[Git][NTPsec/ntpsec][master] Fix commit 947849ef6230e0ee01d8b947dc67b74e37a7197e:

Matt Selsky gitlab at mg.gitlab.com
Wed Apr 5 06:28:47 UTC 2017

Matt Selsky pushed to branch master at NTPsec / ntpsec

b4e8f20b by Eric Hopper at 2017-04-04T22:43:18-07:00
Fix commit 947849ef6230e0ee01d8b947dc67b74e37a7197e:

Use spaces, not tabs.

- - - - -

1 changed file:

- tests/wscript


--- a/tests/wscript
+++ b/tests/wscript
@@ -66,25 +66,25 @@ def build(ctx):
     if ctx.env.REFCLOCK_GENERIC:
         # libparse only available/required wth generic refclock
-	# libparse/
-	libparse_source = [
-	    "libparse/ieee754io.c",
-	] + common_source
+        # libparse/
+        libparse_source = [
+            "libparse/ieee754io.c",
+        ] + common_source
-	ctx.ntp_test(
-	    defines=unity_config + ["TEST_LIBPARSE=1"],
-	    features="c cprogram bld_include src_include libisc_include test",
-	    includes=["%s/tests/unity/" % srcnode,
-		      "%s/tests/libparse/" % srcnode,
-		      "%s/tests/common/" % srcnode
-		      ] + ctx.env.PLATFORM_INCLUDES,
-	    install_path=None,
-	    lib=["parse"],
-	    libpath=["libparse"],
-	    source=libparse_source,
-	    target="test_libparse",
-	    use="unity ntp isc parse M PTHREAD CRYPTO RT SOCKET NSL",
-	)
+        ctx.ntp_test(
+            defines=unity_config + ["TEST_LIBPARSE=1"],
+            features="c cprogram bld_include src_include libisc_include test",
+            includes=["%s/tests/unity/" % srcnode,
+                      "%s/tests/libparse/" % srcnode,
+                      "%s/tests/common/" % srcnode
+            ] + ctx.env.PLATFORM_INCLUDES,
+            install_path=None,
+            lib=["parse"],
+            libpath=["libparse"],
+            source=libparse_source,
+            target="test_libparse",
+            use="unity ntp isc parse M PTHREAD CRYPTO RT SOCKET NSL",
+        )
     ntpd_source = [
 #        "ntpd/filegen.c",

View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.com/NTPsec/ntpsec/commit/b4e8f20b32f7647dc07be8d653128dfe23059e6d
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