[Git][NTPsec/ntpsec][master] 11 commits: Proof read hacking.txt, mostly converting links to https

Eric S. Raymond gitlab at mg.gitlab.com
Sun Apr 9 12:32:24 UTC 2017

Eric S. Raymond pushed to branch master at NTPsec / ntpsec

8e594f73 by Sanjeev Gupta at 2017-04-01T00:51:05+08:00
Proof read hacking.txt, mostly converting links to https

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79954307 by Sanjeev Gupta at 2017-04-01T01:07:28+08:00
Proofread INSTALL

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ff590b2e by Sanjeev Gupta at 2017-04-01T01:16:19+08:00
Warn CENTOS6 users while installing outdated asciidoc

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71902a29 by Sanjeev Gupta at 2017-04-02T23:32:25+08:00
Proof read hacking.txt, mostly converting links to https

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cc0022f2 by Sanjeev Gupta at 2017-04-02T23:32:25+08:00
Proofread INSTALL

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aea8dc1a by Sanjeev Gupta at 2017-04-02T23:32:25+08:00
Warn CENTOS6 users while installing outdated asciidoc

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d40a23cc by Sanjeev Gupta at 2017-04-02T23:32:56+08:00
Merge branch 'HACKING' of gitlab.com:ghane0/ntpsec into HACKING

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c478251e by Sanjeev Gupta at 2017-04-09T15:58:23+08:00
Proof read hacking.txt, mostly converting links to https

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f5fa1219 by Sanjeev Gupta at 2017-04-09T15:58:23+08:00
Proofread INSTALL

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cfd4f2aa by Sanjeev Gupta at 2017-04-09T15:58:23+08:00
Warn CENTOS6 users while installing outdated asciidoc

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dc536b4a by Sanjeev Gupta at 2017-04-09T16:00:58+08:00
Merge branch 'HACKING' of gitlab.com:ghane0/ntpsec into HACKING

- - - - -

3 changed files:

- buildprep
- devel/hacking.txt


@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ asciidoc, a2x::
    documentation masters.  Only required if you configured with --enable-doc.
    Note, you need asciidoc 8.6.0 at minimum.
    Debian/Ubuntu: asciidoc
-   Fedora/CentOS: asciidoc  (Stock CentOS/RHEL has only 8.4.5, you must upgrade)
+   Fedora/CentOS: asciidoc  (CentOS/RHEL6 has only 8.4.5, you must upgrade)
    Gentoo: app-text/asciidoc
    SLES: asciidoc
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ Under Unix, the simplest way to compile this package is:
   1. `cd' to the directory containing the package's source code and
-  2. Run `./buildprep' as root to get your prerequisites installed. 
+  2. Run `./buildprep' as root to get your prerequisites installed.
   3. Run `./waf configure' to configure the package for your system.
   You may want to add configuration options after the verb 'configure';
@@ -177,7 +177,6 @@ exists on your system.
 When this happens, it is likely that the header has prerequisites
 on your system that waf configure doesn't know about - that is,
 other headers always need to be included before it in C programs.
 Please report this as a bug, along with your platform details.
 == Installation Names ==
@@ -260,7 +259,7 @@ Configure NTPSec with:
   waf configure --cross-compiler=/path/to/your/cross/cc
-There are also --cross-cflags and --cross-ldflags to supply the cross compiler 
+There are also --cross-cflags and --cross-ldflags to supply the cross compiler
 with appropriate values.
 == Statistics ==

--- a/buildprep
+++ b/buildprep
@@ -209,6 +209,8 @@ doc () {
 		$install app-text/asciidoc
+                echo "# Please check that you asciidoc is at least 8.6.0"
+		echo "# You may nee to enable EPEL repositories"
 		$install asciidoc

--- a/devel/hacking.txt
+++ b/devel/hacking.txt
@@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ to a minimum.
 Time-critical code must be written in C. Use Python for any code that
 is not time-critical, as this reduces line count and complexity (thus,
 also, expected defect rates). If you need a NTP-specific C function
-not available in Python, try to improve the libntpc extension to
-expose it.
+not available in Python, try to improve the libntpc extension
+in ../libntp/pymodule.c to expose it.
 The only scripting language allowed and supported other than Python is
 POSIX sh (this is more restricted than bash!).  Python is preferred, as
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ C99 is a coding standard, not an ABI standard, so it can happily
 coexist with distributions that use C89 conventions.
 You can download the C99 standard for free from here:
-    http://atrey.karlin.mff.cuni.cz/projekty/vrr/doc/c99.pdf
+    https://atrey.karlin.mff.cuni.cz/projekty/vrr/doc/c99.pdf
 You *may* use C11-style anonymous unions.
@@ -83,9 +83,9 @@ cause buffer overruns and (all too often) exploitable security holes:
 * strtok: use strtok_r() or unroll this into the obvious loop.
 * gets: Use fgets instead.
 * gmtime(), localtime(), asctime(), ctime(): use the reentrant *_r variants.
-* tmpnam() - use mkstemp() or tmpfile() instead.
+* tmpnam(): use mkstemp() or tmpfile() instead.
-Do not rely on dirname() being re-entrant, and assume it will modify
+Do not rely on dirname() being reentrant, and assume it will modify
 (truncate) its argument. The Linux version is re-entrant, but this
 property is not portable.
@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ object.
 You can read about JSON at http://www.json.org/
 Be aware that if you present a tool design with a messy output format
-and no JSON option it is quite likely to be rejected.
+and no JSON option, it is quite likely to be rejected.
 Our preferred format for dates is RFC 3339 (a version of ISO 8601 for
 UTC with some options frozen; full year required, medial T required,
@@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ to contribute a patch to the project.
 We use the SPDX convention for inclusion by reference.  You can read
 about this at
-      http://spdx.org/licenses
+      https://spdx.org/licenses
 When you create a new file, mark it as follows (updating the year)
 as required:
@@ -538,13 +538,13 @@ should be able to use "git stash" to get around that.
 This is the release checklist to be used by the project manager to cut
 each 0.9.X release.
-. Decide that it is time to cut a release.  This decision can be driven by landing
-  a significant new feature, landing a critical fix, or just that enough
-  time has passed with ongoing improvements and fixes.
+. Decide that it is time to cut a release.  This decision can be driven
+  by landing a significant new feature, landing a critical fix, or just
+  that enough time has passed with ongoing improvements and fixes.
-. Email a warning message to the mailto:devel at ntpsec.org list, and ask the major
-  contributors to chime in, and to each assure that the .../NEWS file
-  and the .../devel/TODO file is up to date.
+. Email a warning message to the mailto:devel at ntpsec.org list,
+  and ask the major contributors to chime in, and to each assure
+  that the .../NEWS file and the .../devel/TODO file is up to date.
 . Wait for the contributors to answer and for the discussion
   to settle down.  If the discussion suggests that now is not a good
@@ -559,6 +559,6 @@ each 0.9.X release.
 . Modify the .../NEWS file, changing the "Repository head".
   to the current date and the version string.
-. Run the "release" script in this directory.
+. Run the "release" script in this (devel) directory.

View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.com/NTPsec/ntpsec/compare/e26d967963b593285886957ee79027837c70b81f...dc536b4a1cfd08a991b09f9d69805cf0ce891d69
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