
             oids = self.database.getOIDsInRange(oidr, True)
-            print()
-            print("GetNext:", oidr)
-            print("result:", oids)
-            print()
             if len(oids) == 0:  # Nothing found
                 binds.append(ax.Varbind(ax.VALUE_END_OF_MIB_VIEW, oidr.start))
-                oid, callback = oids[0]
-                binds.append(callback(oid))
+                oid, reader, _ = oids[0]
+                binds.append(reader(oid))
         # Need to implement genError
         resp = ax.ResponsePDU(True, self.sessionID, packet.transactionID,
                               packet.packetID, 0, ax.ERR_NOERROR, 0, binds)
@@ -733,20 +791,109 @@ class PacketControl:
             if len(oids) == 0:  # Nothing found
                 binds.append(ax.Varbind(ax.VALUE_END_OF_MIB_VIEW, oidr.start))
-                oid, callback = oids[0]
-                binds.append(callback(oid))
+                oid, reader, _ = oids[0]
+                binds.append(reader(oid))
         # Handle repeaters
         for oidr in repeats:
             oids = self.database.getOIDsInRange(oidr)
             if len(oids) == 0:  # Nothing found
                 binds.append(ax.Varbind(ax.VALUE_END_OF_MIB_VIEW, oidr.start))
-                for oid, callback in oids[:packet.maxReps]:
-                    binds.append(callback(oid))
+                for oid, reader, _ in oids[:packet.maxReps]:
+                    binds.append(reader(oid))
         resp = ax.ResponsePDU(True, self.sessionID, packet.transactionID,
                               packet.packetID, 0, ax.ERR_NOERROR, 0, binds)
         self.sendPacket(resp, False)
+    def handle_TestSetPDU(self, packet):  # WIP
+        # According to the RFC this is one of the most demanding parts and
+        #  *has* to be gotten right
+        if self.database.inSetP is True:
+            pass  # Is this an error?
+        # if (inSetP is True) is an error these will go in an else block
+        self.database.inSetP = True
+        self.database.setVarbinds = []
+        self.database.setHandlers = []
+        self.database.setUndoData = []
+        error = None
+        clearables = []
+        for bindIndex in range(len(packet.varbinds)):
+            varbind = packet.varbinds[bindIndex]
+            # Find an OID, then validate it
+            oid, reader, writer = self.database.getOID(varbind.oid)
+            if oid is None:  # doesn't exist, can we create it?
+                # Dummy, assume we can't create anything
+                error = ax.ERR_NO_ACCESS
+                break
+            elif writer is None:  # exists, writing not implemented
+                error = ax.ERR_NOT_WRITABLE
+                break
+            # Ok, we have an existing or new OID, assemble the orders
+            # If we created a new bind undoData is None, must delete it
+            undoData = reader(oid)
+            error = writer("test", varbind)
+            if error != ax.ERR_NOERROR:
+                break
+            self.database.setVarbinds.append(varbind)
+            self.database.setHandlers.append(writer)
+            self.database.setUndoData.append(undoData)
+        if error != ax.ERR_NOERROR:
+            resp = ax.ResponsePDU(True, self.sessionID, packet.transactionID,
+                                  packet.packetID, 0, error, bindIndex)
+            self.sendPacket(resp, False)
+            for i in range(bindIndex):
+                # Errored out, clear the sucessful ones
+                self.database.setHandlers[i]("clear",
+                                             self.database.setVarbinds[i])
+            self.database.inSetP = False
+        else:
+            resp = ax.ResponsePDU(True, self.sessionID, packet.transactionID,
+                                  packet.packetID, 0, ax.ERR_NOERROR, 0)
+            self.sendPacket(resp, False)
+    def handle_CommitSetPDU(self, packet):
+        if self.database.inSetP is False:
+            pass  # how to handle this?
+        varbinds = self.database.setVarbinds
+        handlers = self.database.setHandlers
+        for i in range(len(varbinds)):
+            error = handlers[i]("commit", varbinds[i])
+            if error != ax.ERR_NOERROR:
+                break
+        if error != ax.ERR_NOERROR:
+            resp = ax.ResponsePDU(True, self.sessionID, packet.transactionID,
+                                  packet.packetID, 0, error, i)
+        else:
+            resp = ax.ResponsePDU(True, self.sessionID, packet.transactionID,
+                                  packet.packetID, 0, ax.ERR_NOERROR, 0)
+        print("About to send:", resp)
+        self.sendPacket(resp, False)
+    def handle_UndoSetPDU(self, packet):
+        varbinds = self.database.setVarbinds
+        handlers = self.database.setHandlers
+        undoData = self.database.setUndoData
+        for i in range(len(varbinds)):
+            error = handlers[i]("undo", varbinds[i], undoData[i])
+            if error != ax.ERR_NOERROR:
+                break
+        if error != ax.ERR_NOERROR:
+            resp = ax.ResponsePDU(True, self.sessionID, packet.transactionID,
+                                  packet.packetID, o, error, i)
+        else:
+            resp = ax.ResponsePDU(True, self.sessionID, packet.transactionID,
+                                  packet.packetID, 0, ax.ERR_NOERROR, 0)
+        self.sendPacket(resp, False)
+    def handle_CleanupSetPDU(self, packet):
+        varbinds = self.database.setVarbinds
+        handlers = self.database.setHandlers
+        undoData = self.database.setUndoData
+        for i in range(len(varbinds)):
+            handlers[i]("clean", varbinds[i])
+        self.database.inSetP = False
 def mainloop():
     dolog("initing loop\n", 1)

--- a/pylib/agentx.py
+++ b/pylib/agentx.py
@@ -1349,6 +1349,40 @@ def mibnode(reader, writer, static, subs):
             "static": static, "subids": subs}
+def bits2Bools(bitString, cropLength=None):
+    bits = []
+    for octet in bitString:
+        octet = ord(octet)
+        bits.append(bool(octet & 0x80))  # Yes, these are backwards, that is
+        bits.append(bool(octet & 0x40))  # how SNMP wants them. It does make
+        bits.append(bool(octet & 0x20))  # sense if you think about it as a
+        bits.append(bool(octet & 0x10))  # stream of bits instead of octets.
+        bits.append(bool(octet & 0x08))
+        bits.append(bool(octet & 0x04))  # If you don't like it go yell at
+        bits.append(bool(octet & 0x02))  # the SNMP designers.
+        bits.append(bool(octet & 0x01))
+    if cropLength is not None:  # used when a bitfield is not a multiple of 8
+        bits = bits[:cropLength]
+    return bits
+def bools2Bits(bits):
+    bitCounter = 0
+    octets = []
+    current = 0
+    for bit in bits:
+        current += (int(bit) << (7 - bitCounter))
+        bitCounter += 1
+        if bitCounter >= 8:  # end of byte
+            bitCounter = 0
+            octets.append(chr(current))
+            current = 0
+    else:
+        if bitCounter != 0:
+            octets.append(chr(current))
+    octets = "".join(octets)
+    return octets
 # Value types
@@ -1465,6 +1499,8 @@ ERR_WRONG_VALUE = 10

--- a/tests/pylib/test_agentx.py
+++ b/tests/pylib/test_agentx.py
@@ -2601,6 +2601,40 @@ class TestNtpclientsNtpsnmpd(unittest.TestCase):
                           (x.OID((23, 1, 2)), None, None),
                           (x.OID((23, 2)), None, None)))
+    def test_bits2Bools(self):
+        bits2bool = ntp.agentx.bits2Bools
+        # Test empty
+        self.assertEqual(bits2bool(""), [])
+        # Test round bytes
+        self.assertEqual(bits2bool("\xFA\xCE"),
+                         [True, True, True, True,
+                          True, False, True, False,
+                          True, True, False, False,
+                          True, True, True, False])
+        # Test partial bytes
+        self.assertEqual(bits2bool("\xFF\xE1", 12),  # The extra bit is to
+                         [True, True, True, True,  #   confirm crop
+                          True, True, True, True,
+                          True, True, True, False])
+    def test_bools2bits(self):
+        bool2bits = ntp.agentx.bools2Bits
+        # Test empty
+        self.assertEqual(bool2bits([]), "")
+        # Test round bytes
+        self.assertEqual(bool2bits([True, True, True, True,
+                                    True, False, True, False,
+                                    True, True, False, False,
+                                    True, True, True, False]),
+                         "\xFA\xCE")
+        # Test partial bytes
+        self.assertEqual(bool2bits([True, True, True, True,
+                                    True, True, True, True,
+                                    True, True, True, False]),
+                         "\xFF\xE0")
 if __name__ == "__main__":

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