[Git][NTPsec/ntpsec][master] add GitHab team access policy to devel/hacking.txt

Mark Atwood gitlab at mg.gitlab.com
Wed Jan 4 23:45:52 UTC 2017

Mark Atwood pushed to branch master at NTPsec / ntpsec

f787596a by Mark Atwood at 2017-01-04T15:45:40-08:00
add GitHab team access policy to devel/hacking.txt

- - - - -

1 changed file:

- devel/hacking.txt


--- a/devel/hacking.txt
+++ b/devel/hacking.txt
@@ -386,6 +386,18 @@ Our GitLab group is at https://gitlab.com/groups/NTPsec
 Please used the issue tracker and the pull request process at GitLab.com.
+If you wish, you can request to join the GitLab project team at
+https://gitlab.com/groups/NTPsec/group_members and we will add you the
+team with Guest access.  This will cause GitLab to send issue tracker
+updates and pipeline updates to your email address.  You do not have
+to formally be a member of the GitLab team to participate, contribute,
+or send issues, patches, or pull requests.
+Granting other levels of GitLab project team access is at discretion
+of the Project Manager, after consulting with the existing core team.
+Generally, other levels of access will not be granted, as they are not
+necessary to be a welcome and effective contributor.
 Please work on one piece of conceptual work at a time.  Keep each
 narrative of work each in a different branch.

View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.com/NTPsec/ntpsec/commit/f787596a6a2712ca6c6870215e1a53651816dd2e
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