[Git][NTPsec/ntpsec][master] Make f8dot3() not crash on bad input.

Gary E. Miller gitlab at mg.gitlab.com
Tue Aug 8 22:29:24 UTC 2017

Gary E. Miller pushed to branch master at NTPsec / ntpsec

75c50a7c by Gary E. Miller at 2017-08-08T15:28:20-07:00
Make f8dot3() not crash on bad input.

f8dot3() expect a float, but sometimes gets other things...

- - - - -

1 changed file:

- pylib/util.py


--- a/pylib/util.py
+++ b/pylib/util.py
@@ -389,6 +389,7 @@ def f8dot4(f):
     if str(float(f)).lower() == 'nan':
         # yes, this is a better test than math.isnan()
+        # it also catches None, strings, etc.
         return "     nan"
     fmt = "%8d"          # xxxxxxxx
@@ -402,7 +403,7 @@ def f8dot4(f):
         elif f < 1000000.0:
             fmt = "%8.1f"    # xxxxxx.x
-        # f < 0
+        # negative number, account for minus sign
         if f > -100.0:
             fmt = "%8.4f"      # -xx.xxxx  normal case
         elif f > -1000.0:
@@ -417,22 +418,29 @@ def f8dot4(f):
 def f8dot3(f):
     "Scaled floating point formatting to fit in 8 characters"
+    if str(float(f)).lower() == 'nan':
+        # yes, this is a better test than math.isnan()
+        # it also catches None, strings, etc.
+        return "     nan"
+    fmt = "%8d" % f          # xxxxxxxx or -xxxxxxx
     if f >= 0:
         if f < 10000.0:
-            return "%8.3f" % f    # xxxx.xxx  normal case
+            fmt = "%8.3f"    # xxxx.xxx  normal case
         elif f < 100000.0:
-            return "%8.2f" % f    # xxxxx.xx
+            fmt = "%8.2f"    # xxxxx.xx
         elif f < 1000000.0:
-            return "%8.1f" % f    # xxxxxx.x
-        return "%8d" % f          # xxxxxxxx
-    if f > -1000.0:
-        return "%8.3f" % f      # -xxx.xxx  normal case
-    elif f > -10000.0:
-        return "%8.2f" % f      # -xxxx.xx
-    elif f > -100000.0:
-        return "%8.1f" % f      # -xxxxx.x
-    return "%8d" % f            # -xxxxxxx
+            fmt = "%8.1f"    # xxxxxx.x
+    else:
+        # negative number, account for minus sign
+        if f > -1000.0:
+            fmt = "%8.3f"    # -xxx.xxx  normal case
+        elif f > -10000.0:
+            fmt = "%8.2f"    # -xxxx.xx
+        elif f > -100000.0:
+            fmt = "%8.1f"    # -xxxxx.x
+    return fmt % f 
 # A hack to avoid repeatedly hammering on DNS when ntpmon runs.

View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.com/NTPsec/ntpsec/commit/75c50a7c0e81332aa81d9e4c614a990cf49d923b

View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.com/NTPsec/ntpsec/commit/75c50a7c0e81332aa81d9e4c614a990cf49d923b
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