[Git][NTPsec/ntpsec][master] 3 commits: tests: remove yet another different leap year test.

Gary E. Miller gitlab at mg.gitlab.com
Wed May 24 03:42:03 UTC 2017

Gary E. Miller pushed to branch master at NTPsec / ntpsec

e462798c by Gary E. Miller at 2017-05-23T19:18:07-07:00
tests: remove yet another different leap year test.

- - - - -
e03f9881 by Gary E. Miller at 2017-05-23T19:42:58-07:00
tests/calendar: fix coverity leak.

- - - - -
1fc63f3e by Gary E. Miller at 2017-05-23T20:36:02-07:00
tests: remove unused check_y2k, add those tests into calendar test.

So nothing lost by removing check)_y2k.c

- - - - -

3 changed files:

- − tests/check_y2k.c
- tests/libntp/calendar.c
- tests/wscript


tests/check_y2k.c deleted
--- a/tests/check_y2k.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,433 +0,0 @@
-/* check_y2k.c -- test ntp code constructs for Y2K correctness 	Y2KFixes [*/
-  /*
-	Code invoked by `make check`. Not part of ntpd and not to be
-	installed.
-	On any code I even wonder about, I've cut and pasted the code
-	here and ran it as a test case just to be sure.
-	For code not in "ntpd" proper, we have tried to call most 
-	repaired functions from herein to properly test them
-	(something never done before!). This has found several bugs,
-	not normal Y2K bugs, that will strike in Y2K so repair them
-	we did.
-	Program exits with 0 on success, 1 on Y2K failure (stdout messages).
-	Exit of 2 indicates internal logic bug detected OR failure of
-	what should be our correct formulas.
-	While "make check" should only check logic for source within that
-	specific directory, this check goes outside the scope of the local
-	directory.  It's not a perfect world (besides, there is a lot of
-	interdependence here, and it really needs to be tested in
-	a controlled order).
-   */
-/* { definitions lifted from ntpd.c to allow us to complie with 
-     "#include ntp.h".  I have not taken the time to reduce the clutter. */
-#include "config.h"
-#include "ntpd.h"
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <signal.h>
-# include <sys/ioctl.h>
-#endif /* HAVE_SYS_IOCTL_H */
-#include <sys/resource.h>
-#include <sched.h>
-#include <sys/mman.h>
-#include <termios.h>
-/* } end definitions lifted from ntpd.c */
-#include "ntp_calendar.h"
-#include "parse.h"
-#define GoodLeap(Year) (((Year)%4 || (!((Year)%100) && (Year)%400)) ? 0 : 13 )
-char const *progname = "check_y2k";
-Days ( int Year )		/* return number of days since year "0" */
-    long  Return;
-		/* this is a known to be good algorithm */
-    Return = Year * 365;	/* first approximation to the value */
-    if ( Year >= 1 )
-    {		/* see notes in libparse/parse.c if you want a PROPER
-		 * **generic algorithm. */
-	Return += (Year+3) / 4;		/* add in (too many) leap days */
-	Return -= (Year-1) / 100;	/* reduce by (too many) centurys */
-	Return += (Year-1) / 400;	/* get final answer */
-    }
-    return Return;
-static int  year0 = 1900;	/* sarting year for NTP time */
-static int  yearend;		/* ending year we test for NTP time.
-				    * 32-bit systems: through 2036, the
-				      **year in which NTP time overflows.
-				    * 64-bit systems: a reasonable upper
-				      **limit (well, maybe somewhat beyond
-				      **reasonable, but well before the
-				      **max time, by which time the earth
-				      **will be dead.) */
-static time_t Time;
-static struct tm LocalTime;
-#define Error(year) if ( (year)>=2036 && LocalTime.tm_year < 110 ) \
-	Warnings++; else Fatals++
-main( void )
-    int Fatals;
-    int Warnings;
-    int  year;
-    struct tm tmbuf;
-    Time = time( (time_t *)NULL );
-    LocalTime = *localtime_r( &Time, &tmbuf);
-    year = ( sizeof( u_long ) > 4 ) 	/* save max span using year as temp */
-		? ( 400 * 3 ) 		/* three greater gregorian cycles */
-		: ((int)(0x7FFFFFFF / 365.242 / 24/60/60)* 2 ); /*32-bit limit*/
-			/* NOTE: will automacially expand test years on
-			 * 64 bit machines.... this may cause some of the
-			 * existing ntp logic to fail for years beyond
-			 * 2036 (the current 32-bit limit). If all checks
-			 * fail ONLY beyond year 2036 you may ignore such
-			 * errors, at least for a decade or so. */
-    yearend = year0 + year;
-    puts( " internal self check" );
-  {		/* verify our own logic used to verify repairs */
-    unsigned long days;
-    if ( year0 >= yearend )
-    {
-	fprintf( stdout, "year0=%d NOT LESS THAN yearend=%d  (span=%d)\n",
-		(int)year0, (int)yearend, (int)year );
-	exit(2);
-    }
-   {
-    int  save_year;
-    save_year = LocalTime.tm_year;	/* save current year */
-    year = 1980;
-    LocalTime.tm_year = year - 1900;
-    Fatals = Warnings = 0;
-    Error(year);		/* should increment Fatals */
-    if ( Fatals == 0 ) 
-    {
-	fprintf( stdout, 
-	    "%4d: %s(%d): FATAL DID NOT INCREMENT  (Fatals=%d Warnings=%d)\n",
-	    (int)year, __FILE__, __LINE__, (int)Fatals, (int)Warnings );
-	exit(2);
-    }
-    year = 2100;		/* test year > limit but CURRENT year < limit */
-    Fatals = Warnings = 0;
-    Error(year);		/* should increment Fatals */
-    if ( Warnings == 0 ) 
-    {
-	fprintf( stdout, 
-	    "%4d: %s(%d): WARNING DID NOT INCREMENT  (Fatals=%d Warnings=%d)\n",
-	    (int)year, __FILE__, __LINE__, (int)Fatals, (int)Warnings );
-	exit(2);
-    }
-    Fatals = Warnings = 0;
-    LocalTime.tm_year = year - 1900;	/* everything > limit */
-    Error(1980);		/* should increment Fatals */
-    if ( Fatals == 0 ) 
-    {
-	fprintf( stdout, 
-	    "%4d: %s(%d): FATALS DID NOT INCREMENT  (Fatals=%d Warnings=%d)\n",
-	    (int)year, __FILE__, __LINE__, (int)Fatals, (int)Warnings );
-	exit(2);
-    }
-    LocalTime.tm_year = save_year;
-   }
-    days = 365+1;		/* days in year 0 + 1 more day */
-    for ( year = 1; year <= 2500; year++ )
-    {
-	long   Test;
-	Test = Days( year );
-	if ( days != Test )
-	{
-	    fprintf( stdout, "%04d: Days() DAY COUNT ERROR: s/b=%ld was=%ld\n", 
-		year, (long)days, (long)Test );
-	    exit(2);		/* would throw off many other tests */
-	}
-	Test = julian0(year);		/* compare with julian0() macro */
-	if ( days != Test )
-	{
-	    fprintf( stdout, "%04d: julian0() DAY COUNT ERROR: s/b=%ld was=%ld\n", 
-		year, (long)days, (long)Test );
-	    exit(2);		/* would throw off many other tests */
-	}
-	days += 365;
-	if ( isleap_4(year) ) days++;
-    }
-    if ( isleap_4(1999) )
-    {
-	fprintf( stdout, "isleap_4(1999) REPORTED TRUE\n" );
-	exit(2);
-    }
-    if ( !isleap_4(2000) )
-    {
-	fprintf( stdout, "isleap_4(2000) REPORTED FALSE\n" );
-	exit(2);
-    }
-    if ( isleap_4(2001) )
-    {
-	fprintf( stdout, "isleap_4(1999) REPORTED TRUE\n" );
-	exit(2);
-    }
-  }
-    Fatals = Warnings = 0;
-    puts( " include/ntp.h" );
-  {		/* test our new isleap_*() #define "functions" */
-    for ( year = 1400; year <= 2200; year++ )
-    {
-	int  LeapSw;
-	int  IsLeapSw;
-	LeapSw = GoodLeap(year);
-	IsLeapSw = isleap_4(year);
-	if ( !!LeapSw != !!IsLeapSw )
-	{
-	    Error(year);
-	    fprintf( stdout, 
-		"  %4d %2d %3d *** ERROR\n", year, LeapSw, IsLeapSw );
-	    break;
-	}
-	IsLeapSw = isleap_tm(year-1900);
-	if ( !!LeapSw != !!IsLeapSw )
-	{
-	    Error(year);
-	    fprintf( stdout, 
-		"  %4d %2d %3d *** ERROR\n", year, LeapSw, IsLeapSw );
-	    break;
-	}
-    }
-  }
-    puts( " include/ntp_calendar.h" );
-  {		/* I believe this is good, but just to be sure... */
-    /* we are testing #define is_leapyear(y) */
-    for ( year = 1400; year <= 2200; year++ )
-    {
-	int  LeapSw;
-	LeapSw = GoodLeap(year);
-	if ( !(!LeapSw) != !(!is_leapyear(year)) )
-	{
-	    Error(year);
-	    fprintf( stdout, 
-		"  %4d %2d *** ERROR\n", year, LeapSw );
-	    break;
-	}
-    }
-  }   
-    puts( " libparse/parse.c" );
-  { 
-    long Days1970;	/* days from 1900 to 1970 */
-    struct ParseTime	/* womp up a test structure to all cut/paste code */
-    {
-       int   year;
-    } Clock_Time, *clock_time;
-    clock_time = &Clock_Time;
-    /* first test #define days_per_year(x) */
-    for ( year = 1400; year <= 2200; year++ )
-    {
-	int  LeapSw;
-	int  DayCnt;
-	LeapSw = GoodLeap(year);
-	DayCnt = (int)days_per_year(year);
-	if ( ( LeapSw ? 366 : 365 ) != DayCnt )
-	{
-	    Error(year);
-	    fprintf( stdout, 
-		    "  days_per_year() %4d %2d %3d *** ERROR\n", 
-		    year, LeapSw, DayCnt );
-	    break;
-	}
-    }
-    /* test (what is now julian0) calculations */
-    Days1970 = Days( 1970 );	/* get days since 1970 using a known good */
-    for ( year = 1970; year < yearend; year++ )
-    {				
-	unsigned long t;
-	long DaysYear ;
-	clock_time->year = year;
-	/* here is the code we are testing, cut and pasted out of the source */
-#if 0		/* old BUGGY code that has Y2K (and many other) failures */
-	    /* ghealton: this logic FAILED with great frequency when run
-	     * over a period of time, including for year 2000. True, it
-	     * had more successes than failures, but that's not really good
-	     * enough for critical time distribution software.
-	     * It is so awful I wonder if it has had a history of failure 
-	     * and fixes? */
-        t =  (clock_time->year - 1970) * 365;
-        t += (clock_time->year >> 2) - (1970 >> 2);
-        t -= clock_time->year / 100 - 1970 / 100;
-        t += clock_time->year / 400 - 1970 / 400;
-		/* (immediate feare of rounding errors on integer
-		 * **divisions proved well founded) */
-	/* my replacement, based on Days() above */
-	t = julian0(year) - julian0(1970);
-	/* compare result in t against trusted calculations */
-	DaysYear = Days( year );	/* get days to this year */
-	if ( t != DaysYear - Days1970 )
-	{
-	    Error(year);
-	    fprintf( stdout, 
-		"  %4d 1970=%-8ld %4d=%-8ld %-3ld  t=%-8ld  *** ERROR ***\n",
-		  year,      (long)Days1970,
-				 year,
-				     (long)DaysYear,
-					   (long)(DaysYear - Days1970),
-						   (long)t );
-	}
-    }
-#if 1		/* { */
-   {
-    debug = 1;			/* enable debugging */
-    for ( year = 1970; year < yearend; year++ )
-    {		/* (limited by theory unix 2038 related bug lives by, but
-		 * ends in yearend) */
-	clocktime_t  ct;
-	time_t	     Observed;
-	time_t	     Expected;
-	u_long       Flag;
-	unsigned long t;
-	ct.day = 1;
-	ct.month = 1;
-	ct.year = year;
-	ct.hour = ct.minute = ct.second = ct.usecond = 0;
-	ct.utcoffset = 0;
-	ct.utctime = 0;
-	ct.flags = 0;
-	Flag = 0;
- 	Observed = parse_to_unixtime( &ct, &Flag );
-	if ( ct.year != year )
-	{
-	    fprintf( stdout, 
-	       "%04d: parse_to_unixtime(,%d) CORRUPTED ct.year: was %d\n",
-	       (int)year, (int)Flag, (int)ct.year );
-	    Error(year);
-	    break;
-	}
-	t = julian0(year) - julian0(1970);	/* Julian day from 1970 */
-	Expected = t * 24 * 60 * 60;
-	if ( Observed != Expected  ||  Flag )
-	{   /* time difference */
-	    fprintf( stdout, 
-	       "%04d: parse_to_unixtime(,%d) FAILURE: was=%lu s/b=%lu  (%ld)\n",
-	       year, (int)Flag, 
-	       (unsigned long)Observed, (unsigned long)Expected,
-	       ((long)Observed - (long)Expected) );
-	    Error(year);
-	    break;
-	}
-	if ( year >= YEAR_PIVOT+1900 )
-	{
-	    /* check year % 100 code we put into parse_to_unixtime() */
-	    ct.utctime = 0;
-	    ct.year = year % 100;
-	    Flag = 0;
-	    Observed = parse_to_unixtime( &ct, &Flag );
-	    if ( Observed != Expected  ||  Flag )
-	    {   /* time difference */
-		fprintf( stdout, 
-"%04d: parse_to_unixtime(%d,%d) FAILURE: was=%lu s/b=%lu  (%ld)\n",
-		   year, (int)ct.year, (int)Flag, 
-		   (unsigned long)Observed, (unsigned long)Expected,
-		   ((long)Observed - (long)Expected) );
-		Error(year);
-		break;
-	    }
-	    /* check year - 1900 code we put into parse_to_unixtime() */
-	    ct.utctime = 0;
-	    ct.year = year - 1900;
-	    Flag = 0;
-	    Observed = parse_to_unixtime( &ct, &Flag );
-	    if ( Observed != Expected  ||  Flag )
-	    {   /* time difference */
-		fprintf( stdout, 
-"%04d: parse_to_unixtime(%d,%d) FAILURE: was=%lu s/b=%lu  (%ld)\n",
-		   year, (int)ct.year, (int)Flag, 
-		   (unsigned long)Observed, (unsigned long)Expected,
-		   ((long)Observed - (long)Expected) );
-		Error(year);
-		break;
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-#endif		/* } */
-   }
-  }
-   if ( Warnings > 0 )
-       fprintf( stdout, "%d WARNINGS\n",  Warnings );
-   if ( Fatals > 0 )
-       fprintf( stdout, "%d FATAL ERRORS\n",  Fatals );
-   return Fatals ? 1 : 0;
-							/* Y2KFixes ] */

--- a/tests/libntp/calendar.c
+++ b/tests/libntp/calendar.c
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 #include "config.h"
+#include "ntp.h"
 #include "ntp_stdlib.h"
+#include "parse.h"
 #include "unity.h"
 #include "unity_fixture.h"
@@ -17,21 +19,9 @@ TEST_TEAR_DOWN(calendar) {}
-static int leapdays(int);
-static const char *DateToString(const struct calendar *);
-static int leapdays(int year) {
-	if (year % 400 == 0)
-		return 1;
-	if (year % 100 == 0)
-		return 0;
-	if (year % 4 == 0)
-		return 1;
-	return 0;
+static const char *DateToString(char *, const struct calendar *);
-static const char *DateToString(const struct calendar *cal) {
-	char *str = malloc(255);
+static const char *DateToString(char *str, const struct calendar *cal) {
 	snprintf(str, 255, "%hu-%u-%u(%u)\n", cal->year, (u_int)cal->month, (u_int)cal->monthday, cal->yearday);
 	return str;
@@ -39,14 +29,17 @@ static const char *DateToString(const struct calendar *cal) {
 static bool IsEqualDate(const struct calendar *expected,
                         const struct calendar *actual) {
+	char str[255];
+	char str1[255];
 	if (expected->year == actual->year &&
 	    (!expected->yearday || expected->yearday == actual->yearday) &&
 	    expected->month == actual->month &&
 	    expected->monthday == actual->monthday) {
 			return true;
 	} else {
-		/* coverity[leaked_storage] */
-		printf("Expected: %s but was %s\n", DateToString(expected), DateToString(actual));
+		printf("Expected: %s but was %s\n",
+                       DateToString(str, expected),
+                       DateToString(str1, actual));
 		return false;
@@ -70,6 +63,71 @@ static const u_short real_month_days[2][14] = {
 	{ 31, 31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31 }
+TEST(calendar, is_leapyear) {
+        /* check is_leapyear() */
+	TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(false, is_leapyear(1900));
+	TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(false, is_leapyear(1970));
+	TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(false, is_leapyear(1999));
+	TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(true, is_leapyear(2000));
+	TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(false, is_leapyear(2001));
+	TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(true, is_leapyear(2004));
+	TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(true, is_leapyear(2040));
+TEST(calendar, julian0) {
+        /* check julian0() */
+	TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(693961, julian0(1900));
+	TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(719528, julian0(1970));
+	TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(730120, julian0(1999));
+	TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(730485, julian0(2000));
+	TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(730851, julian0(2001));
+	TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(745095, julian0(2040));
+TEST(calendar, days_per_year) {
+        /* check is_leapyear() */
+	TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(365, days_per_year(1900));
+	TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(365, days_per_year(1970));
+	TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(365, days_per_year(1999));
+	TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(366, days_per_year(2000));
+	TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(365, days_per_year(2001));
+	TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(366, days_per_year(2004));
+	TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(366, days_per_year(2040));
+TEST(calendar, parse_to_unixtime) {
+        /* check is_leapyear() */
+        clocktime_t  ct;
+        time_t       result;
+        u_long       Flag;
+        ct.day = 1;
+        ct.month = 1;
+        ct.year = 1970;
+        ct.hour = ct.minute = ct.second = ct.usecond = 0;
+        ct.utcoffset = 0;
+        ct.utctime = 0;
+        ct.flags = 0;
+        Flag = 0;
+        result = parse_to_unixtime( &ct, &Flag );
+	TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, result);
+        ct.year = 2000;
+        ct.hour = 2;
+        ct.utctime = 0;
+        result = parse_to_unixtime( &ct, &Flag );
+	TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(946692000L, result);
+        ct.year = 2037;
+        ct.minute = 2;
+        ct.second = 3;
+        ct.utctime = 0;
+        result = parse_to_unixtime( &ct, &Flag );
+	TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(2114388123L, result);
 // test the day/sec join & split ops, making sure that 32bit
 // intermediate results would definitely overflow and the hi DWORD of
 // the 'time64_t' is definitely needed.
@@ -144,7 +202,7 @@ TEST(calendar, LeapYears1) {
 	for (dateIn.year = 1; dateIn.year < 10000; ++dateIn.year) {
 		dateIn.month	= 2;
-		dateIn.monthday = 28 + leapdays(dateIn.year);
+		dateIn.monthday = is_leapyear(dateIn.year) ? 29 : 28;
 		dateIn.yearday	= 31 + dateIn.monthday;
 		ntpcal_rd_to_date(&dateOut, ntpcal_date_to_rd(&dateIn));
@@ -160,7 +218,7 @@ TEST(calendar, LeapYears2) {
 	for (dateIn.year = 1; dateIn.year < 10000; ++dateIn.year) {
 		dateIn.month	= 3;
 		dateIn.monthday = 1;
-		dateIn.yearday	= 60 + leapdays(dateIn.year);
+		dateIn.yearday	= is_leapyear(dateIn.year) ? 61 : 60;
 		ntpcal_rd_to_date(&dateOut, ntpcal_date_to_rd(&dateIn));
 		TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(IsEqualDate(&dateIn, &dateOut));
@@ -181,7 +239,7 @@ TEST(calendar, RoundTripDate) {
 		expDate.month	= 0;
 		expDate.yearday = 0;
-		leaps = leapdays(expDate.year);
+		leaps = is_leapyear(expDate.year) ? 1 : 0;
 		while (expDate.month < 12) {
 			expDate.monthday = 0;
@@ -202,6 +260,10 @@ TEST(calendar, RoundTripDate) {
 TEST_GROUP_RUNNER(calendar) {
+	RUN_TEST_CASE(calendar, is_leapyear);
+	RUN_TEST_CASE(calendar, julian0);
+	RUN_TEST_CASE(calendar, days_per_year);
+	RUN_TEST_CASE(calendar, parse_to_unixtime);
 	RUN_TEST_CASE(calendar, DaySplitMerge);
 	RUN_TEST_CASE(calendar, SplitYearDays1);
 	RUN_TEST_CASE(calendar, SplitYearDays2);

--- a/tests/wscript
+++ b/tests/wscript
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ def build(ctx):
                   "%s/tests/ntpdig/" % srcnode,
                   "%s/tests/common/" % srcnode
                   ] + ctx.env.PLATFORM_INCLUDES,
-        use="unity ntp isc M PTHREAD CRYPTO RT SOCKET NSL",
+        use="unity ntp isc parse M PTHREAD CRYPTO RT SOCKET NSL",

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