[Git][NTPsec/ntpsec][master] 3 commits: Begin functional factoring of buildprep logic.

Eric S. Raymond gitlab at mg.gitlab.com
Wed Mar 15 14:13:14 UTC 2017

Eric S. Raymond pushed to branch master at NTPsec / ntpsec

57ce9359 by Eric S. Raymond at 2017-03-15T10:12:36-04:00
Begin functional factoring of buildprep logic.

- - - - -
0932fbe3 by Eric S. Raymond at 2017-03-15T10:12:36-04:00
More buildprep refactoring.

- - - - -
3cb9fbe1 by Eric S. Raymond at 2017-03-15T10:12:36-04:00
Yet more buildprep refactoring.

- - - - -

2 changed files:

- buildprep


@@ -21,14 +21,18 @@ to run and in addition, the development headers installed to build.
 If you are on a Debian or Ubuntu distribution that uses apt-get, or on
 a Fedora or RedHat distribution that uses yum or dnf, or a Suse
 distribution that uses yast or zypper, or Gentoo, you can use the
-./buildprep script.  If you are using other distributions or OSes,
-such as MacOS, Solaris, or BSD, you will have to install the build
-prerequisites by hand on your system.
+./buildprep script.
-Run ./buildprep -n to see what needs to be installed as prerequisites
-on your system.  In order that we have a single point of truth about
-package requirements, much information about installable-package names
-that used to live in this file has moved to that script.
+In that case, run ./buildprep -n to see what needs to be installed as
+prerequisites on your system.  In order that we have a single point of
+truth about package requirements, much information about
+installable-package names that used to live in this file has moved to
+that script.
+If you are using other distributions or OSes, such as MacOS, Solaris,
+or *BSD, you will have to install the build prerequisites by hand on
+your system.  Read the buildprep script to get an idea what packages
+are required.
 buildprep does not attempt to install either asciidoc or psutils (both
 optional). asciidoc has a huge tail of dependencies and you probably
@@ -46,29 +50,13 @@ Python 2.x, x >= 6, or Python 3.x, x >= 3::
    installation and Python dev tools, if your OS makes such a
-  Some/many OS distros won't find our installed python libraries.
-  Your shell will need something like this:
+  Some OS distros won't find our installed python libraries.
+  Your shell may need something like this:
     export PYTHONPATH=/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages
   CentOS 6 is using python 2.6
     export PYTHONPATH=/usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages
   (I put it in my .bashrc)
-   Required to build.
-   Gentoo package: sys-devel/bison
-   Required to run and build.
-   Enables encryption and authentication.
-   Gentoo: dev-libs/openssl
-   Required on Linux to support dropping root.
-   Gentoo package: sys-libs/libcap
-   Required for ntpviz.
    Required for ntpviz when using Python version 2.6
    Install with pip: pip install argparse
@@ -82,14 +70,6 @@ psutils::
    Gentoo: dev-python/psutil
    SLES: python-psutil
-   Optional on Linux to support restricting syscalls
-   Gentoo: sys-libs/libseccomp
-   Optional for ntpd. Support for mDNS Service Discovery registration
-   Debian: libavahi-compat-libdnssd-dev
    If you are building to supply Stratum 1 time service (that is, with
    refclocks linked in) you may find that you need the sys/timepps.h
@@ -97,9 +77,6 @@ sys/timepps.h::
    This won't be necessary for pure client (Stratum 2 or higher)
-   Optional, improves font quality in ntpviz renderings.
 asciidoc, a2x::
    You will need asciidoc to make HTML and a2x to make manual pages from the
    documentation masters.  Only required if you configured with --enable-doc.

--- a/buildprep
+++ b/buildprep
@@ -28,26 +28,32 @@ then
     exit 1
 if emerge --version 2>/dev/null
+    install="$installer -q y"
 elif yum version 2>/dev/null
+    install="$installer install"
 elif dnf --version >/dev/null 2>&1
+    install="$installer install"
 elif apt-get --version >/dev/null 2>&1
+    install="apt-get install -y"
 elif zypper -h >/dev/null 2>&1
     # OpenSUSE prefers zypper over yast
+    install="$installer install -y"
 elif yast -h >/dev/null 2>&1
+    install="$installer --install"
@@ -55,56 +61,108 @@ echo "# Your package installer is ${installer}."
 # In order to have a single point of truth about prerequisite package names,
 # these package name lists have been *removed* from INSTALL.
-case $installer in
-    apt)
-	$do apt-get install bison libcap-dev libcap2 libseccomp-dev
-	$do apt-get install libssl-dev libssl1.0.0 python-dev
-	$do apt-get install libavahi-compat-libdnssd-dev
-	$do apt-get install pps-tools
-	$do apt-get install fonts-liberation
-	distro=`lsb_release -i -s`
-	if [ "$distro" = "Ubuntu" ]
-	then
-	    echo "# Looks like an Ubuntu system"
-	    $do apt-get install gnuplot5
-	else
-	    echo "# Looks like a generic Debian system"
-	    $do apt-get install gnuplot
-	fi
-	;;
-    emerge)
-        $do emerge -q y media-fonts/liberation-fonts
-        $do emerge -q y sci-visualization/gnuplot
-        $do emerge -q y net-misc/pps-tools
-        ;;
-    yum|dnf)
-	$do $installer install bison gnuplot libcap libcap-devel
-	$do $installer install liberation-fonts-common.noarch
-	$do $installer install liberation-mono-fonts.noarch
-	$do $installer install liberation-narrow-fonts.noarch
-	$do $installer install liberation-sans-fonts.noarch
-	$do $installer install liberation-serif-fonts.noarch
-	$do $installer install libseccomp-devel openssl-devel openssl-libs
-	$do $installer install pps-tools pps-tools-devel python python-devel
-	$do $installer install avahi-compat-libdns_sd-devel
-	;;
-    yast)
-	echo "# SLES versions 12 and earlier do not have pps-tools"
-	$do $installer --install basis-devel gnuplot libcap-devel libcap2
-	$do $installer --install liberation-fonts libseccomp-devel
-	$do $installer --install openssl-libs openssl-devel
-	$do $installer --install python-devel
-	;;
-    zypper)
-	$do zypper install -y gnuplot libcap-devel libcap2
-	$do zypper install -y liberation-fonts libseccomp-devel
-	$do zypper install -y openssl-devel
-	$do zypper install -y python-devel bison
-	$do zypper install -y gcc6 gcc6-info gcc6-locale
-	echo "# SLES versions 12 and earlier do not have pps-tools"
-        $do zypper install -y pps-tools pps-tools-devel
-	;;
+# Build time vs. run time:
+# Build dependencies are marked.  You'll need them all when building from a
+# repository copy; the unmarked (run-time) dependencies are information for
+# packagers.  Under Gentoo, all dependencies are build dependencies.
+# Notes on optional packages:
+# libdnssd is optional for ntpd. Support for mDNS Service Discovery registration
+# libcap (under Linux) enables dropping root and is not strictly required.
+daemon () {
+    # Prerequisites to build the daemon: bison, pps-tools, service libraries
+    case $installer in
+	apt)
+	    $do $install bison libssl-dev		# build
+	    $do $install libcap-dev libseccomp-dev	# build
+	    $do $install libavahi-compat-libdnssd-dev	# optional build
+	    $do $install libssl1.0.0 libcap2 pps-tools
+	    ;;
+	emerge)
+	    $do $install sys-libs/libcap sys-libs/libseccomp
+	    $do $install sys-devel/bison net-misc/pps-tools
+	    ;;
+	yum|dnf)
+	    $do $install bison openssl-devel 		# build
+	    $do $install libcap-devel libseccomp-devel	# build
+	    $do $install pps-tools-devel		# build
+	    $do $install avahi-compat-libdns_sd-devel	# optional build
+	    $do $install libcap openssl-libs pps-tools
+	    ;;
+	yast)
+	    echo "# SLES versions 12 and earlier do not have pps-tools"
+	    $do $install basis-devel 			# build
+	    $do $install libcap-devel libseccomp-devel 	# build
+	    $do $install openssl-devel			# build
+	    $do $install libcap2 openssl-libs
+	    ;;
+	zypper)
+	    $do $install gcc6 gcc6-info gcc6-locale	# build
+	    $do $install bison				# build
+	    $do $install libcap-devel libseccomp-devel	# build
+	    $do $install openssl-devel			# build
+	    echo "# SLES versions 12 and earlier do not have pps-tools"
+	    $do $install pps-tools-devel		# build
+	    $do $install pps-tools
+	    $do $install libcap2 openssl-libs
+	    ;;
+    esac
+tools () {
+    # Prerequisites for the client Python tools: python extensions
+    case $installer in
+	apt)
+	    $do $install python-dev
+	    ;;
+	yum|dnf|yast|zypper)
+	    $do $install python-devel
+	    ;;
+    esac
+ntpviz () {
+    # Prerequisites to use ntpviz: gnuplot and liberation fonts
+    case $installer in
+	apt)
+	    distro=`lsb_release -i -s`
+	    if [ "$distro" = "Ubuntu" ]
+	    then
+		echo "# Looks like an Ubuntu system"
+		$do $install gnuplot5
+	    else
+		echo "# Looks like a generic Debian system"
+		$do $install gnuplot
+	    fi
+	    $do $install fonts-liberation
+	    ;;
+	emerge)
+	    $do $install sci-visualization/gnuplot
+	    $do $install media-fonts/liberation-fonts
+	    ;;
+	yum|dnf)
+	    $do $install gnuplot
+	    $do $install liberation-fonts-common.noarch
+	    $do $install liberation-mono-fonts.noarch
+	    $do $install liberation-narrow-fonts.noarch
+	    $do $install liberation-sans-fonts.noarch
+	    $do $install liberation-serif-fonts.noarch
+	    ;;
+	yast)
+	    $do $install gnuplot liberation-fonts
+	    ;;
+	zypper)
+	    $do $install gnuplot liberation-fonts
+	    ;;
+    esac
+# Main sequence
 echo ""
 echo "# Done."

View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.com/NTPsec/ntpsec/compare/2933de68de5e079e15d0ef478ef266066903e7b7...3cb9fbe1f21cba547c95ba0cd23708c1a539f838
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