[Git][NTPsec/ntpsec][master] Deleted 1 commit: Directory structure for RPM and RPM spec file

Eric S. Raymond gitlab at mg.gitlab.com
Tue Aug 22 18:59:23 UTC 2017

Eric S. Raymond pushed to branch master at NTPsec / ntpsec

WARNING: The push did not contain any new commits, but force pushed to delete the commits and changes below.

Deleted commits:
53276859 by Keane Wolter at 2017-08-22T10:45:36-04:00
Directory structure for RPM and RPM spec file

- - - - -

6 changed files:

- + packaging/rpmbuild/BUILD/keep
- + packaging/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/keep
- + packaging/rpmbuild/RPMS/keep
- + packaging/rpmbuild/SOURCES/ntpsec-0.9.7.tar.gz
- + packaging/rpmbuild/SPECS/ntpsec.spec
- + packaging/rpmbuild/SRPMS/keep


--- /dev/null
+++ b/packaging/rpmbuild/BUILD/keep

--- /dev/null
+++ b/packaging/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/keep

--- /dev/null
+++ b/packaging/rpmbuild/RPMS/keep

Binary files /dev/null and b/packaging/rpmbuild/SOURCES/ntpsec-0.9.7.tar.gz differ

--- /dev/null
+++ b/packaging/rpmbuild/SPECS/ntpsec.spec
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+Name:		ntpsec
+Version:	0.9.7
+Release:	1%{?dist}
+Summary:	A secure, hardened, and improved implementation of Network Time Protocol derived from NTP Classic, Dave Mills’s original.
+License:	BSD
+URL:		https://www.ntpsec.org/
+Source0:	ftp://ftp.ntpsec.org/pub/releases/ntpsec-0.9.7.tar.gz
+NTPsec, as its name implies, is a more secure NTP. Our goal is to deliver code that can be used with confidence in deployments with the most stringent security, availability, and assurance requirements.
+Towards that end we apply best practices and state-of-the art technology in code auditing, verification, and testing. We begin with the most important best practice: true open-source code review. The NTPsec code is available in a public git repository. One of our goals is to support broader community participation.
+BuildRequires:  bison openssl-devel libcap-devel libseccomp-devel pps-tools-devel libcap openssl-libs pps-tools avahi-compat-libdns_sd-devel
+%global debug_package %{nil}
+%setup -q
+# %%configure
+./waf configure
+# %%make_install
+./waf install

--- /dev/null
+++ b/packaging/rpmbuild/SRPMS/keep

View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.com/NTPsec/ntpsec/commit/53276859ad3b3d1f27a368f8f2f2466ba778b852

View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.com/NTPsec/ntpsec/commit/53276859ad3b3d1f27a368f8f2f2466ba778b852
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