[Git][NTPsec/ntpsec][master] ntpviz: tweak text, msall pep8 fix.

Gary E. Miller gitlab at mg.gitlab.com
Sat Jan 28 21:23:26 UTC 2017

Gary E. Miller pushed to branch master at NTPsec / ntpsec

6d24b036 by Gary E. Miller at 2017-01-28T13:18:53-08:00
ntpviz: tweak text, msall pep8 fix.

- - - - -

1 changed file:

- ntpclients/ntpviz


--- a/ntpclients/ntpviz
+++ b/ntpclients/ntpviz
@@ -598,12 +598,15 @@ plot \\
         plot_template = plot_template[:-4] + "\n"
         exp = """\
 <p>Local temperatures.  These will be site specific depending on what
-temperature sensors you have and collect data from.  Temperature
-changes change the local clock crystal frequency and stability.  Crystals
-oscillate faster when warmer. This the single most important
+temperature sensors you have and collect data from.
+Temperature changes affect the local clock crystal frequency and
+stability.  The math of how temperature changes frequency is
+complex, and also depends on crystal aging.  So there is no easy
+way to correct for it in software.  This the single most important
 component of frequency drift.</p>
 <p>The Local Termperatures are from field 3 from the tempstats log file.</p>
         ret = {'html': exp, 'stats': stats}
         ret['title'] = "Local Temperatures"
         ret['plot'] = plot_template + plot_data
@@ -1346,10 +1349,10 @@ Python by ESR, concept and gnuplot code by Dan Drown.
     # some OS do not support os.nice()
-        parser.add_argument('-N','--nice',
-                           action="store_true",
-                           dest='nice',
-                           help="Run as lowest priority")
+        parser.add_argument('-N', '--nice',
+                            action="store_true",
+                            dest='nice',
+                            help="Run as lowest priority")

View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.com/NTPsec/ntpsec/commit/6d24b036b677111b5ec09b0d02339c7bfef21ee6
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