[Git][NTPsec/ntpsec][master] Disambiguate "SHA".

Eric S. Raymond gitlab at mg.gitlab.com
Fri Jan 27 15:15:19 UTC 2017

Eric S. Raymond pushed to branch master at NTPsec / ntpsec

3c55017b by Eric S. Raymond at 2017-01-27T09:46:30-05:00
Disambiguate "SHA".

- - - - -

5 changed files:

- docs/authentic.txt
- docs/includes/auth-commands.txt
- docs/includes/ntpkeygen-body.txt
- docs/includes/ntpq-body.txt
- docs/ntpkeygen.txt


--- a/docs/authentic.txt
+++ b/docs/authentic.txt
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ distribution can be freely exported.
 If the OpenSSL cryptographic library is installed prior to building the
 distribution, all message digest algorithms included in the library may
-be used, including SHA and SHA1. However, if conformance to FIPS 140-2
+be used, including SHA-0 and SHA1. However, if conformance to FIPS 140-2
 is required, only a limited subset of these algorithms can be used. This
 library is available from http://www.openssl.org and can be installed
 using the procedures outlined in the link:build.html[Building and
@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ ID, to authenticate an association. The servers and clients involved
 must agree on the key ID, key type and key to authenticate NTP packets.
 The message digest is a cryptographic hash computed by an algorithm such
-as MD5 or SHA. When authentication is specified, a message
+as MD5 or SHA-1. When authentication is specified, a message
 authentication code (MAC) is appended to the NTP packet header. The MAC
 consists of a 32-bit key identifier (key ID) followed by a 128- or
 160-bit message digest. The algorithm computes the digest as the hash of

--- a/docs/includes/auth-commands.txt
+++ b/docs/includes/auth-commands.txt
@@ -25,9 +25,9 @@
     Specify the message digest algorithm, with default MD5. If the
     OpenSSL library is installed, +digest+ can be be any message digest
     algorithm supported by the library. The current selections are:
-    +MD2+, +MD4+, +MD5,+ +MDC2+, +RIPEMD160+, +SHA+ and +SHA1+.
+    +MD2+, +MD4+, +MD5,+ +MDC2+, +RIPEMD160+, +SHA-0+ and +SHA1+.
     Note: If compliance with FIPS 140-2 is required, the algorithm
-    must be ether +SHA+ or +SHA1+.
+    must be ether +SHA-0+ or +SHA1+.
   +gqpar+ _file_;;
     Specifies the location of the optional GQ parameters file. This
     overrides the link _ntpkey_gq_hostname_ in the keys directory.

--- a/docs/includes/ntpkeygen-body.txt
+++ b/docs/includes/ntpkeygen-body.txt
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ cryptography.
 The program produces a file containing ten pseudo-random printable
 ASCII strings suitable for the MD5 message digest algorithm included
 in the distribution.  It also produces an additional ten hex-encoded
-random bit strings suitable for the SHA1 and other message digest
+random bit strings suitable for the SHA-1 and other message digest
 algorithms. The message digest keys file must be distributed and
 stored using secure means beyond the scope of NTP itself. Besides
 the keys used for ordinary NTP associations, additional keys can be
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ format:
 |Field	| Meaning
 |keyno	| Positive integer in the range 1-65,535
-|type	| MD5 or SHA1 , type of key
+|type	| MD5 or SHA-1 , type of key
 |key	| the actual key, printable ASCII

--- a/docs/includes/ntpq-body.txt
+++ b/docs/includes/ntpq-body.txt
@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ following.
   Specify the digest algorithm to use for authenticated requests, with
   default +MD5+. If the OpenSSL library is installed, digest can be
   any message digest algorithm supported by the library. The current
-  selections are: +MD2+, +MD4+, +MD5+, +MDC2+, +RIPEMD160+, +SHA+ and
+  selections are: +MD2+, +MD4+, +MD5+, +MDC2+, +RIPEMD160+, +SHA-0+ and
 +ntpversion 1 | 2 | 3 | 4+::

--- a/docs/ntpkeygen.txt
+++ b/docs/ntpkeygen.txt
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ OpenSSL library must be `MD5` to designate the MD5 message digest
 algorithm. If the OpenSSL library is installed, the key type can be any
 message digest algorithm supported by that library. However, if
 compatibility with FIPS 140-2 is required, the key type must be either
-`SHA` or `SHA1`. The key type can be changed using an ASCII text editor.
+`SHA-0` or `SHA1`. The key type can be changed using an ASCII text editor.
 An MD5 key consists of a printable ASCII string less than or equal to 16
 characters and terminated by whitespace or a # character. An OpenSSL key

View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.com/NTPsec/ntpsec/commit/3c55017bb5aafc5f32a1e838ef69ee9691df3125
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