[Git][NTPsec/ntpsec][master] 6 commits: waf.py: conform to pep8

Gary E. Miller gitlab at mg.gitlab.com
Tue Jan 3 22:57:08 UTC 2017

Gary E. Miller pushed to branch master at NTPsec / ntpsec

8af04cf3 by Gary E. Miller at 2017-01-03T14:41:41-08:00
waf.py: conform to pep8

- - - - -
b08a15c1 by Gary E. Miller at 2017-01-03T14:44:49-08:00
util.py: conform to pep8

- - - - -
599b16bf by Gary E. Miller at 2017-01-03T14:46:15-08:00
tool.py: conform to pep8

- - - - -
a0136c71 by Gary E. Miller at 2017-01-03T14:47:03-08:00
test.py: conform to pep8

- - - - -
6f967315 by Gary E. Miller at 2017-01-03T14:48:09-08:00
rtems_trace.py: conform to pep8

- - - - -
adfe834b by Gary E. Miller at 2017-01-03T14:56:27-08:00
refclock.py: conform to pep8

- - - - -

6 changed files:

- wafhelpers/refclock.py
- wafhelpers/rtems_trace.py
- wafhelpers/test.py
- wafhelpers/tool.py
- wafhelpers/util.py
- wafhelpers/waf.py


--- a/wafhelpers/refclock.py
+++ b/wafhelpers/refclock.py
@@ -8,186 +8,189 @@ from waflib.Logs import pprint
 refclock_map = {
-	"local": {
-		"descr":	"Undisciplined Local Clock",
-		"define":	"CLOCK_LOCAL",
-		"file":		"local"
-	},
-	"spectracom": {
-		"descr":	"Spectracom GPS Receivers",
-		"define":	"CLOCK_SPECTRACOM",
-		"file":		"spectracom"
-	},
-	"truetime": {
-		"descr":	"TrueTime GPS/GOES/OMEGA Receivers",
-		"define":	"CLOCK_TRUETIME",
-		"file":		"truetime"
-	},
-	"generic": {
-		"descr":	"Generic Reference Driver (Parse)",
-		"define":	"CLOCK_GENERIC",
-		"require":	["parse"],
-		"file":		"generic"
-	},
-	"magnavox": {
-		"descr":	"Magnavox MX4200 and related GPS receivers",
-		"define":	"CLOCK_MAGNAVOX",
-		"require":	["ppsapi"],
-		"file":		"magnavox"
-	},
-	"arbiter": {
-		"descr":	"Arbiter 1088A/B GPS Receiver",
-		"define":	"CLOCK_ARBITER",
-		"file":		"arbiter"
-	},
-	"modem": {
-		"descr":	"NIST/USNO/PTB Modem Time Services",
-		"define":	"CLOCK_MODEM",
-		"file":		"modem"
-	},
-	"nmea": {
-		"descr":	"Generic NMEA GPS Receiver",
-		"define":	"CLOCK_NMEA",
-		"file":		"nmea"
-	},
-	"pps": {
-		"descr":	"PPS Clock Discipline",
-		"define":	"CLOCK_PPS",
-		"require":	["ppsapi"],
-		"file":		"pps"
-	},
-	"hpgps": {
-		"descr":	"Hewlett Packard 58503A GPS Receiver",
-		"define":	"CLOCK_HPGPS",
-		"file":		"hpgps"
-	},
-	"shm": {
-		"descr":	"Shared Memory Driver",
-		"define":	"CLOCK_SHM",
-		"file":		"shm"
-	},
-	"trimble": {
-		"descr":	"Trimble Navigation GPSes",
-		"define":	"CLOCK_TRIMBLE",
-		"file":		"trimble"
-	},
-	"oncore": {
-		"descr":	"Motorola UT Oncore GPS",
-		"define":	"CLOCK_ONCORE",
-		"require":	["ppsapi"],
-		"file":		"oncore"
-	},
-	"jupiter": {
-		"descr":	"Rockwell Jupiter GPS",
-		"define":	"CLOCK_JUPITER",
-		"require":	["ppsapi"],
-		"file":		"jupiter"
-	},
-	"dumbclock": {
-		"descr":	"Dumb Clock",
-		"define":	"CLOCK_DUMBCLOCK",
-		"file":		"dumbclock"
-	},
-	"jjy": {
-		"descr":	"JJY Receivers",
-		"define":	"CLOCK_JJY",
-		"file":		"jjy"
-	},
-	"zyfer": {
-		"descr":	"Zyfer GPStarplus Receiver",
-		"define":	"CLOCK_ZYFER",
-		"file":		"zyfer"
-	},
-	"neoclock": {
-		"descr":	"NeoClock4X - DCF77 / TDF serial line",
-		"define":	"CLOCK_NEOCLOCK",
-		"file":		"neoclock"
-	},
-	"gpsd": {
-		"descr":	"GPSD NG client protocol",
-		"define":	"CLOCK_GPSDJSON",
-		"file":		"gpsd"
-	}
+    "local": {
+        "descr":    "Undisciplined Local Clock",
+        "define":   "CLOCK_LOCAL",
+        "file":     "local"
+    },
+    "spectracom": {
+        "descr":    "Spectracom GPS Receivers",
+        "define":   "CLOCK_SPECTRACOM",
+        "file":     "spectracom"
+    },
+    "truetime": {
+        "descr":    "TrueTime GPS/GOES/OMEGA Receivers",
+        "define":   "CLOCK_TRUETIME",
+        "file":     "truetime"
+    },
+    "generic": {
+        "descr":    "Generic Reference Driver (Parse)",
+        "define":   "CLOCK_GENERIC",
+        "require":  ["parse"],
+        "file":     "generic"
+    },
+    "magnavox": {
+        "descr":    "Magnavox MX4200 and related GPS receivers",
+        "define":   "CLOCK_MAGNAVOX",
+        "require":  ["ppsapi"],
+        "file":     "magnavox"
+    },
+    "arbiter": {
+        "descr":    "Arbiter 1088A/B GPS Receiver",
+        "define":   "CLOCK_ARBITER",
+        "file":     "arbiter"
+    },
+    "modem": {
+        "descr":    "NIST/USNO/PTB Modem Time Services",
+        "define":   "CLOCK_MODEM",
+        "file":     "modem"
+    },
+    "nmea": {
+        "descr":    "Generic NMEA GPS Receiver",
+        "define":   "CLOCK_NMEA",
+        "file":     "nmea"
+    },
+    "pps": {
+        "descr":    "PPS Clock Discipline",
+        "define":   "CLOCK_PPS",
+        "require":  ["ppsapi"],
+        "file":     "pps"
+    },
+    "hpgps": {
+        "descr":    "Hewlett Packard 58503A GPS Receiver",
+        "define":   "CLOCK_HPGPS",
+        "file":     "hpgps"
+    },
+    "shm": {
+        "descr":    "Shared Memory Driver",
+        "define":   "CLOCK_SHM",
+        "file":     "shm"
+    },
+    "trimble": {
+        "descr":    "Trimble Navigation GPSes",
+        "define":   "CLOCK_TRIMBLE",
+        "file":     "trimble"
+    },
+    "oncore": {
+        "descr":    "Motorola UT Oncore GPS",
+        "define":   "CLOCK_ONCORE",
+        "require":  ["ppsapi"],
+        "file":     "oncore"
+    },
+    "jupiter": {
+        "descr":    "Rockwell Jupiter GPS",
+        "define":   "CLOCK_JUPITER",
+        "require":  ["ppsapi"],
+        "file":     "jupiter"
+    },
+    "dumbclock": {
+        "descr":    "Dumb Clock",
+        "define":   "CLOCK_DUMBCLOCK",
+        "file":     "dumbclock"
+    },
+    "jjy": {
+        "descr":    "JJY Receivers",
+        "define":   "CLOCK_JJY",
+        "file":     "jjy"
+    },
+    "zyfer": {
+        "descr":    "Zyfer GPStarplus Receiver",
+        "define":   "CLOCK_ZYFER",
+        "file":     "zyfer"
+    },
+    "neoclock": {
+        "descr":    "NeoClock4X - DCF77 / TDF serial line",
+        "define":   "CLOCK_NEOCLOCK",
+        "file":     "neoclock"
+    },
+    "gpsd": {
+        "descr":    "GPSD NG client protocol",
+        "define":   "CLOCK_GPSDJSON",
+        "file":     "gpsd"
+    }
 def refclock_config(ctx):
-	from wafhelpers.refclock import refclock_map
-	if ctx.options.refclocks == "all":
-		ids = refclock_map.keys()
-	else:
-		# XXX: better error checking
-		ids = ctx.options.refclocks.split(",")
-	ctx.env.REFCLOCK_SOURCE = []
-	# Remove duplicate IDs while preserving order.
-	unique_id = []
-	[unique_id.append(x) for x in ids if x not in unique_id]
-	refclock = False
-	for id in unique_id:
-		if id not in refclock_map:
-			ctx.fatal("'%s' is not a valid Refclock ID" % id)
-		rc = refclock_map[id]
-		if rc['define'] == "CLOCK_GENERIC":
-			parse_clocks = (
-				"CLOCK_DCF7000",
-				"CLOCK_HOPF6021",
-				"CLOCK_RCC8000",
-				"CLOCK_SEL240X",
-				"CLOCK_WHARTON_400A",
-			)
-			for subtype in parse_clocks:
-				ctx.define(subtype, 1, comment="Enable individual parse clock")
-		ctx.start_msg("Enabling Refclock %s (%s):" % (rc["descr"], id))
-		if "require" in rc:
-			if "ppsapi" in rc["require"]:
-				if not ctx.get_define("HAVE_PPSAPI"):
-					ctx.end_msg("No")
-					pprint("RED", "Refclock \"%s\" disabled, PPS API has not been detected as working." % rc["descr"])
-					continue
-		ctx.env.REFCLOCK_SOURCE.append((rc["file"], rc["define"]))
-		ctx.env["REFCLOCK_%s" % rc["file"].upper()] = True
-		ctx.define(rc["define"], 1, comment="Enable '%s' refclock" % rc["descr"])
-		ctx.env.REFCLOCK_LIST += [str(id)]
-		ctx.end_msg("Yes")
-		refclock = True
-	if refclock:
-		ctx.env.REFCLOCK_ENABLE = True
-		ctx.define("REFCLOCK", 1, comment="Enable refclock support")
+    from wafhelpers.refclock import refclock_map
+    if ctx.options.refclocks == "all":
+        ids = refclock_map.keys()
+    else:
+        # XXX: better error checking
+        ids = ctx.options.refclocks.split(",")
+    ctx.env.REFCLOCK_SOURCE = []
+    # Remove duplicate IDs while preserving order.
+    unique_id = []
+    [unique_id.append(x) for x in ids if x not in unique_id]
+    refclock = False
+    for id in unique_id:
+        if id not in refclock_map:
+            ctx.fatal("'%s' is not a valid Refclock ID" % id)
+        rc = refclock_map[id]
+        if rc['define'] == "CLOCK_GENERIC":
+            parse_clocks = (
+                "CLOCK_COMPUTIME",
+                "CLOCK_DCF7000",
+                "CLOCK_HOPF6021",
+                "CLOCK_MEINBERG",
+                "CLOCK_RAWDCF",
+                "CLOCK_RCC8000",
+                "CLOCK_SCHMID",
+                "CLOCK_SEL240X",
+                "CLOCK_TRIMTAIP",
+                "CLOCK_TRIMTSIP",
+                "CLOCK_VARITEXT",
+                "CLOCK_WHARTON_400A",
+            )
+            for subtype in parse_clocks:
+                ctx.define(subtype, 1, comment="Enable individual parse clock")
+        ctx.start_msg("Enabling Refclock %s (%s):" % (rc["descr"], id))
+        if "require" in rc:
+            if "ppsapi" in rc["require"]:
+                if not ctx.get_define("HAVE_PPSAPI"):
+                    ctx.end_msg("No")
+                    pprint("RED",
+                           "Refclock \"%s\" disabled, PPS API has not "
+                           "been detected as working." % rc["descr"])
+                    continue
+        ctx.env.REFCLOCK_SOURCE.append((rc["file"], rc["define"]))
+        ctx.env["REFCLOCK_%s" % rc["file"].upper()] = True
+        ctx.define(rc["define"], 1,
+                   comment="Enable '%s' refclock" % rc["descr"])
+        ctx.env.REFCLOCK_LIST += [str(id)]
+        ctx.end_msg("Yes")
+        refclock = True
+    if refclock:
+        ctx.env.REFCLOCK_ENABLE = True
+        ctx.define("REFCLOCK", 1, comment="Enable refclock support")

--- a/wafhelpers/rtems_trace.py
+++ b/wafhelpers/rtems_trace.py
@@ -4,5 +4,6 @@ from waflib.TaskGen import feature, after_method
 def rtems_trace(self):
-	if self.env.RTEMS_TEST_ENABLE:
-		self.link_task.env.LINK_CC = self.env.BIN_RTEMS_TLD + self.env.RTEMS_TEST_FLAGS + ['--']
+        if self.env.RTEMS_TEST_ENABLE:
+                self.link_task.env.LINK_CC = self.env.BIN_RTEMS_TLD \
+                    + self.env.RTEMS_TEST_FLAGS + ['--']

--- a/wafhelpers/test.py
+++ b/wafhelpers/test.py
@@ -2,39 +2,40 @@ from __future__ import print_function
 from waflib.Logs import pprint
 def test_write_log(ctx):
-	file_out = "%s/test.log" % ctx.bldnode.abspath()
+        file_out = "%s/test.log" % ctx.bldnode.abspath()
-	log = getattr(ctx, 'utest_results', [])
+        log = getattr(ctx, 'utest_results', [])
-	if not log:
-		return
+        if not log:
+                return
-	with open(file_out, "w") as fp:
-		for binary, retval, lines, error in ctx.utest_results:
-			fp.write("BINARY      : %s\n" % binary)
-			fp.write("RETURN VALUE: %s\n" % retval)
-			fp.write("\n*** stdout ***\n")
-			fp.write(str(lines))
-			fp.write("\n*** stderr ***\n")
-			fp.write(str(error))
-			fp.write("\n\n\n")
+        with open(file_out, "w") as fp:
+                for binary, retval, lines, error in ctx.utest_results:
+                        fp.write("BINARY      : %s\n" % binary)
+                        fp.write("RETURN VALUE: %s\n" % retval)
+                        fp.write("\n*** stdout ***\n")
+                        fp.write(str(lines))
+                        fp.write("\n*** stderr ***\n")
+                        fp.write(str(error))
+                        fp.write("\n\n\n")
-	pprint("BLUE", "Wrote test log to: ", file_out)
+        pprint("BLUE", "Wrote test log to: ", file_out)
 def test_print_log(ctx):
-	for binary, retval, lines, error in ctx.utest_results:
-		pprint("YELLOW", "BINARY      :", binary)
-		pprint("YELLOW", "RETURN VALUE:", retval)
-		print("")
+        for binary, retval, lines, error in ctx.utest_results:
+                pprint("YELLOW", "BINARY      :", binary)
+                pprint("YELLOW", "RETURN VALUE:", retval)
+                print("")
-		if retval or error:
-			pprint("RED", "****** ERROR ******\n")
+                if retval or error:
+                        pprint("RED", "****** ERROR ******\n")
-			print(error or lines)
+                        print(error or lines)
-		if (not retval) and (not error):
-			pprint("GREEN", "****** LOG ******\n", lines)
+                if (not retval) and (not error):
+                        pprint("GREEN", "****** LOG ******\n", lines)
-		print("")
+                print("")

--- a/wafhelpers/tool.py
+++ b/wafhelpers/tool.py
@@ -1,9 +1,14 @@
 from waflib.Logs import pprint
 def check_sanity(ctx, cond, lib):
-	define = "HAVE_%s" % lib.upper()
+        define = "HAVE_%s" % lib.upper()
-	if cond and (not ctx.get_define(define)):
-		pprint("RED", "Warning %s headers detected, binaries do not build/run" % lib)
-	elif (not cond) and ctx.get_define(define):
-		pprint("RED", "Warning %s headers not detected, binaries build/run" % lib)
+        if cond and (not ctx.get_define(define)):
+                pprint("RED",
+                       "Warning %s headers detected, binaries do not build/run"
+                       % lib)
+        elif (not cond) and ctx.get_define(define):
+                pprint("RED",
+                       "Warning %s headers not detected, binaries build/run"
+                       % lib)

--- a/wafhelpers/util.py
+++ b/wafhelpers/util.py
@@ -1,55 +1,59 @@
 import re
 from waflib.Logs import pprint
 def msg(str):
-	pprint("YELLOW", str)
+        pprint("YELLOW", str)
 def msg_setting(name, val):
-	pprint("NORMAL", "  %-30s: " % name, sep="")
-	pprint("YELLOW", val)
+        pprint("NORMAL", "  %-30s: " % name, sep="")
+        pprint("YELLOW", val)
 # Borrowed from waf/docs/book/wscript in the Waf Project.
 re_xi = re.compile('''^(include|image)::(.*?.(txt|\\{PIC\\}))\[''', re.M)
 def ascii_doc_scan(self):
-	p = self.inputs[0].parent
-	node_lst = [self.inputs[0]]
-	seen = []
-	depnodes = []
-	while node_lst:
-		nd = node_lst.pop(0)
-		if nd in seen: continue
-		seen.append(nd)
-		code = nd.read()
-		for m in re_xi.finditer(code):
-			name = m.group(2)
-			if m.group(3) == '{PIC}':
-				ext = '.eps'
-				if self.generator.rule.rfind('A2X') > 0:
-					ext = '.png'
-				k = p.find_resource(name.replace('{PIC}', ext))
-				if k:
-					depnodes.append(k)
-			else:
-				k = self.inputs[0].find_resource(name)
-				if k:
-					depnodes.append(k)
-					node_lst.append(k)
-	return [depnodes, ()]
+        p = self.inputs[0].parent
+        node_lst = [self.inputs[0]]
+        seen = []
+        depnodes = []
+        while node_lst:
+                nd = node_lst.pop(0)
+                if nd in seen:
+                    continue
+                seen.append(nd)
+                code = nd.read()
+                for m in re_xi.finditer(code):
+                        name = m.group(2)
+                        if m.group(3) == '{PIC}':
+                                ext = '.eps'
+                                if self.generator.rule.rfind('A2X') > 0:
+                                        ext = '.png'
+                                k = p.find_resource(name.replace('{PIC}', ext))
+                                if k:
+                                        depnodes.append(k)
+                        else:
+                                k = self.inputs[0].find_resource(name)
+                                if k:
+                                        depnodes.append(k)
+                                        node_lst.append(k)
+        return [depnodes, ()]
 def parse_version(config):
-	with open("VERSION", "r") as f:
-		version_string = f.read().split(" ")[0].strip()
-		[major, minor, rev] = version_string.split(".")
-		map = {
-			# "NTPS" for NTPSec -- this avoids any naming collisions
-			"NTPSEC_VERSION_MAJOR" : int(major),
-			"NTPSEC_VERSION_MINOR" : int(minor),
-			"NTPSEC_VERSION_REV" : int(rev)
-		}
-	config.update(map)
+        with open("VERSION", "r") as f:
+                version_string = f.read().split(" ")[0].strip()
+                [major, minor, rev] = version_string.split(".")
+                # "NTPS" for NTPSec
+                # this avoids any naming collisions
+                map = {"NTPSEC_VERSION_MAJOR": int(major),
+                       "NTPSEC_VERSION_MINOR": int(minor),
+                       "NTPSEC_VERSION_REV": int(rev)}
+        config.update(map)

--- a/wafhelpers/waf.py
+++ b/wafhelpers/waf.py
@@ -2,71 +2,73 @@ from waflib.Configure import conf
 from waflib.TaskGen import feature, before_method
 import os
 def insert_blddir(self):
-	bldnode = self.bld.bldnode.parent.abspath()
-	self.includes += [bldnode]
+        bldnode = self.bld.bldnode.parent.abspath()
+        self.includes += [bldnode]
 def insert_srcdir(self):
-	srcnode = self.bld.srcnode.abspath()
-	self.includes += ["%s/include" % srcnode]
+        srcnode = self.bld.srcnode.abspath()
+        self.includes += ["%s/include" % srcnode]
 def insert_libiscdir(self):
-	srcnode = self.bld.srcnode.abspath()
-	self.includes += ["%s/libisc/include/" % srcnode]
+        srcnode = self.bld.srcnode.abspath()
+        self.includes += ["%s/libisc/include/" % srcnode]
 def insert_libiscpthreaddir(self):
-	srcnode = self.bld.srcnode.abspath()
-	self.includes += ["%s/libisc/pthreads/include/" % srcnode]
+        srcnode = self.bld.srcnode.abspath()
+        self.includes += ["%s/libisc/pthreads/include/" % srcnode]
 def manpage_subst_fun(task, text):
-	return text.replace("include::../docs/", "include::../../../docs/")
+        return text.replace("include::../docs/", "include::../../../docs/")
 def manpage(ctx, section, source):
-	if ctx.env.MANDIR:
-		manprefix = ctx.env.MANDIR
-	elif os.path.isdir("/usr/man"):
-		manprefix = "/usr/man"
-	else:
-		manprefix = "/usr/share/man"
-	if not manprefix.endswith("/"):
-		manprefix += "/"
+        if ctx.env.MANDIR:
+                manprefix = ctx.env.MANDIR
+        elif os.path.isdir("/usr/man"):
+                manprefix = "/usr/man"
+        else:
+                manprefix = "/usr/share/man"
+        if not manprefix.endswith("/"):
+                manprefix += "/"
-        #ctx.install_files(manprefix + "man%s/" % section, source.replace("-man.txt", ".%s" % section))
+        # ctx.install_files(manprefix + "man%s/" % section,
+        #                   source.replace("-man.txt", ".%s" % section))
-	if not ctx.env.ENABLE_DOC or ctx.env.DISABLE_MANPAGE:
-		return
+        if not ctx.env.ENABLE_DOC or ctx.env.DISABLE_MANPAGE:
+                return
-	ctx(
-		features    = "subst",
-		source      = source,
-		target      = source + '.man-tmp',
-		subst_fun   = manpage_subst_fun
-	)
+        ctx(features="subst",
+            source=source,
+            target=source + '.man-tmp',
+            subst_fun=manpage_subst_fun)
-	ctx(source=source + '.man-tmp', section=section)
+        ctx(source=source + '.man-tmp', section=section)
 def ntp_test(ctx, **kwargs):
-	bldnode = ctx.bldnode.abspath()
-	tg = ctx(**kwargs)
+        bldnode = ctx.bldnode.abspath()
+        tg = ctx(**kwargs)
-	args = ["%s/tests/%s" % (bldnode, tg.target), "-v"]
+        args = ["%s/tests/%s" % (bldnode, tg.target), "-v"]
-	if hasattr(tg, "test_args"):
-		args += tg.test_args
+        if hasattr(tg, "test_args"):
+                args += tg.test_args
-	tg.ut_exec = args
+        tg.ut_exec = args

View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.com/NTPsec/ntpsec/compare/859c748e05b4664c372815f2f6de8dc039517aec...adfe834b30f71ad2238f4180a1ccce653cd59bc2
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