[Git][NTPsec/ntpsec][master] 12 commits: check_structfield.py: conform to pep8

Gary E. Miller gitlab at mg.gitlab.com
Wed Jan 4 00:41:27 UTC 2017

Gary E. Miller pushed to branch master at NTPsec / ntpsec

83b552f9 by Gary E. Miller at 2017-01-03T16:13:02-08:00
check_structfield.py: conform to pep8

- - - - -
ddbc1d6b by Gary E. Miller at 2017-01-03T16:14:48-08:00
check_sockaddr.py: conform to pep8

- - - - -
379ddf49 by Gary E. Miller at 2017-01-03T16:17:44-08:00
check_sizeof.py: conform to pep8

- - - - -
5f94339e by Gary E. Miller at 2017-01-03T16:21:49-08:00
check_pthread.py: confirm to pep8

- - - - -
08b5439d by Gary E. Miller at 2017-01-03T16:22:39-08:00
check_seccomp.py: conform to pep8

- - - - -
4668e379 by Gary E. Miller at 2017-01-03T16:25:30-08:00
check_openssl.py: conform to pep8

- - - - -
bc3e39b9 by Gary E. Miller at 2017-01-03T16:27:37-08:00
check_mdns.py: conform to pep8

- - - - -
c186e7b7 by Gary E. Miller at 2017-01-03T16:29:08-08:00
check_fortify.py: conform to pep8

- - - - -
752702b1 by Gary E. Miller at 2017-01-03T16:30:47-08:00
check_compiler.py: conform to pep8

- - - - -
4890b4b7 by Gary E. Miller at 2017-01-03T16:32:11-08:00
check_cap.py: confirm to pep8

- - - - -
726cf2f2 by Gary E. Miller at 2017-01-03T16:38:40-08:00
bin_test.py: conform to pep8

- - - - -
c5a9c1b2 by Gary E. Miller at 2017-01-03T16:40:27-08:00
asciidoc.py: conform to pep8

- - - - -

12 changed files:

- wafhelpers/asciidoc.py
- wafhelpers/bin_test.py
- wafhelpers/check_cap.py
- wafhelpers/check_compiler.py
- wafhelpers/check_fortify.py
- wafhelpers/check_mdns.py
- wafhelpers/check_openssl.py
- wafhelpers/check_pthread.py
- wafhelpers/check_seccomp.py
- wafhelpers/check_sizeof.py
- wafhelpers/check_sockaddr.py
- wafhelpers/check_structfield.py


--- a/wafhelpers/asciidoc.py
+++ b/wafhelpers/asciidoc.py
@@ -2,33 +2,36 @@ from waflib import Task
 from waflib.TaskGen import extension
 from wafhelpers.util import ascii_doc_scan
-# asciidoc -b html5 -a linkcss -a stylesdir=/mnt/devel/ntp/commit/docs -o asd driver32.txt
+# asciidoc -b html5 -a linkcss -a stylesdir=/mnt/devel/ntp/commit/docs \
+#   -o asd driver32.txt
 # ASCIIDOC_FLAGS are almost always needed and need to be set by the user.
 class asciidoc(Task.Task):
-	color	= "BLUE"
-	run_str = '${BIN_ASCIIDOC} -b html5 -a linkcss ${ASCIIDOC_FLAGS} -o ${TGT[0].name} ${SRC[0].abspath()}'
-	ext_out = ".html"
+    color = "BLUE"
+    run_str = '${BIN_ASCIIDOC} -b html5 -a linkcss ${ASCIIDOC_FLAGS} ' \
+              '-o ${TGT[0].name} ${SRC[0].abspath()}'
+    ext_out = ".html"
 def run_asciidoc(self, node):
-	out = node.change_ext(".html")
-	tsk = self.create_task("asciidoc", node, [out])
-	tsk.cwd = node.parent.get_bld().abspath()
+    out = node.change_ext(".html")
+    tsk = self.create_task("asciidoc", node, [out])
+    tsk.cwd = node.parent.get_bld().abspath()
 class a2x(Task.Task):
-	color   = "YELLOW"
-	shell   = True
-	run_str = '${BIN_A2X} ${A2X_FLAGS} ${SRC[0].abspath()}'
-	scan	= ascii_doc_scan
+    color = "YELLOW"
+    shell = True
+    run_str = '${BIN_A2X} ${A2X_FLAGS} ${SRC[0].abspath()}'
+    scan = ascii_doc_scan
 def run_a2x(self, node):
-	n_file = node.path_from(self.bld.bldnode)
-	out = "%s.%s" % (n_file.replace("-man.txt.man-tmp", ""), self.section)
-	out_n = self.bld.path.find_or_declare(out)
-	tsk = self.create_task('a2x', node, out_n)
-	self.bld.install_files("${PREFIX}/man/man%s/" % self.section, out_n)
+    n_file = node.path_from(self.bld.bldnode)
+    out = "%s.%s" % (n_file.replace("-man.txt.man-tmp", ""), self.section)
+    out_n = self.bld.path.find_or_declare(out)
+    tsk = self.create_task('a2x', node, out_n)
+    self.bld.install_files("${PREFIX}/man/man%s/" % self.section, out_n)

--- a/wafhelpers/bin_test.py
+++ b/wafhelpers/bin_test.py
@@ -5,63 +5,67 @@ from waflib.Utils import subprocess
 from waflib.Logs import pprint
 cmd_map = {
-        ("main/ntpd/ntpd",              "-invalid"):        br'.*must be run as root, not uid.*',
-        ("main/ntpclients/ntpdig",      "time.apple.com"):  br'.*time.apple.com.*',
-        ("main/ntpfrob/ntpfrob",        "-h"):              br'.*illegal option.*',
-        ("main/ntpfrob/ntpfrob",        "-b 100000"):       br".*Bumping clock by 100000 microseconds.*",
-        ("main/ntpclients/ntpkeygen",   "-M"):              br'.*Generating new md5 file and link.*',
-        ("main/ntpclients/ntpq",        "-p"):              br'.*remote.*jitter.*',
-        ("main/ntptime/ntptime",        None):              br'.*ntp_gettime\(\) returns code 0 \(OK\).*',
-        ("main/attic/sht",               "2:r"):             br'.*reader.*',
-# XXX: Need to figure out how to test this.
-#       ("main/attic/hist",                        ""):                                  br'',
-# Perl library
-#       ("main/ntpclients/ntptrace",        ""):                                  br'',
-#       ("main/ntpclients/ntpwait",                  ""):                                  br'',
-#       ("main/ntpclients/ntpsweep",   ""):                      br'',
+    ("main/ntpd/ntpd", "-invalid"): br'.*must be run as root, not uid.*',
+    ("main/ntpclients/ntpdig", "time.apple.com"): br'.*time.apple.com.*',
+    ("main/ntpfrob/ntpfrob", "-h"): br'.*illegal option.*',
+    ("main/ntpfrob/ntpfrob", "-b 100000"):
+        br".*Bumping clock by 100000 microseconds.*",
+    ("main/ntpclients/ntpkeygen", "-M"):
+        br'.*Generating new md5 file and link.*',
+    ("main/ntpclients/ntpq", "-p"): br'.*remote.*jitter.*',
+    ("main/ntptime/ntptime", None):
+        br'.*ntp_gettime\(\) returns code 0 \(OK\).*',
+    ("main/attic/sht", "2:r"): br'.*reader.*',
+    # XXX: Need to figure out how to test this.
+    #       ("main/attic/hist", ""): br'',
+    # Perl library
+    #       ("main/ntpclients/ntptrace", ""): br'',
+    #       ("main/ntpclients/ntpwait", ""): br'',
+    #       ("main/ntpclients/ntpsweep", ""): br'',
 # XXX: Needs to run in a thread with a timeout.
 def run(cmd, reg):
-        check = False
+    check = False
-        if cmd[1] is None:
-                cmd = [cmd[0]]
+    if cmd[1] is None:
+        cmd = [cmd[0]]
-        print("running: ", " ".join(cmd), end="")
+    print("running: ", " ".join(cmd), end="")
-        if not exists("build/%s" % cmd[0]):
-                pprint("YELLOW", " SKIPPING (does not exist)")
-                return False
+    if not exists("build/%s" % cmd[0]):
+        pprint("YELLOW", " SKIPPING (does not exist)")
+        return False
-        p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env=None, cwd="build")
+    p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
+                         stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+                         stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env=None, cwd="build")
-        stdout, stderr = p.communicate()
+    stdout, stderr = p.communicate()
-        regex = re.compile(reg)
+    regex = re.compile(reg)
-        if regex.match(stdout) or regex.match(stderr):
-                check = True
+    if regex.match(stdout) or regex.match(stderr):
+        check = True
-        if check:
-                pprint("GREEN", "  OK")
-                return False
-        else:
-                pprint("RED", "  FAILED")
-                return True
+    if check:
+        pprint("GREEN", "  OK")
+        return False
+    else:
+        pprint("RED", "  FAILED")
+        return True
 def cmd_bin_test(ctx, config):
-        fail = True
+    fail = True
-        for cmd in sorted(cmd_map):
-                fail = run(cmd, cmd_map[cmd])
+    for cmd in sorted(cmd_map):
+        fail = run(cmd, cmd_map[cmd])
-        if fail:
-                pprint("RED", "Tests failed!")
-#               ctx.fatal("Failed")
+    if fail:
+        pprint("RED", "Tests failed!")
+        # ctx.fatal("Failed")
-#cmd_bin_test(None, None)
+# cmd_bin_test(None, None)

--- a/wafhelpers/check_cap.py
+++ b/wafhelpers/check_cap.py
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 import sys
 from waflib.Logs import pprint
 def check_cap(ctx):
     if ctx.options.disable_droproot:
@@ -12,9 +13,9 @@ def check_cap(ctx):
     ctx.check_cc(header_name="sys/capability.h", mandatory=False)
     ctx.check_cc(lib="cap", comment="Capability library", mandatory=False)
-    if ctx.get_define("HAVE_SYS_CAPABILITY_H") and \
-        ctx.get_define("HAVE_SYS_PRCTL_H") and ctx.env.LIB_CAP:
-            ctx.define("HAVE_LINUX_CAPABILITY", 1)
+    if ((ctx.get_define("HAVE_SYS_CAPABILITY_H")
+         and ctx.get_define("HAVE_SYS_PRCTL_H") and ctx.env.LIB_CAP)):
+        ctx.define("HAVE_LINUX_CAPABILITY", 1)
         pprint("RED", "Warning libcap and headers not installed")
         pprint("RED", "Fedora needs libcap-devel")

--- a/wafhelpers/check_compiler.py
+++ b/wafhelpers/check_compiler.py
@@ -14,53 +14,54 @@ COMPILER_FRAG = """
 int main(void) {
 #ifdef __clang__
-	printf("1");
+    printf("1");
-	printf("2");
+    printf("2");
 #elif __GNUC__
-	printf("3");
+    printf("3");
 #elif __SUNPRO_C
-	printf("4");
+    printf("4");
-	printf("255");
+    printf("255");
-	return 0;
+    return 0;
 def check_compiler(ctx):
-	if ctx.env.ENABLE_CROSS:
-		return
+    if ctx.env.ENABLE_CROSS:
+        return
-	defines = {
-		1: ("COMPILER_CLANG",	"clang"),
-		2: ("COMPILER_ICC",		"ICC"),
-		3: ("COMPILER_GCC",		"GCC"),
-		255: ("COMPILER_GCC",	"Unknown (Defaulting to GCC)"),
-	}
+    defines = {
+        1: ("COMPILER_CLANG",   "clang"),
+        2: ("COMPILER_ICC",     "ICC"),
+        3: ("COMPILER_GCC",     "GCC"),
+        4: ("COMPILER_SUNCC",   "SUNCC"),
+        255: ("COMPILER_GCC",   "Unknown (Defaulting to GCC)"),
+    }
-	ctx.check_cc(
-		fragment	= COMPILER_FRAG,
-		msg			= "Checking compiler",
-		define_name = "COMPILER_INT",
-		quote		= False,
-		execute		= True,
-		define_ret  = True,
-		mandatory	= True,
-	)
+    ctx.check_cc(
+        fragment=COMPILER_FRAG,
+        msg="Checking compiler",
+        define_name="COMPILER_INT",
+        quote=False,
+        execute=True,
+        define_ret=True,
+        mandatory=True,
+    )
-	compiler_int = int(ctx.get_define("COMPILER_INT"))
+    compiler_int = int(ctx.get_define("COMPILER_INT"))
-	ctx.undefine("COMPILER_INT") # Not needed.
+    ctx.undefine("COMPILER_INT")    # Not needed.
-	define, name = defines[compiler_int]
+    define, name = defines[compiler_int]
-	ctx.start_msg("Compiler found")
+    ctx.start_msg("Compiler found")
-	ctx.define(define, 1, comment="Compiler detected during configure.") # config.h
-	ctx.env[define] = True # Build system.
+    # config.h
+    ctx.define(define, 1, comment="Compiler detected during configure.")
+    ctx.env[define] = True    # Build system.
-	ctx.end_msg(name)
+    ctx.end_msg(name)

--- a/wafhelpers/check_fortify.py
+++ b/wafhelpers/check_fortify.py
@@ -1,10 +1,15 @@
 from shlex import split
 def check_fortify(ctx):
-	ctx.find_program("sourceanalyzer", var="BIN_SOURCEANALYZER", mandatory=True)
+    ctx.find_program("sourceanalyzer", var="BIN_SOURCEANALYZER",
+                     mandatory=True)
-	if not ctx.options.fortify_flags:
-		ctx.fatal("You must supply --fortify-flags when using --enable-fortify.")
+    if not ctx.options.fortify_flags:
+        ctx.fatal(
+            "You must supply --fortify-flags when using --enable-fortify.")
-	ctx.env.CC = ctx.env.BIN_SOURCEANALYZER + split(ctx.options.fortify_flags) + ctx.env.CC
-	ctx.env.AR = ctx.env.BIN_SOURCEANALYZER + split(ctx.options.fortify_flags) + ctx.env.AR
+    ctx.env.CC = ctx.env.BIN_SOURCEANALYZER + \
+        split(ctx.options.fortify_flags) + ctx.env.CC
+    ctx.env.AR = ctx.env.BIN_SOURCEANALYZER + \
+        split(ctx.options.fortify_flags) + ctx.env.AR

--- a/wafhelpers/check_mdns.py
+++ b/wafhelpers/check_mdns.py
@@ -2,38 +2,42 @@ MDNS_FRAG = """
 # include <dns_sd.h>
 int main(void) {
-	DNSServiceRef mdns;
-	DNSServiceRefDeallocate(mdns);
+    DNSServiceRef mdns;
+    DNSServiceRefDeallocate(mdns);
     return 0;
 def check_mdns_header(ctx):
-	ctx.check_cc(lib="dns_sd", libpath=ctx.env.PLATFORM_LIBPATH, mandatory=False)
-	ctx.check_cc(header_name="dns_sd.h", includes=ctx.env.PLATFORM_INCLUDES, uselib_store="DNS_SD_INCLUDES", mandatory=False)
+    ctx.check_cc(lib="dns_sd", libpath=ctx.env.PLATFORM_LIBPATH,
+                 mandatory=False)
+    ctx.check_cc(header_name="dns_sd.h", includes=ctx.env.PLATFORM_INCLUDES,
+                 uselib_store="DNS_SD_INCLUDES", mandatory=False)
-	if ctx.get_define("HAVE_DNS_SD_H") and ctx.env.LIB_LIBDNS_SD:
-		ctx.env.DNS_SD_HEADER = True
+    if ctx.get_define("HAVE_DNS_SD_H") and ctx.env.LIB_LIBDNS_SD:
+        ctx.env.DNS_SD_HEADER = True
 def check_mdns_run(ctx):
-	if ctx.env.ENABLE_CROSS: # XXX Remove when variant builds exist
-		if ctx.env.DNS_SD_HEADER:
-			ctx.define("HAVE_MDNS", 1, comment="multicast dns support")
-		return
-	ctx.check_cc(
-		fragment	= MDNS_FRAG,
-		define_name = "HAVE_MDNS",
-		features	= "c",
-		includes	= ctx.env.PLATFORM_INCLUDES,
-		libpath		= ctx.env.PLATFORM_LIBPATH,
-		export_includes = ctx.env.PLATFORM_INCLUDES,
-		msg         = "Checking if mDNSResponder works",
-		name		= "MDNS_INCLUDES",
-		mandatory	= False,
-		comment		= "Multicast DNS support"
-	)
-	if ctx.get_define("HAVE_MDNS"):
-		ctx.define("ENABLE_MDNS_REGISTRATION", 1, comment="Multicast DNS support")
+    if ctx.env.ENABLE_CROSS:  # XXX Remove when variant builds exist
+        if ctx.env.DNS_SD_HEADER:
+            ctx.define("HAVE_MDNS", 1, comment="multicast dns support")
+        return
+    ctx.check_cc(
+        fragment=MDNS_FRAG,
+        define_name="HAVE_MDNS",
+        features="c",
+        includes=ctx.env.PLATFORM_INCLUDES,
+        libpath=ctx.env.PLATFORM_LIBPATH,
+        export_includes=ctx.env.PLATFORM_INCLUDES,
+        msg="Checking if mDNSResponder works",
+        name="MDNS_INCLUDES",
+        mandatory=False,
+        comment="Multicast DNS support"
+    )
+    if ctx.get_define("HAVE_MDNS"):
+        ctx.define("ENABLE_MDNS_REGISTRATION", 1,
+                   comment="Multicast DNS support")

--- a/wafhelpers/check_openssl.py
+++ b/wafhelpers/check_openssl.py
@@ -5,50 +5,54 @@ int main(void) {
 #error OpenSSL is too old.
-	ERR_load_BIO_strings();
-	OpenSSL_add_all_algorithms();
-	return 0;
+    ERR_load_BIO_strings();
+    OpenSSL_add_all_algorithms();
+    return 0;
 def configure_ssl(ctx):
-	headers = (
-		"openssl/asn1_mac.h",
-		"openssl/bn.h",
-		"openssl/err.h",
-		"openssl/evp.h",
-		"openssl/pem.h",
-		"openssl/rand.h",
-		"openssl/objects.h",
-		"openssl/x509v3.h",
-		"openssl/ssl.h",
-	)
-	for hdr in headers:
-		if not ctx.check_cc(header_name=hdr, mandatory=False, comment="<%s> header" % hdr):
-	libs = ["ssl", "crypto"]
-	for lib in libs:
-		if not ctx.check_cc(lib=lib, mandatory=False):
-		ctx.check_cc(
-			fragment	= OPENSSL_FRAG % "\n".join(["#include <%s>" % x for x in headers]),
-			define_name = "HAVE_OPENSSL",
-			execute     = True,
-			mandatory	= False,
-			use			= "SSL CRYPTO",
-			msg			= "Checking if OpenSSL works",
-			comment		= "OpenSSL support"
-		)
-	if ctx.get_define("HAVE_OPENSSL"):
-		ctx.define("USE_OPENSSL_CRYPTO_RAND", 1, comment="Use OpenSSL pseudo-random number generator")
-		ctx.define("USE_OPENSSL_HASH", 1, comment="Use OpenSSL for hashing")
+    OPENSSL_LIB = True
+    headers = (
+        "openssl/asn1_mac.h",
+        "openssl/bn.h",
+        "openssl/err.h",
+        "openssl/evp.h",
+        "openssl/pem.h",
+        "openssl/rand.h",
+        "openssl/objects.h",
+        "openssl/x509v3.h",
+        "openssl/ssl.h",
+    )
+    for hdr in headers:
+        if not ctx.check_cc(header_name=hdr, mandatory=False,
+                            comment="<%s> header" % hdr):
+            OPENSSL_HEADERS = False
+    libs = ["ssl", "crypto"]
+    for lib in libs:
+        if not ctx.check_cc(lib=lib, mandatory=False):
+            OPENSSL_LIB = False
+        ctx.check_cc(
+            fragment=OPENSSL_FRAG % "\n".join(["#include <%s>" % x
+                                               for x in headers]),
+            define_name="HAVE_OPENSSL",
+            execute=True,
+            mandatory=False,
+            use="SSL CRYPTO",
+            msg="Checking if OpenSSL works",
+            comment="OpenSSL support"
+        )
+    if ctx.get_define("HAVE_OPENSSL"):
+        ctx.define("USE_OPENSSL_CRYPTO_RAND", 1,
+                   comment="Use OpenSSL pseudo-random number generator")
+        ctx.define("USE_OPENSSL_HASH", 1, comment="Use OpenSSL for hashing")

--- a/wafhelpers/check_pthread.py
+++ b/wafhelpers/check_pthread.py
@@ -3,45 +3,54 @@ from wafhelpers.tool import check_sanity
 #include <pthread.h>
 int main(void) {
-	pthread_mutex_t mutex;
-	pthread_mutex_init(&mutex, NULL);
-	pthread_mutex_destroy(&mutex);
-	return 0;
+        pthread_mutex_t mutex;
+        pthread_mutex_init(&mutex, NULL);
+        pthread_mutex_destroy(&mutex);
+        return 0;
 def check_pthread_header_lib(ctx):
-	ctx.check(header_name="pthread.h", includes=ctx.env.PLATFORM_INCLUDES, mandatory=False, comment="pthread header")
-	ctx.check(feature="c cshlib", lib="pthread", libpath=ctx.env.PLATFORM_LIBPATH, mandatory=False, comment="pthread library")
-	ctx.check_cc(lib="thr", mandatory=False, comment="thr library, required by some operating systems.")
+    ctx.check(header_name="pthread.h", includes=ctx.env.PLATFORM_INCLUDES,
+              mandatory=False, comment="pthread header")
+    ctx.check(feature="c cshlib", lib="pthread",
+              libpath=ctx.env.PLATFORM_LIBPATH, mandatory=False,
+              comment="pthread library")
+    ctx.check_cc(lib="thr", mandatory=False,
+                 comment="thr library, required by some operating systems.")
+    if ((ctx.get_define("HAVE_PTHREAD_H")
+         and (ctx.env.LIB_PTHREAD or ctx.env.LIB_THR))):
+        ctx.env.PTHREAD_HEADER_LIB = True
-	if ctx.get_define("HAVE_PTHREAD_H") and (ctx.env.LIB_PTHREAD or ctx.env.LIB_THR):
-		ctx.env.PTHREAD_HEADER_LIB = True
 def check_pthread_run(ctx):
-	if ctx.env.ENABLE_CROSS:
-		if ctx.env.PTHREAD_HEADER_LIB: # XXX Remove when variant builds exist
-			ctx.define("HAVE_PTHREAD", 1, comment="pthread support")
-			ctx.env.PTHREAD_ENABLE = True
-		return
-	ctx.check(
-		fragment	= PTHREAD_FRAG,
-		define_name = "HAVE_PTHREAD",
-		features	= "c",
-		use			= "PTHREAD THR",
-		msg         = "Checking if pthread works",
-		includes        = ctx.env.PLATFORM_INCLUDES,
-		export_includes = ctx.env.PLATFORM_INCLUDES,
-		mandatory	= False,
-		comment		= "pthread support"
-	)
-	check_sanity(ctx, ctx.env.PTHREAD_HEADER_LIB, "pthread")
-	if not ctx.get_define("HAVE_PTHREAD"): # XXX if pthread is part of 'libc' this will pass even if the header isn't detected.
-		ctx.fatal("Error: POSIX threads are required in order to build.")
-	else:
-		ctx.env.PTHREAD_ENABLE = True
-		ctx.define("HAVE_PTHREAD", 1, comment="pthread support")
+    if ctx.env.ENABLE_CROSS:
+        if ctx.env.PTHREAD_HEADER_LIB:  # XXX Remove when variant builds exist
+            ctx.define("HAVE_PTHREAD", 1, comment="pthread support")
+            ctx.env.PTHREAD_ENABLE = True
+        return
+    ctx.check(
+        fragment=PTHREAD_FRAG,
+        define_name="HAVE_PTHREAD",
+        features="c",
+        use="PTHREAD THR",
+        msg="Checking if pthread works",
+        includes=ctx.env.PLATFORM_INCLUDES,
+        export_includes=ctx.env.PLATFORM_INCLUDES,
+        mandatory=False,
+        comment="pthread support"
+    )
+    check_sanity(ctx, ctx.env.PTHREAD_HEADER_LIB, "pthread")
+    # XXX if pthread is part of 'libc' this will pass
+    # even if the header isn't detected.
+    if not ctx.get_define("HAVE_PTHREAD"):
+        ctx.fatal("Error: POSIX threads are required in order to build.")
+    else:
+        ctx.env.PTHREAD_ENABLE = True
+        ctx.define("HAVE_PTHREAD", 1, comment="pthread support")

--- a/wafhelpers/check_seccomp.py
+++ b/wafhelpers/check_seccomp.py
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
 import sys
 from waflib.Logs import pprint
 def check_seccomp(ctx):
-    if  not ctx.options.enable_seccomp:
+    if not ctx.options.enable_seccomp:
     if not sys.platform.startswith("linux"):

--- a/wafhelpers/check_sizeof.py
+++ b/wafhelpers/check_sizeof.py
@@ -5,32 +5,33 @@ SIZE_FRAG = """
 #include <stdio.h>
 int main(void) {
-	printf("%%lu", sizeof(%s));
-	return 0;
+    printf("%%lu", sizeof(%s));
+    return 0;
 def check_sizeof_host(ctx, header, sizeof, mandatory=True):
-	sizeof_ns = sizeof.replace(" ", "_")
-	name = "NTP_SIZEOF_%s" % sizeof_ns.upper()
-	header_snippet = ""
-	if header:
-		ctx.start_msg("Checking sizeof %s (%s)" % (sizeof, header))
-		header_snippet = "#include <%s>" % header
-	else:
-		ctx.start_msg("Checking sizeof %s" % (sizeof))
-	ctx.check_cc(
-		fragment	= SIZE_FRAG % (header_snippet, sizeof),
-		define_name = name,
-		execute     = True,
-		define_ret  = True,
-		quote		= False,
-		mandatory	= mandatory,
-		comment		= "Size of %s from <%s>" % (sizeof, header)
-	)
-	ctx.end_msg(ctx.get_define(name))
+    sizeof_ns = sizeof.replace(" ", "_")
+    name = "NTP_SIZEOF_%s" % sizeof_ns.upper()
+    header_snippet = ""
+    if header:
+        ctx.start_msg("Checking sizeof %s (%s)" % (sizeof, header))
+        header_snippet = "#include <%s>" % header
+    else:
+        ctx.start_msg("Checking sizeof %s" % (sizeof))
+    ctx.check_cc(
+        fragment=SIZE_FRAG % (header_snippet, sizeof),
+        define_name=name,
+        execute=True,
+        define_ret=True,
+        quote=False,
+        mandatory=mandatory,
+        comment="Size of %s from <%s>" % (sizeof, header)
+    )
+    ctx.end_msg(ctx.get_define(name))
 # Cross compile check.  Much slower so we do not run it all the time.
@@ -45,37 +46,40 @@ int main(void) {
 def check_sizeof_cross(ctx, header, sizeof, mandatory=True):
-	sizeof_ns = sizeof.replace(" ", "_")
-	name = "NTP_SIZEOF_%s" % sizeof_ns.upper()
-	header_snippet = ""
-	if header:
-		ctx.start_msg("Checking sizeof %s (%s)" % (sizeof, header))
-		header_snippet = "#include <%s>" % header
-	else:
-		ctx.start_msg("Checking sizeof %s" % (sizeof))
-	for size in range(2, 13):
-		try:
-			ctx.check_cc(
-				fragment	= SIZE_FRAG_CROSS % (header_snippet, sizeof, size),
-				features	= "c",
-				execute     = False,
-				mandatory	= mandatory,
-			)
-			ctx.define(name, size, comment="Size of %s from <%s>" % (sizeof, header))
-			ctx.end_msg(ctx.get_define(name))
-			return
-		except Errors.ConfigurationError:
-			pass
-	raise # never reached.
+    sizeof_ns = sizeof.replace(" ", "_")
+    name = "NTP_SIZEOF_%s" % sizeof_ns.upper()
+    header_snippet = ""
+    if header:
+        ctx.start_msg("Checking sizeof %s (%s)" % (sizeof, header))
+        header_snippet = "#include <%s>" % header
+    else:
+        ctx.start_msg("Checking sizeof %s" % (sizeof))
+    for size in range(2, 13):
+        try:
+            ctx.check_cc(
+                fragment=SIZE_FRAG_CROSS % (header_snippet, sizeof, size),
+                features="c",
+                execute=False,
+                mandatory=mandatory,
+            )
+            ctx.define(name, size, comment="Size of %s from <%s>"
+                       % (sizeof, header))
+            ctx.end_msg(ctx.get_define(name))
+            return
+        except Errors.ConfigurationError:
+            pass
+    raise     # never reached.
 def check_sizeof(*kwargs):
-	if kwargs[0].env.ENABLE_CROSS:
-		return check_sizeof_cross(*kwargs)
-	else:
-		return check_sizeof_host(*kwargs)
+    if kwargs[0].env.ENABLE_CROSS:
+        return check_sizeof_cross(*kwargs)
+    else:
+        return check_sizeof_host(*kwargs)

--- a/wafhelpers/check_sockaddr.py
+++ b/wafhelpers/check_sockaddr.py
@@ -18,20 +18,20 @@ int main(void) {
 def check_sockaddr(ctx):
-	ctx.check_cc(
-		features	= "c",
-		msg         = "Checking for type sockaddr_storage",
-		mandatory	= False,
-		comment		= "Whether sockaddr_storage exists"
-	)
+    ctx.check_cc(
+        fragment=SOCKADDR_STORAGE_FRAG,
+        define_name="HAVE_STRUCT_SOCKADDR_STORAGE",
+        features="c",
+        msg="Checking for type sockaddr_storage",
+        mandatory=False,
+        comment="Whether sockaddr_storage exists"
+    )
-	ctx.check_cc(
-		fragment	= SA_LEN_FRAG,
-		define_name = "ISC_PLATFORM_HAVESALEN",
-		features	= "c",
-		msg         = "Checking for sockaddr->sa_len",
-		mandatory	= False,
-		comment		= "Whether sockaddr.sa_len exists"
-	)
+    ctx.check_cc(
+        fragment=SA_LEN_FRAG,
+        define_name="ISC_PLATFORM_HAVESALEN",
+        features="c",
+        msg="Checking for sockaddr->sa_len",
+        mandatory=False,
+        comment="Whether sockaddr.sa_len exists"
+    )

--- a/wafhelpers/check_structfield.py
+++ b/wafhelpers/check_structfield.py
@@ -12,17 +12,18 @@ int main(void) {
 def check_structfield(ctx, fld, type, hdrs, mandatory=False):
-        name = "STRUCT_%s_HAS_%s" % (type.upper(), fld.upper().replace('.', '_'))
-        src = ""
-        for hdr in hdrs:
-                src += "#include <%s>\n" % hdr
-        ctx.check_cc(
-                fragment    = TYPE_FRAG % (src, type, fld),
-                define_name = name,
-                execute     = False,
-                msg         = "Checking for %s in struct %s" % (fld, type),
-                mandatory   = mandatory,
-                comment         = "Whether struct '%s' has field '%s'" % (fld, type)
-        )
+    name = "STRUCT_%s_HAS_%s" % (type.upper(), fld.upper().replace('.', '_'))
+    src = ""
+    for hdr in hdrs:
+        src += "#include <%s>\n" % hdr
+    ctx.check_cc(
+        fragment=TYPE_FRAG % (src, type, fld),
+        define_name=name,
+        execute=False,
+        msg="Checking for %s in struct %s" % (fld, type),
+        mandatory=mandatory,
+        comment="Whether struct '%s' has field '%s'" % (fld, type)
+    )

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