[Git][NTPsec/ntpsec][wip-ntpq-peers-display] Fixed f8unit formating.

Ian Bruene gitlab at mg.gitlab.com
Fri Mar 24 22:41:09 UTC 2017

Ian Bruene pushed to branch wip-ntpq-peers-display at NTPsec / ntpsec

14b26a77 by Ian Bruene at 2017-03-24T17:37:05-05:00
Fixed f8unit formating.

f8unit now correctly formats zero values. "Shouldn't be possible" indeed...

f8unit will now print an integer if the passed value does not have any
decimal places. This takes care of the N.something nanoseconds problem.

f8unit no longer prints a sign on positive numbers.

- - - - -

1 changed file:

- pylib/util.py


--- a/pylib/util.py
+++ b/pylib/util.py
@@ -93,15 +93,17 @@ def f8unit(f, startingunit, strip=False):
         unit = UNITS[startingunit + unitsmoved]
     except IndexError:  # out of defined units revert to original, very ugly
-        rendered = ("%+6f" % oldf) + UNITS[startingunit]  # but few options
-    if abs(f) >= 100.0:  # +xxx.x
-        rendered = ("%+6.1f" % f) + unit
+        rendered = ("%6f" % oldf) + UNITS[startingunit]  # but few options
+    if abs(f).is_integer():
+        rendered = ("%6d" % f) + unit
+    elif abs(f) >= 100.0:  # +xxx.x
+        rendered = ("%6.1f" % f) + unit
     elif abs(f) >= 10.0:  # +xx.xx
-        rendered = ("%+6.2f" % f) + unit
+        rendered = ("%6.2f" % f) + unit
     elif abs(f) >= 1.0:  # +x.xxx
-        rendered = ("%+6.3f" % f) + unit
-    else:  # should not be possible
-        rendered = ("%8f" % oldf)
+        rendered = ("%6.3f" % f) + unit
+    else:  # zero, if it weren't then scaleforunit would have moved it up
+        rendered = ("%6.3f" % oldf) + unit
     if strip:
         return rendered.lstrip().rstrip()
     return rendered

View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.com/NTPsec/ntpsec/commit/14b26a777fc4a5184128d84917edf626dbaaa261
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